Chapter 23

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Killian POV

The whole club has had the strangest atmosphere since Agnes has been gone. People are trying not to panic or make a fuss. The Old ladies took the kids home because it was getting late. The men who stayed helped search the entire property. A few of them even went to her private hideout. Still nothing. As the minutes ticked by with still no sign of her the agitation in the air grew palpable. 

I know sitting at the bar isn't helping, but my legs feel numb. Like if I try to stand up to help I'll give out in an instant. So I just sit. Uselessly.

I jolt when the door to the clubhouse slams open and Bruiser comes barreling in with something in his hand. He leans on the bar and tosses it at Blade. "Found this in the mailbox."

Blade raises an eyebrow. "You took the time to check the mail? Right now?"

Bruiser flushes and rubs his neck. "I was looking for Agnes, I swear. She's... you know she's small I guess."

"Small enough to fit in the mailbox?" Blade asks.

Bruiser coughs loudly. "Just fuckin' read it would you?"

Blade unfolds the piece of paper and scans his eyes over it. I clench my fists in anticipation. I'd really rather we not waste any more time. I'm tempted to reach over and rip it to shreds when Blade tosses it down with a blank expression. He calmly rises from his seat, heads for his office, and slams the door. With extreme caution I pick up the note.

Dear Hellhounds,

My heart is heavy as I write this. Only in my worst nightmares did I ever fear having to leave you all. Now, as a more mature version of myself, I see what I couldn't before. That although I love you all, and you love me, I have to leave. Even though I will likely never know a family as great as the one you all were to me, my mind is made up. Remember me, but know that my decision was for the best. Each and every one of you changed my life. You deserve better than anything I could have given you. Loving you all was the easy part. Amazing doesn't even begin to describe my time there. Nothing will ever compare. Especially when it comes to Killian. 7 days a week was never enough time with you. 235 lifetimes I could spend loving you. 


I stare at the note. I read the words over and over again. It's her handwriting. But I can't picture the words forming from the ink of her pen. People speak to me, but it's all just white noise. I can't focus on anything ambient. The note gets passed around and the loud voiced turn to hushed murmurs. Like they want to see if they can hear my heart cracking in half.

"Um excuse me?" A tiny voice is suddenly very close. I turn slightly to tell the person to piss off. Instead I see Damian and Clara standing directly next to me, Clara's face slightly paler than usual. She clings onto the hem of Damian's shirt. He gently rubs her back as she looks up at me.

I arch my eyebrow. About as much of a response as they're getting. "C-Could I see the note?" I pause. She wants to what?

"Please!" She adds quickly.

Whatever. Doesn't matter. I toss the note to her and take a large swig from my beer. Who needs Agnes for a best friend? I have alcohol. Alcohol is fabulous. It doesn't have hands to write with, or words to break my heart with. I push away the intruding thoughts and focus pointedly on the label on my beer, vaguely aware that Clara takes a seat beside me. There's silence for a while as she runs her finger over the crumpled paper. She sits up with a sudden squeak of her stool. I glance at her. "Sorry!"

I roll my eyes. I'm contemplating heading to the gym when a small finger taps my shoulder. I turn and look at the girl beside me. She's being much bolder than I've seen her be. Good for her. "I don't mean to bother you," She takes a deep breath. "Do you know what an acrostic is?" She asks. Name doesn't ring a single bell. I shake my head.

Tears of an Angel (Hellhound's MC)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora