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{Yoongi's POV}

"Alright Maki...let's get you inside to all your new things...your dad made sure to buy you all the nicest furniture the baby store had. I want you to have the best."

I read on the internet it's good to talk to your baby so they can recognize your voice.

Yoongi's keys jingle in his hands as he unlocks the door and pops it open with his shoulder, his entire face losing it's color when he sees the empty room in front of him.


All the living room furniture...

Where...where is all of it?

Still carrying Maki, Yoongi quickly walks through the house and opens every single door, each room the same as the living room, barren and empty.


Oh my God...

She...got rid of all the furniture?...

Yoongi finally gets to his bedroom, where he had spent hours with the boys setting up all of Maki's furniture, his hands shaking when he grabs the doorknob.

Come on.

You couldn't have been this heartless.

When Yoongi quickly opens the door he looks around the room and whimpers, his heart shattering once again when he only sees their king sized bed left in the room.

She sold all of Maki's furniture...

That's how she could afford to get away...

She was always laying in bed when we videochatted...no wonder...

"Oh Maki..."

Yoongi walks into the bedroom and sets the car seat on the floor, his body falling onto the plush mattress.

It still smells like you...

Yoongi quickly scoots to the end of the bed and places his hand on Maki's tiny one as she stretches and reaches out, her tiny fingers wrapping around his one finger.

"That's right Maki...it's just you and I...Appa will get you all new things...if I can just sleep for even an hour...would that be okay?"

Yoongi's eyes gaze down at his sleeping daughter before closing his eyes, the weight of reality crashing down on him.

Why did you do this to me Nanami...

You still never told me why...


*knock knock*



*knock knock knock*


Yoongi's eyes flutter open and he quickly picks up Maki while making his way to the door, 6 boys all standing outside with piping hot boxes of fried chicken.

"Hyung! We brought-"

The boys quickly fall silent when they all look into the empty house, the mood darkening immediately.

"Hyung...where's all your furniture?.."

"Ah...Nanami...sold it all."

"What about Maki's stuff?"

"Do you think I would still be carrying her in her carseat?"

"Sorry Hyung.."

"No I'm sorry Chim. I'm just....I'm just tired..."

Yoongi looks down quickly when he hears Maki shift in her carseat, a tiny whimper emitting from her throat.

"Oh no...she's probably hungry. I need to go to the store."

"Hyung no need! Hobi Hyung, Taetae Hyung and I will go get it all quickly! Come on guys!"

The boys set down their chicken on the barren counter and take off running down the hallway as Yoongi tenderly lifts his baby out of the carseat, her eyes lightly beginning to flutter open.

"Hyung! She's opening her eyes!"

Yoongi tenderly looks down at his daughter as he grazes her cheek with his finger, one small eyeball gazing up at him with admiration.

"Oh Wow...Hi little Maki...It's me...your Appa..."

She moves her little hands around while keeping that one eye on Yoongi, all the boys in the room silent as they watch the tiny baby.

"Hyung she's so cute...I feel like my heart is going to explode.."

"Do you wanna hold her Chim?"

Jimin looks up at Yoongi with fire red cheeks as he nods and sets the chicken down, his arms cradling the baby cautiously.

"She's so tiny...she weighs nothing.."

"Hyung we're back!"

The three boys all pile into the apartment at once with bags on their arms, all their cheeks red and stung by the cold night air.

"Wow...did you guys run or something?"

"Yes! We ran to the market down the street...we bought every kind of bottle and powdered milk stuff. A worker girl also sent these things called, "binkies."


Maki rustles in Jimin's arms and begins to cry as his eyes widen, his entire being stiffening with panic.

"Hyung why is she crying?!"

"I bet she's hungry. How do I make this?"

"I don't know! Does it have directions?"

"Jungkook get me my glasses! Jimin hand Maki-ah to Yoongi and grab the bottle! I'll read off the directions!"

"Yes Hyung!"

Yoongi quickly and tenderly grabs Maki while she balls her tiny hands intk fists and cries, Yoongi's nerves spiking at her wailing.

Oh no..

Poor Maki...

I don't want her to cry!

"Okay Jimin! Are you ready!"

"I'm ready Hyung! Read the directions!"

The baby continues to cry the entire time the boys are mixing the formula in the pink glass bottle, Jimin's legs carrying him quickly across the room to Yoongi.

"Here Hyung! This should be perfect!"

Yoongi quickly grabs the bottle and puts it against Maki's lips, her little tears on her cheeks breaking Yoongi's heart.


I don't like that...I hate that she has tears on her precious cheeks..

Maki quickly calms down and begins sucking on the end of the bottle, her eyes setting on Yoongi while he holds her close to him.

"Thank goodness...guys...thank you...I don't know what I would have done without you guys..."

"It's no problem Hyung. We want to help you with this...Maki is like we all get to have a niece...we'll get you new furniture and stuff Hyung.."

"Don't worry about it Chim. I'll go online and get it all delivered...you guys have been amazing though...Maki is happy because of her Uncles."

Jungkook timidly walks over to the tiny baby and looks down at her, her eyes flicking over to him while making him flinch.

"Well...I guess this is a good time to call Namjoon Hyung.."

"What do you mean?"

"He left with us and he's waiting in the lobby with your present from me and Taetae Hyung!"

(A/N): Some moments will be total crack moments 😂 I want to make a little comedic UwU

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