Chapter 2

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5 years before present Agnes POV

I growled in frustration at the paper in front of me. The librarian shrieked something about being quiet. Stupid math. I was doing just fine with it until they started adding letters. That doesn't make any sense.

"Need some help with that?"

I turned my head to face the source of the unfamiliar voice. It was a slouching boy with shaggy blonde hair, lips slightly upturned in a half smile.

My cheeks flushed red. Yeah sure, I had no clue what I was doing sitting in my middle school's library during lunch trying to mentally curse whoever created math, but nobody else needed to know that. He was nice for trying though.

"Oh...that's very sweet of you, but I'm alright!" I threw on a bright smile to accompany that statement.

"Are you sure? We have the same math class. I could help you." 

I was so disappointed in myself in that moment. He looked so hopeful, and who was I to tell him to fluff off? I convinced myself I'd be an awful person to say no.

"Yeah, actually that'd be great. I'm so lost!"

He smiled and took a seat next to me. He scooted his chair closer to mine, but I thought nothing of it. He began to point out how to avoid the errors I had been making. It was actually very helpful.

As we worked, he laid a hand on my back. That made so incredibly uncomfortable. I attempted to lean away from his hand, but his hand followed and remained on me.

"You bothering my sister?" Boomed a voice from behind us.

We turned to see the wheat field hair, and bright blue eyes of Leo, the class clown who is my self proclaimed big brother. I love him a lot, even though people are scared of him. They just can't seem to see past the rumors surrounding the club that raised him. People say that they launder money, deal firearms, and other horrible things. I ignore the rumors though. I've never been anything but welcomed by the club. I mean, my only friends were all raised by said club. Speaking of friends, my once happy go lucky "big brother," looks ready to snap this boy's neck. Yikes.

The boy next to me was visibly shook at the sight of Leo. He jumped away from me and attempted to bolt for the door. Unfortunately for him, Leo caught him by his shirt collar.

"Next time I see you touching her, you won't live to see the next day." His face was emotionless. "Got it?"

The boy nodded furiously as Leo dropped him. No-name would have made it out the door if not for the much larger figure that slammed him into the wall.

I was out of my seat in an instant. Maybe I would just let Leo have his tantrum so long as nobody got hurt. But when it came to Killian, he didn't mess around. At all. He was going to hurt the kid.

"Killian please stop!" He acted as though he hadn't heard me, and continued to stare down this poor kid who looked like he might piss himself.

"Killian please! Just let him go. For me?" I was just considering getting Leo to call Blade, when Killian roughly shoved the kid away.

"I see you near her ever again, I'll snap your neck." He growled lowly.

He didn't even stay to hear the end. That boy was out. And I don't blame him one bit.

Killian turned to me finally. He stalked over and wordlessly crossed his arms over his chest, his breathing heavy. I just shuffled my feet, knowing he'd calm down soon. I bit my lip and glanced up at him. Green eyes met mine.

"Are you alright angel?" His voice was low. He had never been a talker. He and I somehow understood each other without words most often.

I nodded my head. Concurrently, my stomach rumbled. He arched an eyebrow at me, and dragged me by my wrist past a very uncomfortable looking Leo, and out of the library.

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