Special: The Story of Yoongi and Nanami

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(Yoongi's POV)

{Before Maki}

Ah....I'm so bored....

When can I go home and sleep...

Dropping to the dance floor covered in sweat from yet another practice Yoongi throws his arms out at his sides, his sore legs pumping with subtle aches from the complicated choreography.

I'm so tired....

Why do I feel so odd lately....I feel...empty for some reason...it seems these dance routines are getting harder and harder with every album we put out.

"That's all for today everyone, have a good night."


Pushing his sore body up into a sitting position and dabbing the sweat off of his forehead with his T-shirt the male groans when Jimin pats him on the back, his cheeky eye smile lightening the gloomy cloud hanging over Yoongi's head.

"Hyung! Do you wanna go get a drink with me? There's an awesome club that opened up down the street from here. We could go to the dorms and get ready then check it out!"

"I'm not the party type Jimin-ah....I'm tired I think I'm just going home."

"...Awwww come on Hyung! You need to have some fun! Lately you've just been all work and no play, what if you meet a pretty girl and flirt it up hmmmmm?"

"You know that's outside of the scope of what we do Jimin-ah, and I'm not the kind to have a fling if that's what you're trying to imply."

"Ehhh...no need to bring out your fancy vocabulary with me Hyung. Fine then, don't go, go sit in the dorms by yourself again."

There isn't anything fun to do anymore anyway.

Why go out and sit in a gross sweat smelling club filled with drunk people.

Slinging his duffel bag over his shoulder and stepping out of the practice room the boys walk down to the lobby together and talk amongst themselves, Yoongi's frown deepening even further.

I feel weird...like I'm even disconnected from the guys...I feel like life is passing me by...leaving me behind....

I feel like there's something missing from me.....but I don't have any idea what it is...

I have it all....

I have money, I have fame, I have the guys as my brothers.....I just....I feel guilty...because it doesn't feel like enough....

"Eh?! A new club is opening up tonight?! Nanami we have to go! We have to check it out!"

"Aha...YiMeon...I'm not sure..."

The second the sweet mousey voice emits from the girls lips Yoongi's eyes immediately snap over to the two women standing at one of the desks, his entire face suddenly overcome from the girl's flawless beauty.

...Woah......Who....is that...

For what seems like forever Yoongi's eyes never leave the female standing at the desk clad in a small black dress hugging her thin waist, her dark silky straight ebony hair swishing against the middle of her back.


What is this feeling in my chest?...

It's...warm...I can't explain it...

"YiMeon I'm not sure if I'm the party type, I'll probably just go home and stay in...I'm new here anyway..."

"All the more reason for you to get out and meet people! Plus this is the city, it's crawling with celebrities you could become friends with and hit the big times!"

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