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Five o'clock...Yoongi should be home soon...

Why am I so nervous?

It's just stew?

It isn't like I'm going to stay..

Your hands slightly shake while tugging on Maki's bloomers after changing her diaper, her binky bouncing up and down in her mouth as she stares at you with amusement.

"Aigoo what's got you so happy today Maki? You've been less judgmental than usual."

Maki smiles wide and kicks her legs as you pick her up and hold her against you, her head immediately laying on your shoulder.


I wish I could hold you all the time and never have to go back to my disgusting apartment.

It's so lonely there...just a constant reminder of my life before...I can't wait to get out of there...maybe I can find a nicer place closer to here so I can be closer to Maki...just in case there was some kind of emergency...

"I'm home."

You turn softly and give Yoongi a smile until you see Jungkook and Jimin follow behind him with bags full of chicken, all their eyes falling on you.


"Hey Y/N!"

Your cheeks turn as red as a fire truck when Jimin comes up to you and stands dangerously close, his eyes glancing down to meet your nervous gaze.

"Wait...are you cooking something?"

Oh no-

"U-Um...Yeah...I'm making a stew.."

"Yoongi Hyung! You said she wasn't cooking anything so I bought all this chicken!"

Why would he say that?

He came home earlier...

Is my cooking actually bad?!

You watch Yoongi just shrug and walk over to you while Maki looks up from your shoulder and smiles up at him, her head bobbing back and forth and leaning against yours.



You feel relief wash over you when Yoongi is beside you as Jimin sets the chicken on the coffee table with a confident smile.

"So does that mean we can eat-"

"You guys can eat the chicken. Y/N worked hard making this."

"So? Doesn't that mean-"

"You invited yourself to my house. You don't get Y/N's cooking."

You try your hardest not to smile seeing Yoongi being protective over your food, Jimin's expression darkening as Jungkook simply avoids you and stands in the kitchen.

"Hyung that isn't fair you tricked me!"

"Just sit down and eat your chicken."

"Ah um...Maki has already had her bath and everything-"

"Why don't you stay Y/N? You can eat this chicken with us!"

"O-Oh! I'm fine! I should really get home! It's getting late anyway..."

You watch Maki's face contort to an odd emotion as you hand her over to Yoongi and quickly grab your purse, your face threatening to explode from the blushing.

"Have a good night Y/N..."

"Have a good night Yoongi."

You practically fly out of the apartment and into the hallway as you press your back against the wall and sigh deeply with sweat beginning to bead on your forehead.

That, was the single most stressful situation I've ever been in!

Three members of BTS right in front of me?!

Staring at me!

Although...Yoongi is more comforting than the others...he's always so calm about everything...I enjoy his company...

Oh well...better go home..


(Yoongi's POV)

"Seriously Hyung?! You blew my chance to wow her with this extreme amount of chicken I bought!"

Yoongi watches Maki bury her head in his neck with a frown on her face as he turns towards Jimin with a confident smirk, his shoulders shrugging lazily.

"I told you it wasn't a good time to come over and you still did it. Plus I've already told you, Y/N doesn't like expensive things. She avoided my driver for a month until this morning. She also refuses to take any of my money to pay for food."

Plus you ruined my chance to have her actually be able to enjoy her own food.

I wanted her to stay and eat with just Maki and I...

"Fine. You win this time Hyung, at least eat with me."

Yoongi smiles and nods while setting Maki down in her bouncy seat as she looks glum, her fingers tugging at the small pink bunny set on the tray.

"What's wrong Maki? Aren't you happy Pa is home?"


"Next thing you know Hyung she's gonna like Y/N more than you."

Wait what-

Can that happen?!

"Wait can that actually happen?"

"Well think about it, you don't get home until Maki is usually asleep and she spends all day with Y/N."

Oh my god.

Yoongi looks down at Maki sadly as she keeps tugging on the bunny and giving it hugs, her puffy lips turned down in a pout.

Is she...beginning to like Y/N more than she likes me?...

I haven't had many days off lately...maybe Jimin is right...

"On a side note, Y/N looks really good in a skirt."

"Jimin please quit talking about my babysitter like that."

"What?! You know it's true!"

"That Noona does look nice in a skirt.."

Both Jimin and Yoongi turn to Jungkook who quietly eats his chicken, Maki's head lifting up along with the pink bunny.



Jungkook looks visibly confused as Maki continues to stare at him and shake the bunny with her arms, her legs kicking and bouncing underneath of her.


"Why is she shaking a rabbit at me?"

"Maybe it's because it looks like you."

"Yoongi Hyung! I don't look like a pink bunny! It has a tutu on!"

"I don't know Jungkookie, I think Yoongi Hyung is right, it does look a lot like you."

"Hyung! That isn't nice!"

All the boys fall into soft laughter as Maki continues to bounce in her seat happily with her bunny, Yoongi's chest blooming with warmth.

Maybe I'll take tomorrow off to spend time with her...I haven't had a full day with Maki in a long time...plus maybe giving Y/N a day off would be good.

I'll call her in the morning...although...Jimin is right...she does look nice in a skirt.

(A/N): cx

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