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After taking a shower to wash away the sand from the beach and to think about the sorta kiss you had with Sabo. You joined Ace in the kitchen to make supper.

Did that count as a kiss?

Did Sabo even want that?

All these thoughts ran through your head as you prepped the chicken for the oven. Ace was next to eating cheese that was supposed to be used for the baked potatos.

"Will you stop that. At this rate we'll just have plain baked potatos," you scolded Ace as you snatched the cheese away from him. You couldn't understand why Thatch thought it would be a good idea to put Ace on cooking duty.

Seriously Thatch, did you not think he was going to eat all the food?

"So mean~ By the way I saw you making out with Sabo," Ace teased. He wiggled his eyebrows up and down in a suggestive manner, a teasing smirk on his face. You slapped the freckled goon upside the head wipong the smirk of his face as he rubbed the back of his head.

"We didn't make out! It was barely even a kiss, Luffy interupted the moment." You huffed out stuffing the chicken quite aggressively, poor chicken. Ace held his hands up in defence not wanting to be treated like the chicken.

"So... you did want to make out with my brother?" Ace questioned timidly, he got back to work on the potatos putting them in the second oven that was below the first one; this kitchen was so nice it had to ovens.

"Yes I did. I like Sabo a lot okay." You puffed out turning away from the ravenette to start working on the macaroni salad, a lot of food was needed when it came to these brothers.

"You like him? Well I guess it's a good thing you two are sharing a room," Ace teased the smile on his face soon disappearing when he saw your distasteful glare. "Kidding, kidding but in all seriousness... Sabo likes you too."

All the blood rushed to your face, the sound of your heart pumping rapidly in your chest was all you could hear. Your eyes opened wide as you turned to look at Ace, the look he had in his eyes told you he wasn't messing with you like he usually did. If you'd known the blode liked you too, you would have madeout with him a lot sooner.

"Y-your for real right now?" You asked, you wanted to make sure he was telling you the complete truth.

"Yeah, I wouldn't lie about this. I actually think you two would be really cute together," Ace told you, you nodded your head to every word he said still a little dazed from this information.

What do I do?

Do I just go tell Sabo I like him?

Do I finish that kiss we almost had?

You could feel your brain malfunctioning as you tried to figure out what to do, all the while a giddy smile was forming on your face. The boy you liked actually liked you back; you thought that only happened in the movies. You turned back to the pot of boiling pasta and started to device a plan on how to tell Sabo you liked him.

"Um... are you okay?" Ace asked, you just nodded your head and continued making the macaroni.

~Time Skip~

Dinner was something. You and Sabo sat across from eachother, the two of you trying to avoid eye contact with one another. Luffy was trying to steal food off of Ace's and Marco's plates, they were sat closest to him. Thatch was able to eat his food in peace with his younger brother distracted, the older brother kept shifting his gaze between you and Sabo.

"Everything alright you two?" Thatch asked, Sabo looked over at his older brother before he took a quick glance at you then looking back down at his plate, picking at the food on his plate.

"Nothing, I'm just tired. Plus Ace is a hastle to cook with," you tossed a teasing jab at said brother, a pout on his face. His brothers snickering at the comment.

"Yeah I'm tired too. We had a long drive here and we went swimming as well," Sabo agreed with you. But you could tell he was lying, the both of you had a long nap on the car ride here, you guys didn't even swim for that long and the volleyball game you all played was short lived when the ball popped. No you were pretty sure Sabo was being quiet for the same reason you were; you both shared an almost kiss and you both liked one another.

"Hmmm, well the master bed is the comfiest bed in the house so you two should get a nice sleep." Thatch said, you'd almost forgotten you were sharing a room with the handsome blonde, you glanced at him quickly to see that his cheeks were sporting a nice shade of red on them. Yours probably were too.

How am I supposed to get any sleep with Sabo next to me?

You decided to just shovel your food into your mouth not sure how to respond, out of the corner of your eyes you could see both Marco and Ace giving you and Sabo suggestive looks. They obvisoully saw through your guy's little lie as well. Dinner was uneventful after that, Luffy, Sabo, and Ace were playing on the gaming console. Thatch and Marco were washing dishes and you went up to your temporary bedroom to read one of the various books you brought with you.

After two hours of reading you grabbed a pair of pyjamas making your way into the ensuite to get changed and brush your teeth. You were suddenly regreting your choice in night wear, it had been hot out lately and despite the brothers saying it got cold at night here, you had decided to bring booty shorts and tank tops to use as pyjamas. Now looking at yourself in the mirror you were aware of how much skin you were showing off.

At home you would have thought nothing about wearing this type of sleep wear, but now you realized that the shorts showed off most of your ass and that the tank top was just thin enough that the outlines of your nipples were very visible.

Why the hell didn't I listen to those idiots when they told me to bring warm pyjamas?

You were going to go downstairs and join the brothers in playing whatever game they were playing on the console. But now you thought it'd just be best to continue reading your book in bed with the duvet pulled up to your ears.

"That book must be really good." Sabo said as he entered the bedroom, you looked at the clock hanging above the door that read 10:45pm.

"Uhh... yeah it sorta just sucks you in." You told the blonde, you watched as he grabed his pyjamas from his bag and headed into the bathroom. You marked the page you were on inyour book and rested it on the nightstand next to the bed. You snuggled further under the covers, you became acutely aware that this master bed was actually a lot smaller then what you thought it was.

OH MY GOD! Sabo is definatly going to notice my lack of clothes.

Sabo emerged from the bathroom dressed in striped pyjama pants and a black short sleeved top. He shut off the bedroom light and crawled into bed with you.



"Are... are you wearing any clothes?"

"Yes... go to sleep Sabo."

Camping with Idiots  (SaboxReader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon