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"...what are you thinking about?"

Laying on the couch folded up in Yoongi's arms you tilt your head up to look into his stormy eyes, his head tenderly shaking back and forth.

"Nothing baby..."

"It doesn't look like nothing."

A deep sigh escapes Yoongi's lips and gets lost in the silent living room, the only light the small table lamp illuminating his features in a warm orange glow.

"I...I don't like talking about it baby..."

"Is it Maki's mother still?"

"....I'm with you now and I don't want to bring up the past...I have no feelings for that woman and-"


The corners of his eyes tilt down with sadness when you slide your hand up to his cheek and trace your thumb against his lips, tiny goosebumps lifting up on his skin at your simple touch.

"Baby..I just..."

"Yoongi there is nothing wrong with talking about her...you've had no one else to talk to about all of this for so long you can't expect yourself to hold it in. She is still part of your past just as Ryun is part of mine."

"....Yeah but hearing about him makes me want to kick his ass."

Giggling softly and snuggling closer to his warm body you begin pressing tiny kisses on his neck and listen to the sound of his steady breathing, your tone threaded with as much love and admiration possible.

"Yoongi you never got any closure...I know where I stand with Ryun and it was ultimately my decision to leave and start a new life. He knew why and so did it, but you have never been able to feel any of that...she just disappeared and tried to...send away your baby..."

"I feel like it's all my fault."

Yoongi's voice begins to lightly crack and he quickly buries his face into your neck, his arms growing tighter around your exposed waist, your silk robe gliding off of your hip.

"I feel like because I toured...and because I didn't spend as much time with her...that's what scared her away."

Combing your fingers through his hair and lightly kissing behind his ear you nod softly and use your free hand to draw tiny circles on his back, his shoulders relaxing at your touch.

"Yoongi...love...can do many things. I will tell you...if she truly loved you...the distance wouldn't have mattered. You told me yourself you always flew her out to go to fancy restaurants and bought her nice things...that's what she asked of you and you gave it to her...she didn't ask for anymore of your time did she?"

"...no....how...how do you know?..."

"Because if you told me tomorrow that you were going on a tour, I would wait for you as long as I had to."

Suddenly Yoongi looks up at you with a shocked expression and you feel his heartbeat physically quicken, his little breaths fanning the loose hairs on your face.

"You...you would?..."

"Mhm. I know how much music means to you, and I love you. Simple as that."

Yoongi's shocked expression soon turns into a small genuine smile before he rolls over on his back and pulls you close to him, his fingers intertwining with yours.

"I love you so much baby."

"I love you too Yoongi."

"Forever and ever?"

"Longer than forever."

Like giddy teenagers you both fall into giggles and soon you're sitting up on the couch facing eachother, your heads leaned on the back of the feather soft sofa.

"Did Nanami have any hobbies?"

"Other than spending money? No. She was...very materialistic."

"Do you think she'll ever come back around to see Maki?"

"She better not. Before she left the hospital she signed away all of her rights as a parent so she has no business being around my daughter. There is nothing she can say that would make what she did okay....plus...I don't want Maki to know her..."

"Are you going to tell her about her someday?"

"Mhm...when she's old enough to understand...I don't ever want to hide anything from her because she's half Japanese, I want her to know her own cultures and where she came from. I just want to wait because...I don't want her to feel rejected or like she was unwanted...because even if it took me the whole rest of my life...I would have fought for her to the ends of this earth."

"...You're such a good dad Yoongi.."

I wish my parents had been like Yoongi...I wasn't wanted by either of my parents..I understand that feeling...

"You know...Y/N-ah...if you wanted to take up any hobbies you can use my card anytime..."

"The only thing I've ever wanted to be Yoongi is a mom...in my life...I've never strived to be something big...I have just always wanted to have children of my own and be a good mom...I wasn't given a life where you can be a child and dream about hobbies and princess gowns...I've only wanted to be loved...and be able to love.."

Yoongi simply smiles at you warmly and glides his thumb across your knuckles before leaning forward and placing a tiny kiss on your lips, the end of his nose rubbing against yours in a tender butterfly kiss.

"Well you are very loved baby. At this point I think Maki is starting to like you more than me."

"That isn't true. You know how many times a day I have to tell her that you'll be back later?"

"When you're gone at the store, Maki sits by the front door and screams Ma the entire time. I might get her to stop for a couple minutes but then it all starts over again."

"How about we agree that she loves us both equally."

"....Nah she definitely loves you more."


Soon Yoongi tackles you and showers your neck with millions of tiny kisses until he makes it up to your lips, his body moving down to rest on top of yours.

"Ready for bed?"

"Mhm, I'm exhausted."

"Oh? Exhausted?"

"From taking care of the baby all day."

Watching a tiny pout make its way on Yoongi's face you wiggle out of his embrace and quietly crawl under the cool comforter, your eyes squinted to check on Maki who is still sleeping peacefully in her crib.

Precious baby...

You have been blessed with such an amazing dad...

You have no idea how many kids lay in bed at night...

And wish with all their might to have a parent even half as decent as the one you've been given...

(A/N): Im sorry if this was boring, this story is my precious lil anticlimactic drama free story 😂

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