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You and Sabo sat in the back seats of Thatch's vechile once again as you guys were all packed and ready for the long drive back home.

Monster was curled up on your lap, fast asleep. Luffy and Ace sat in the middle row the two snoring loudly as it was still early in the morning; the sun hadn't even come up yet. Marco sat in the passenger seat, earbuds in probably to drown out his brothers snoring, while Thatch was in the driver's seat pulling out of the driveway of the cabin.

Your head rested on Sabo's shoulder, this time he didn't tense up, he rubbed gentle circles on your arm which caused you to drift asleep.

Later when you woke up, you found yourself alone in the car with Monster which caused your heart beat to pick up a little. The first thought that came to your mind was that the brothers pulled over to take a piss then got jumped while their pants were down. Well that's what you thought until you realized you were in a parking lot.

To the left of the parking lot was a small diner/convience store, to the right of the parking lot was a small playgroung where you saw Sabo and Luffy goofing off on the small play structure.

You moved Monster off of your lap, the kitten going back to sleep on the seat next to you. Seeing as all the windows were open and there was a nice breeze you decided it would be fine to leave the fluff ball in the car.

You stretched your arms above your head as you stepped out of the car, you bounced over to Sabo and Luffy the two of them taking turns pushing each other on the tire swing. When Sabo saw you coming over he gave his little brother a big push that would last a while.

"You have a good nap?" Sabo asked as he gave you a peck on the cheek, his arms going around your waist.

"Mhmm you make a good pillow," you teased as you placed your hands on his shoulders, pulling yourself up a bit to place a sweet kiss to his lips before pulling away. "You could have waken me up when we stopped here though. I was afraid something happened when I woke up and you weren't there."

"But you looked so cute I didn't wanna wake you~" Sabo gave you a playful peck on the nose which caused you to giggle.

"Sabo I need another push!" Luffy whined out making you laugh even harder as Sabo went to go give his little brother another push. Before Sabo could give Luffy a push, you hopped onto the tire swing with the youngest brother.

Sabo kept the two of you spinning as you guys waited for the other brothers. Laughs left your's and Luffy's lungs as the two of held onto the chains of the tire swing tightly while your eyes tried to focus on the world around you.

Ace was the first to come out of the convience store three shopping bags in his hands. Luffy was quick to jump off the tire swing when he noticed his freckled faced brother eating a chocolate bar. With the tire swing suddenly off balance you nearly fell off if it weren't for Sabo catching you, he helped you off the swing and the two of you wondered over to Ace and Luffy.

"Here." Ace mumbled over a mouthful of chocolate, he handed you one of the shopping bags which had an assortment of snacks and drinks in it. You thanked Ace and then went back to the car to check on Monster, Sabo joining you.

To your relief Monster was still sleeping in the back seat and hadn't jumped out one of the open windows like you thought he would. You picked up your cat and placed him back on your lap while Sabo sat down next to you. Soon the rest of the brothers joined you guys and you were all back on the road.

The sun was starting to set over the many corn fields that you guys passed; painting the sky orange and pink. There was still another two hours before you guys would reach the city, once there you would stay with the brothers at their house for the night before going home in the morning.

You took this quiet time to pull out your notebook and started to write down some ideas you had floating around in your head. You managed to get most of what your ideas written down before the sun allowed the moon to take over, you slipped your notebook back into your bag making sure not to wake Monster.

You looked over to Sabo, the blonde had his head leaned against the window, his left fist tucked under his chin as he snored softly. You moved closer to him, wrapping your arms around his waist as you rested your head on his shoulder. Sabo stirred a little only to pull you closer to himself, much to your delight.

" 'Night." Ilight kiss was pressed to the top of your head as you slowly drifted off to sleep.

Camping with Idiots  (SaboxReader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ