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(Y/N's POV)

"Aigoo...look at you."


Tugging Maki out of the fresh smelling bath water you quickly wrap her in a towel and carry her into Yoongi's bedroom as she looks up at you with wide playful eyes, her pudgy hands gripping the T-shirt of Yoongi's you're wearing.

"Ah...I forgot to tell your Appa about how you said Eomma...darn...we'll tell him together when he gets home."

"AMA Ama AMA."

"Oooooooo someone smells so fresh and clean."

Placing tiny kisses in Maki's belly you begin rubbing lotion all over her skin as she rolls around on the bed and fills the room with small giggles, your head lightly shaking when she gives you the same mischievous glance her father has.

"Aigoo. Just like your Appa."


"Mhm. Now let's get you dressed."

Happily walking over to the closer you can't help but to bite your lip while grabbing out one of Maki's beautiful outfits, your heart so full of love and warmth it feels as if it will burst.

I'm so happy....

Quickly getting Maki dressed and placing her back into your arms you make your way to the kitchen and open up all of the drawers and cabinets, a small frown appearing on your face.

"I need to go to the market Miss Maki. There isn't any food in here. I've been so busy that I haven't even had time to stock up on popsicles!"


"I know! It's absolutely awful!"

Walking over to the couch and setting Maki on your lap you quietly admire her as she places her hand on your chest and gives you slobbery kisses on your cheeks, her tongue clicking to try and imitate the sound a kiss makes.

"Oh goodness! Look at you Miss Maki! All this love!"

"Ma! Ma!"

"Can you say Eomma for me?"

Maki looks at you shyly and pulls her hands to her chest and lets out a deep giggle, her voice lowering to a small playful whisper.


"Miss Maki!"

Showering the baby in kisses you lay her down on the couch while turning on her favorite cartoons, her head immediately turning towards the tv when she hears the familiar songs.

Gosh...kids and their cartoons.


"Oh Maki! I think your package is here!"

When you hear a small knock at the door you quickly place Maki in her swing and walk over to the door, your eyes lighting up when you see the big box waiting outside the door.


She's going to love this!

Tugging the box inside and to the middle of the living room you sit in front of Maki while ripping the box open, her wondering eyes still staring at the brightly colored characters dancing on the tv.

"Oh Maki you're going to love this you just wait! I ordered this special."

Dumping out all of the contents of the box you begin unfolding the giant rubber pool while reading the instructions, your eyebrows lightly furrowing together.

"Hmm...looks easy enough...I just have to blow this up then we're golden!"


"That...was exhausting..."

Out of breath and covered in a slight film of sweat you begin tearing open the bags of different colored plastic balls and dump them into the pool decorated with different brightly colored flowers, Maki's eyes now beginning to watch your every move.

"Look Miss Maki! Doesn't this look fun?"

Maki cautiously watches you fill up the small rubber pool and gives you small glances the entire time you're filling it up, her tiny eyebrows furrowing with confusion.


"Mhm. This is all for you! It's a special ball pit I saw online. Babies your age should have constant stimulation like this so it helps you to grow."


Feeling your heart jolt with love you lean over and pull Maki out of her swing while slowly beginning to place her down into the shallow ball pit, her toes lightly curling up when they hit the cool plastic.

"See? You can lean against this side and play in it Miss Maki!"


When she's fully sat down in the ball pit you watch her examine her surroundings and clasp her tiny fingers onto one of the colorful balls, her mouth stretching into a wide smile.



Scooting closer to the ball pit you pick up one of the balls and use your other arm to swirl them around as Maki watches you with wide eyes, a small puff of air escaping her chest.


Giggling and grabbing your phone off of the table you snap a few quick pictures and send them to Yoongi, your chest spiking with electricity just thinking about the events from last night and this morning.

To: Yoongi ❤️
Maki likes her new toy I bought her, I think it's a hit.

A few seconds after the text sends you hear your phone buzz and you lean your back against the couch, tapping your feet on the hardwood floor with giddy happiness.

From: Yoongi ❤️
Of course it's a hit, you bought it. Don't work too hard beautiful, I know you're probably tired from last night.

To: Yoongi ❤️
That isn't my fault! 💜 Don't worry handsome, I'm not tired.

From: Yoongi ❤️
Uh huh, 😉 I'll see you both when I get home, remember to rest Y/N-ah 💜 I love you.

To: Yoongi ❤️
I love you too, enjoy work 💜

At this point you feel like you're about to explode as Maki tries to climb out of the ball pit so you climb onto the couch and lay the baby on your chest, your hand pushing her thick dark hair back.

"Oh Maki...I think your Appa really does fancy me."


"Mhm...I love your Appa so much Miss Maki, he really is something special.."

As Maki lays her head on your chest and turns back towards the cartoons you tenderly drag your fingers up and down her tiny back and pull the blanket off the back of the couch over the both of you, a small sigh escaping into the silent room.

"I have to take a shower before your Appa gets home...we'll watch cartoons for a second...then I'll get up and get around for the day..."

This has been the best day ever...I got to wake up in Yoongi's arms...and stay with Maki like this...


I couldn't ask for anymore than this...mmm....

(A/N): UwU

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