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(Yoongi's POV)

Finally...I'm off work.

Getting back into the black SUV with excitement coasting through his veins Yoongi sets the giant bags full of chicken and sweet potatoes in the seat beside him, his lips already twisted into a wide smile.

I know Y/N said she wants to cook...but I could tell this morning when I left she was really tired...so I'll surprise her with some chicken and a nice bottle of wine.

Leaning his head back against the warm seat Yoongi pulls out his phone and looks at the texts Y/N sent earlier in the day, his feet shaking like a giddy teenager.

I can't wait to get back home and see them...everyday I miss Maki and Y/N more...I wish I could stay home with them every single day...

When the car pulls up to the back of the apartment building Yoongi quickly hops out of the vehicle and holds the bags close to his body as he makes his way up the elevator and down the hallway to his front door, his hand fumbling around in his pocket for his keys.

Oh come on.

Once he gets the keys out and unlocks the door Yoongi walks into the semi dark apartment while looking around, only the soft sound of music coming from his room the only noise in the house.


Setting the bags down on the table and stepping into the living room Yoongi looks over at the couch, his entire body filling to its brim with warmth and admiration.

"Ah...I knew you were tired..."

When his eyes land on Y/N and Maki asleep on the couch he quietly walks over and leans down, his fingers pushing the stray hairs out of her eyes.

"You're so beautiful."

Carefully pulling the sleeping baby out of her arms Yoongi holds Maki close to him and walks into her bedroom, his lips pressing a small kiss on her warm forehead.

"Aish kid. Look at us now."

Laying Maki down in her crib and covering her up with her pink blanket Yoongi sets the pink bunny and octopus inside of the crib as he stays at her side for a moment to gaze at her with admiration, his lips pressing together in a small grin.

"You have quite a good picker Maki. Y/N is pretty great. I think she'll be around for a while...hopefully she always likes us, right?"

Tapping the side of the crib and stepping out of the bedroom Yoongi grabs his laptop and quietly lifts up Y/N's legs so they can rest on his lap, his heart jolting when she lets out a small whine from being disturbed.

I'll let you sleep...you deserve the rest...

Laying his head on the back of the couch and gazing at the woman beside him lovingly Yoongi reaches down and rubs the exposed skin of her thigh, his lips stretching into another smile.

I hope you stay with me for a long time Y/N-ah...I want to show you a better life than you've been handed...show you a life of love...I should have figured it out sooner...the reason Maki connected with you wasn't your natural motherly instinct you possess....

It was because just like her...you were both lacking something you could give eachother...

A real emotional connection.

{Y/N's POV}



Where's Maki.

Snapping your eyes open and quickly looking at your chest you see your legs carefully laid over Yoongi's lap and a pillow resting on them, black glasses set on the bridge of his nose as he types away on his laptop sitting on top of the pillow.


"Hey Y/N-ah."

"What...what time is it? Where's Maki?"

"It's eight o'clock, and Maki is in her crib. I put her in there earlier."

A huge sigh of relief exhales from your chest as you lay back down on the pillow and shyly pull them blanket over you, your lips pushing out into a small pout.

"I wanted to wake up earlier and make dinner....and take a shower."

"You looked so peaceful I didn't want to wake you up. I know I hate being woken up from naps."

Carefully pulling your legs from Yoongi's lap and sitting up you quickly comb your fingers through your messy hair to fix it, your eyes staying on Yoongi's relaxed form.

"Did you just get home?"

"Mhm. I've been here about ten minutes, I brought home chicken and sweet potatoes."


"I knew you would probably be asleep, you looked tired this morning."

Setting his laptop and pillow aside you let out a small gasp when Yoongi grabs your waist and pulls you onto his lap, his eyes glittering with love and playfulness.

"I missed you."


"I missed you too.."

"Can I have a kiss?"

As a wide smile splays across your face you lean down and place a tender kiss on his lips, your arms softly wrapping around his neck in a loving embrace.

"Of course you can."

"Did you have a good day?"

"Yeah...I gave Maki a bath and cleaned up a bit before I fell asleep...oh! I can't forget! Maki learned another word!"

"She did?"

"Mhm! She learned how to say Eomma...she said it to me..."

Feeling slightly nervous you feel Yoongi's thumbs drawing small circles on the backs of your arms, his head lightly nodding with the same playfulness his eyes carry.

"I know."

"You...wait you do?"

"Mhm. I taught her to say it. I wanted her to surprise you."

So that's why she would whisper it and act all silly...what a smart baby.

"Yoongi...are you...are you comfortable with her calling me that?..."

Letting out a deep sigh Yoongi nods and allows you to get off his lap and sit beside him, his tender gaze suddenly swirling with a deep look of sadness and disappointment.

"Yeah...I...Maki's never met her mother."


"No. Not once. I uh...h-how about I get us a glass of wine hmm? Then we can talk..."

Watching his nervous form stand up and make its way to the kitchen you lay your head on the back of the couch to watch him, a small tugging pain ebbing in your chest.

So Maki never knew her mother...

Poor Yoongi...

Who would possibly leave him?...

I guess I'll find out....

(A/N): 🤭

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