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"Wah....We're finally finished with the laundry Miss Maki! What do you think?"


You smile wide and watch Maki kick her legs and flail her arms around in happiness as you grab the towering stacks of laundry and position them nicely on Yoongi's dresser, your eyes sparkling with accomplishment.

I hope he likes this...

He's so busy...if I can do this for him maybe it'll take some stress off of him...

Pulling Maki out of the carrier you lay her down on the couch and grab the stack of diapers and wipes as you begin changing her diaper, her eyes gazing up at you while she chews on her fingers.

"Ewwww you don't need to chew on your fingers! That's gross!"

Maki smiles wide and lets out a small giggle as you hear the lock on the door click, Yoongi walking inside of the door and dropping his keys in the bowl beside the door.

"Oh, Hi Yoongi."


With a smile you pick up Maki and throw the diaper away as you walk up to him, his eyes tight with slight agitation.

"Um..well Maki and I had a pretty good day today. We did some chores and she helped me make a casserole if you're hungry-"

"I already ate out with the guys. Thanks though."

What's gotten into him...

"Um..alright...here you go...I'll see you tomorrow Maki..."

After placing a soft kiss in Maki's head you hand her over to Yoongi and grab your purse, your chest heavy with disappointment.

I can't always expect him to be nice I guess...maybe he's stressed...oh well...I'm just here to babysit Maki anyway...I shouldn't think we could become friends, he's an international superstar for crying out loud.

"Um...have a good night Yoongi.."

"You as well."



(1 Hour prior, Yoongi's POV)

"Hyung! I'm so happy you decided to join us finally!"

"Well, I can this time, Y/N is at home with Maki."

Yoongi grabs his drink and watches all the boys eye him, his gaze becoming cold when he notices them.


"You know Hyung...that Noona is actually really pretty."


Yoongi looks over at Jimin who shrugs his shoulders and smiles, his eyebrows bobbing up and down.

"Oh come on Hyung just admit it, she's actually really pretty, and she cooks well!"

"Jimin stop. She's only been around for a few days."

"So? She's such a pretty Noona and she seems to really like Maki! You could-"

"Jimin. I said stop."

"Jimin Hyung maybe you should quit..."

Yoongi eyes Jungkook warily as the table falls silent, Jin looking at Yoongi with concerned eyes.

"There's no need to be rude Yoongi. Jimin was just calling her pretty."

"She's my nanny for my daughter."

"So? That doesn't change the fact that she has good looks, I mean not as good as mine of course but she has them."

"Yeah Hyung! Maybe I want to shoot my shot with the Noona, I would love for her to cook for me like that."

"You're nasty."

"Hey! I'm not the one that has a kid."

Yoongi sends Jimin a deep glare before grabbing his coat and standing up, everyone looking at him with shocked expressions.

"This has been fun, but Y/N has been with Maki for over twelve hours now. I want to let her go home."

With that, Yoongi takes off out the door of the restaurant and plops down in the seat of his car, his arms crossed at his chest like a child.

Shoot his shot?

As if he would have a shot with Y/N.

I can tell she's a very intelligent person, she wouldn't fall for his boyish antics.

Why do they all keep talking about her anyway, she's nothing special...she's just a worker.

Although...she's what I wish Nanami would have been....I want come home to her...holding our baby and being so excited to see me...instead I got a filthy emptied out apartment and my daughter almost taken from me.

Bitterness swells in Yoongi's chest as he grits his teeth and stares out the window, his foot tapping on the back of the seat with agitation.

Why am I still so frustrated.


"Oh, Hi Yoongi."

Yoongi looks up at Y/N bitterly as he drops his keys and sighs, his tone cold when he speaks.


I'm so agitated.

Why did the guys have to agitate me, this has been going on since this morning.

"Maki and I had a pretty good day today. We did some chores and she helped me make a casserole if you're hungry-"

"I already ate out with the guys. Thanks though."

I can take care of myself.

I don't need her to cook for me.

Yoongi doesn't even hear what Y/N says next as he grabs Maki and watches her leave, his eyes gazing down at Maki who eyes him warily.

"Hello my beautiful girl, how are you today."


"Gosh...such a cold tone Maki."

Yoongi looks down at Maki and walks into his room as he looks at his dresser in shock, his eyebrows furrowing at the piles of laundry.



Did Y/N do all of this?

Aw man...

"So...these are the chores Y/N was talking about..."

Yoongi looks down at Maki, who looks at him with a cold stare and buried her face into his chest.


"After not seeing your Appa all day, all I get is one cold Pa?"




"Although..this is a really cute outfit on you...did Y/N pick this out?..."

Damnit...I was rude...I shouldn't take it out on Y/N just because I'm frustrated...I knew better than to go out with the guys...everything is still kind of raw even though it's been seven months...

Yoongi quietly walks out into the living room after putting Maki in her crib and opens the fridge to grab a water, his heart sinking when he sees the beautiful casserole sitting on the shelf.

"This should taste better than the baby food you ate yesterday ;) I hope you enjoy!" -Y/N

Baby food?

Wait so the ham potatoes-

How did she-

I...ate baby food.

(A/N): Boring I'm sorry 💜

Solitary Affection |MYG Fanfiction|Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon