Chapter 5

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Agnes POV

I turn off the light on my bedside table and hop into my bed. Today was a little too eventful for me. Lana told me earlier that it was alright for me to feel upset. She also told me to not be scared of him. I have no idea how to feel.

I pull the covers up further over me as thunder practically shakes my little house. I hate thunderstorms. It sounds like God going on a rant.

My thoughts are interrupted by the loud banging on the front door. My eyes shoot wide open as I contemplate my choices. Who would be out ad about during a thunderstorm? A psycho that's who.

I pick up a candle that sits in a glass container and make my way to the front door. Our door doesn't have a peephole, so I simply suck in a breath and rip the door open an inch.

I let out a high pitched squeak, and almost drop my candle when I see who it is.

There stands Killian. My Killian. Soaking wet from the rain, head hanging low, shoulders slouched, and his eyes hopeful.

He was holding something that brought back a lot of memories. Angel Cake from Mindy's, the bakery the club owns. The sight of it brought me back to when we were still in kindergarten.


It was February, so it was freezing outside. I had stopped taking the bus, and would get a ride from Blade, or whoever else was picking up Lana and the boys. On Fridays we always went to Mindy's. 

On this particular day, a girl had teased me for hanging out with Lana and the guys. She had stolen the cupcake I had put in my lunch. 

Lana tackled her and ripped the bows out of her hair. Gosh, I love her.

Anyway, normally when we wet to Mindy's I just got water because mom said I was getting too chubby. Killian always got mad when I didn't eat anything.

On this day however, he sped up to the counter to talk to Mindy, the old lady who runs this place.

As I sat down at the counter by the window with my friends, a piece of cake was set in front of me. I immediately started to protest and apologize, but one look from Killian shut me up.

I think he could tell I still felt bad about eating it, so he split it with me. When we finished, he turned to me.

"Do you know what kind of cake that was?" He asked me expectantly.

I shook my head. "What kind was it?"

"Angel food cake," He told me while smiling.

I blushed hard, and from that day on, we always split the angel cake.


"Remembered you don't like thunder. Need someone to protect you?"

I fling the door open and pull him inside, and into a hug. He sets the cake on the floor, and wraps his arms around me. He's still soaking wet, but I don't care. I missed him so much.

He lifts me slightly off the floor and I let out a laugh.

He looks down at me. "I missed you angel," He tells me.

"I missed you too," I tell him, while burying my face in the crook of his neck.

He holds me with one arm, picks up the cake in the other, and walks us to the living room. He sets the cake on the coffee table, and sits down on the couch with me on his lap.

We just sit there for a while. Me clinging to him, and him playing with my hair.

Suddenly I sit straight up. "Oh my gosh! You're all wet from the storm, and I'm just sitting here letting you freeze! What kind of friend am I?" I yell all of this while ushering him to the bathroom.

"Angel, calm down I'm alright," he tells me while chuckling.

"Nonsense! You'll get hypothermia! Ugh this is all my fault! I'm so sorry," I ramble on mindlessly as I pull off his leather jacket and attempt to dry him with a towel.

"Angel, hush baby," He catches my wrists in one hand, and my chin in his other.

My breath hitches in my throat as we stare into each other's eyes. His eyes are such a bright vivid green that I feel like I'm lost in the woods. He traces his thumb across my jaw. The heat from his hand radiates onto my skin. I have to admit. I wouldn't mind hi doing this more often.

His tongue flicks out to wet his lips, and I find myself staring at his lips, noticing how close they are to mine.

He drops his hand all of a sudden, and steps back. 

"Really Angel, I'm alright. I promise," He doesn't make eye contact with me as he speaks.

My heart sinks down, and my face heats up in embarrassment. Of course he wasn't going to kiss me.

"Um okay, well why don't you dry off, and I'll make some hot chocolate to go with the angel cake?" I ask him, looking for an excuse to go be awkward somewhere else.

"Okay, let me know if you need any help," He says.

I nod and exit the bathroom, slowly walking down the hall. I hear more thunder sound outside. If he rode his bike here, he'll have to stay overnight. No way am I letting him ride in that. 

I pull out two mugs from my cupboard and wonder if dad will be home. He doesn't like Killian. When they first formally met, Killian was eight. My dad told me then that Killian was a bad influence, and wasn't any good. Things only got worse the older we got. Luckily though, my dad wasn't usually home when Killian was around. 

I finish making the hot cocoa, and pull out two forks. As I do so, my phone starts ringing.  Checking the caller ID, I see it's Damian.


"Hey Agnes, you feeling okay?"

"Yeah, I'm alright. Why do you ask?"

"Just the whole thing with Killian today. Are you two cool, or what?"

"Yeah, he's over here right now, and we're okay," I tell him giggling.

"Oh good. Alright, I gotta go, you take care, yeah?"

"Will do."

As we're saying goodbye, I hear a noise from the front door. My heart skips a beat. Killian is already here, so who is this?

I start walking towards the front door. I hear heavy footsteps that sound like they're having difficulty. 

Slowly, I wrap my fingers around the candle I abandoned earlier.

Finally, I turn the corner to see my dad, clearly drunk out of his mind, stumbling around the entryway.

I breathe out a sigh of relief. "Dad, are you alright?"

Barely even registering my presence, he mumbles something unintelligible.

"Dad, here, let me help you get to bed," I say, giving my heart a minute to recover.

"I don't need your help, ungrateful bitch," He slurs.

"It's really okay dad, just give me one second," I say, turning to put the candle back down.

Before my brain even has time to process it, I'm on the floor, and my lower back hurts really bad. I turn and look up at my father in time to see him kick mt stomach hard with his boot. "I don't need your help!"

I cry out in pain. "Dad stop, please! You're drunk!"

He's not listening and leans down to strike me again.


Thank you so much for reading! I'd love to hear what people think, so don't be afraid to leave a comment or suggestion! 

Hope you enjoyed :)

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