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My voice is so weak.


Yoongi feels himself almost melt against her sweet voice as he leans stands up, his eyes filling with tears.

"Nanami....what were you thinking? What...what happened?"

"Yoongi...just let this happen...let the baby go..."

"Nanami she's my child. I'm not letting her go. Where are you?"

"I'm going away Yoongi. You need to let this baby go."

Yoongi feels his blood begin to boil as he grits his teeth, his voice nothing but a deep hiss.

"You went behind my back and tried to give our child away. You signed your rights away and tried to send her off overseas. The first time I'm hearing from you in all of this shit, you tell me to let it go? Let her go? Our daughter?!"

"Yoongi you know It's for the best! She deserves better parents!"

"Better parents?! I haven't even had a chance to BE a parent Nanami! How dare you try to say I wasn't her father and make these doctors all look at me like a psycho!"

"Yoongi stop yelling at me. I'm already not feeling good as it is."

"Yeah bwcause usually a mother stays in the hospital and allows herself to get better! But oh no, you had to pack your shit and leave me! Why weren't you honest with me in the first place?!"

"Yoongi. I will have to talk to you when you are in a calmer mood."

Yoongi looks out the window at the sun rising above the trees, hia body now practically delirious from lack of sleep.

"You know what Nanami? This DNA test is going to come back, and she's going to be mine. I will take care of her, and raise her. She will grow up and be successful, and I will make sure to tell her how great her mother was."


"I hope you bleed to death you stupid bitch."

Yoongi calmly hangs up the phone and stands silent for a moment before rearing his arm back and chucking his phone as hard as he can against the stone wall, black phone pieces and shattered screen glass lacing the linoleum floor.


"I'm fine. I need a new number anyway."

"Hyung...don't you think you were a bit harsh-"

"Nothing is too harsh. She knows exactly what she tried to do. She also knows what I'll have to do now."

"What...what's that?.."

"I'm going to have to retire from the group."


Jungkook stands up out of his chair with tears in his eyes, his head shaking back and forth violently.

"Hyung no! We can figure it out!"

"I don't want to just figure it out. I'm going to retire and become a music producer like I was going to in the first place. It's the only way to do this."

"Hyung think about this....we're a family..."

Yoongi looks over at Jungkook with sad eyes, his smile shattering the younger's heart.

"I'm all she has Jungkookie....her mother doesn't even want her. She's gone almost three days without anyone even holding her. I can't go on tours and have thirteen hour dance practices anymore...I'm a dad..."

Yoongi watches Jungkook nod and settle back down in his seat, the air in the room heavy and dull.

"So...we aren't going to be seven anymore..."

"Guys it was going to happen sometime anyway, but we will ALWAYS be seven. Even if we all live in different countries we are together. Yoongi Hyung needs us now more than ever. We need to step up as her uncles and show her she has a giant family, because Yoongi Hyung has six brothers."

Yoongi looks over at Namjoon in shock as he smiles and walks up to him, a pink handled bag in his hand.

"Here's my gift Yoongi Hyung, I want you to open it."

These guys...

"Thank you..."

Yoongi reaches in the bag and pulls out a tiny pair of red converse, giggles filling the room.

"Converse? Really?"

"I had to! It brings back good times."

"That song had nothing to do with a baby."


"I love it! Thank you!"

"Hyung open mine too!"

Yoongi nods and grabs the plain black bag while tugging out the item, his eyes rolling when he sees the red bag.

"Seriously? You got my baby a bag like yours?"

"I almost got her a Kermit one! But...they were all too big.."

"Thank you Hobi."

"Wah-ha! No one will be able to beat MY present, it's like someone trying to have a face more handsome than mine!"

Yoongi rolls his eyes and grabs the bag from Seokjin, his hands pulling out a giant RJ plush and a tiny RJ plush to match.

"That way the baby can always have Uncle Jin with her."

"Um...thank you...Jin Hyung.."

"No problem!"

"Hyung! Tae and I are getting the baby something later, we couldn't get her what we wanted to we haven't had enough time."

"It's fine you guys...thank you for the gifts...this means a lot."

"We'll have an official welcome home party for the baby once this is all sorted out and you get some rest."

I really do have the best family ever..

My heart still hurts though...

Nanami...sounded so insensitive...

She sounded so cold...

Her honey sweet tone was gone...

She told me just to let the baby go...how could she do that?

How could she so easily throw everything we had down like this?

Yoongi sets all the gifts back in their bags while running his hands through his now oily hair, his body feeling ragged from the lack of sleep.

It's been two days...

I should be hearing from the doctor soon...

I feel like I'm going to die.

Yoongi watches the same people go by the waiting room to check on their patients as he sighs, hos anxiety skyrocketing when he hears the sliding glass door opening slowly.

"Mr. Min?"


"The doctor has sent in your results."

Oh my God.

(A/N): *Giggles deviously*

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