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"Sorry that you have to take care of me. You probably wanted to go hiking with the others," Sabo sighed. After returning to the cabin from the hospital, Thatch decided to take Luffy hiking since the little guy was still full of energy. Naturaly Marco and Ace went with them, even though the doctor advide Ace to take it easy for the rest of the day.

"Don't apologize. Plus hiking wouldn't be much fun without my favorite person," you admitted to the blonde. You sat on the endge of the bed with a bowl of tomato soup that you were waiting for it to cool down before feeding it to Sabo.

"Favorite person?" Sabo echoed, his widened eyes staring dibelievingly at you.

"Mhmm." Was all you said while you nodded your head gently, you got some soup onto the spoon and brought it to Sabo's lips. He quickly gobbled the soup down while continuing to stare you down, waiting for an answer.

"I came camping with you guys because you said you'd like it if I came along. I'm completely fine with sharing a room with you, I wouldn't want to share with anyone else. And I almost kissed you at the lake the other day, I would have made it a proper kiss but Luffy interupted us," you confessed. You kept looking up at Sabo then back down to the tomato soup, spinning the spoon idly.

Sabo stayed quiet for a while, a long while, you weren't sure if you should speak up or feed him soup.

"Does... does that mean you like me?" Sabo questioned slowly his cheeks sporting a lovely shade of red on them. He took the bowl from your hands, placing it on the nightstand next to the bed.

"Y-Yeah that is what I'm saying," you fixed your gaze properly on Sabo, him doing the same. The two of you started to lean closer to each other, your lips centimeters apart. You could feel his hot breath fan your lips as you paused for a slight second to stare into his shining blue eyes, making sure he really wants this.

When you saw there was no hesitation in his eyes just love, you fully pressed your lips to his. Electricty flowed through both your lips as the kiss deepened, Sabo's hands wrapped around your waist pulling you onto his lap. Your fingers tangled themselves in his blonde locks, his tongue gently prodded at your lips asking for entrance which you happily gave him. His tongue grazed over your teeth then began playing with your tongue as quickly as the kiss started you were quick to pull away.

"We *huff* should continue this later. After you've gotten all better," you smirked giving Sabo a kiss on his pouting lips. You wanted the kiss to last longer, but you thought it would be better for him to rest instead of getting him all riled up with his concussion.

"You're probably right." Sabo smiled he grabbed his bowl of soup literally finishing it in one gulp, his arms shot to your waist pulling you down into the bed with him. "At least take a nap with me."

A smile spread across your own lips as you cuddled into Sabo's arm chest, your eyes falling close.

~Time Skip~

You woke up sometime later the sun was starting to set outside, you could hear the door open and close downstairs siganlling the brothers had returned from their hike.

Next to you Sabo was still snoring peacefully, his arm still wrapped around your waist loosely. Deciding to let the blonde get more sleep you quitly untangled yourself from him, making your way downstairs. Right away you noticed Ace spread eagle on the couch, his eyes closed and his hair caked in mud.

Why does he have mud in his hair?

Thatch, Marco, and Luffy came out of the kitchen they also had mud in their hair, and their faces, and their clothes. They were just covered head to toe in mud.

What did they do on that hike?

"Hey (Y/N), how's Sabo doing?" Thatch asked you, he had a wet rag in his hand as he tried to wipe some mud from his face. It didn't help much, all four of them would need a shower.

"Good. He's sleeping right now, he had some soup earlier but he'll most likely be hungry when he wakes up." You answered looking the muddy brother up and down. "You guys need to shower. Feel free to use the ensuite shower, I'll get started on supper."

"Heh, yeah thanks," Thatch sighed out giving up on using the rag. He allowed Luffy and Ace to go shower first, while him and Marco sat in the backyard.

"What happened to guys anyways?" You were very curious as to now what went on,on the hike.

"A cat yoi."

"A cat...?"

"Yep a cat." Marco sighed in defeat. "We came across it on the hike yoi. Luffy was worried about it being eaten by hawks or something, so he decided it'd be best to bring it back here. That cat was crafty yoi. We chased it through dense overgrowth, a pond that was just full of mud really, until we finally got it into Thatch's car yoi."

A snort left your lips as you imagined the brothers running through the woods chasing after some lost house cat.

"And now that little monster is probably scratching up my car seats." Thatch groaned rubbing his forehead.

"Why'd you leave the poor thing in the car? I'll go grab him," you said. You went inside grabbing Thatch's keys, you could hear Thatch and Marco yelling at you 'to leave the monster cat alone'. You ignored them as you put your shoes on and went out to Thatch's car, through the window you could see a grey ball of fluff jumping from seat to seat.

You slid open the back door and the small cat leaped straight into your arms, he little meows as he cuddled into your chest.

How's this a monster cat?

You held the little fellow close as you made your way back inside, he continued to rub his face against yours. Both Thatch and Marco looked at you worriedly from the back window as you set the kitten on the kitchen counter. You searched through the cabinets pretty sure you had seen some cans of tuna, when you finally found them you opened up the can giving it to the cat.

"What's that thing doing in here?" Ace questioned as he walked into the kitchen, Luffy behind him a happy smile on his face as soon as he saw the grey kitten, Luffy ran up to the cat to pet him but stopped soon as the little fluff ball started hissing at him. "That thing is mean."

"No he's not, he was purring a me when I brought him in. He's probably just thinks you guys are mean because you chased him through the woods," you pointed out to the freckled brother. To further prove your point you started to pet the cat, purrs leaving his throat as he pressed his furry body into your hand. "See."

"Whatever." Ace huffed out, he sat himself down at the kitchen table and glared at the little kitten. Foot steps came down the stairs as Sabo appeared in the kitchen a blanket over his shoulders, he saw the cat and walked over to him scratching beehind the little guys ears causing the cat to purr louder.

"Yeah the cat definetly doesn't like you guys for chasing him through the woods." You stated, you pulled some ground beef out of the fridge so you could make chili. Thatch and Marcoshuffled back into the house, flinching when the cat growled at them, for such a little guy he sure had a deep growl. The two oldest brothers hurried upstairs to go take their own showers. "Haha two grown men scared of a cute little fluff ball."

The kitten finished his food quickly and hopped from the counter it was sitting on to the counter you were prapering supper on, stretching his little body so try and climb up your shoulder. You felt your heart melt a little at the cuteness of the little guy, you scooped the kitten into your arms, walking over to Sabo, handing him the kitten. While you would have loved to keep holding the cat, you had to get supper done.

"Are we keeping him?" Sabo asked Ace, his brother just shot him a glare.

"No way. That thing made us chase him half way through the forest and all he does is hiss at us," Ace barked out the kitten hissing at his words like he could understand what Ace was saying. Sabo held the kitten closer to himself to calm the little guy down which worked as the kitten started to purr once again.

"I'll keep him. I've wanted a cat for a while but I've been busy with work so I thought it be best to hold off on such an idea. And he's a sweet little guy Ace," you huffed out at the freckled brother who pouted at you. You swear you saw a smug look spread across the grey kitten's face.

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