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The second Jimin releases your face from his grasp you immediately back up and look at him with shock, your fingers moving up to feel your lips.

"I-I'm sorry...I just...um...Y/N I need to tell you something.."

"Y-Yeah that's been made pretty obvious."

You watch his entire face ignite in a deep red blush and his hands glide into the pockets of his pants, his body moving away from yours in embarrassment.

"Y/N...e-ever since I saw you at Yoongi Hyung's house that first day..."

Oh no.


"No wait just please hear me out...I'm sorry I suddenly kissed you...b-but will you come sit down?..."

Sit down?!

He wants me to sit down?!

"Jimin I don't want to sit down I want you to tell me why you suddenly kissed me. I thought I was just a friend-"

"A-And you are!"

"It doesn't seem like it."

"Y/N just listen to me!"

Your breath suddenly catches in your throat and you shuffle your feet uncomfortably as Jimin takes a deep breath and rakes his hand through his hair, his eyes looking at you with desperation and sadness.

"Y/N the second I saw you at Yoongi Hyung's house that first day something just clicked inside of me...automatically I knew that there was some kind of special connection between us...and watching how you made that special food for Yoongi Hyung to bring to work with him...and how loving and caring you are..."

Oh...oh dear...

"I just couldn't help but have feelings for you, everything all of a sudden made sense you know? Whenever I would spend time with you I just felt like all of this was worth it, like you were meant to be placed in front of me so I could really see what I want in life...and what I want...is you.."

So...oh my god I feel so stupid.

All of those things he invited me to....all that time I spent with him thinking he just needed a friend...he was hitting on me the whole time...

I'm not used to this kind of thing...I guess I just didn't see it...with Ryun it was pretty much me doing most of the leg work.....

Allowing your eyes to flick back up to Jimin you watch him walk forward and grasp your hand in his, the warmth and affection in his eyes causing a small blush to spread through your face.


"I know this is sudden and I know that you probably want to say no right now and that's alright but I just want you to think about it..."

"Jimin...you don't even know me.."

"I want to! I want to get to know you Y/N-ah and I want you to become part of my life..."

Oh gosh.

I should have realized this sooner.

"Jimin honestly-"

"Th-Think about it Y/N! Just think, one day, you and I could have a family of our own with a baby like Maki!"

There it is.

Solitary Affection |MYG Fanfiction|Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora