Chapter 4

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Killian POV


That's what I think as I watch Agnes run out of the cafeteria with tears in her big brown eyes.

I didn't mean to upset her, but that fucking prick Josh doesn't know when to shut up. It was only fair that I beat his ass. He insulted my sister and my angel. Hope he steps on a fucking Lego.

I bolt after Agnes as she races through the hallway. She might be smaller and more agile than I am, but my legs are about a million miles longer.

I'm about to grab onto her waist, when I'm jerked back and come face to face with Leo and Damian.

"The hell do you want," I grit out. I just need to talk to angel. She's upset and I hate that.

"Dude, you have to leave her be," Damian tells me calmly. "She just saw you beat the crap out of some loser, give her a minute to let her brain catch up."

"I'm not just going to go let her cry by herself!" I raise my voice louder than I normally would.

"Relax, Lana's with her. She's not alone. You both need to calm down before you talk." For once Leo isn't joking around. Surprising.

I say nothing as I storm past them and head for my bike. I need to go hit something, and if I hit anything here, it'll cry like a bitch.

I peel out of the school parking lot, and just ride. Riding has always helped calm me down. That, and beating on a punching bag.

With that thought in mind, I pull up in the parking lot of the gym the club owns. I walk in, and am greeted by Rod, the club member who runs this place.

"Hey Killian, how's it going?" He asks with a warm smile.

"I messed up pretty bad, mind if I take up space for a little while?"

"Not at all, just come and see me before you head out." With that, he walks back over to Avery, his old lady.

I head over to a punching bag in the back of the gym. I don't bother putting gloves on, and just start beating the shit out of it. With every hit and sting that resonates in my hand, I think about what an idiot I am. Agnes has always been too sweet to be hanging out with bikers. We all know that, but I think we've all gotten so attached to her that we refuse to accept that. Whether she likes it or not, she's stuck with us. Me in particular.

I've been in love with that angel since the moment I first laid eyes on her. I always knew I would join the club like my dad, and I want nothing more than for to be my old lady. It's why I get so pissed when guys are around Agnes. You'd think it'd be common knowledge by now that she's mine. Fucking morons.

By this point in time, my hands are bleeding, and my muscles are sore. I wrap my hands, and head over to let Rod know I'm leaving.

"Hey, I'm heading out."

"A piece of advice for you kid; tell that poor girl how you feel. It's obvious she likes you too. Dipshits. Both of you." He says pointing at me.

I just head out to my bike. I notice dark clouds rolling overhead. Thunderstorm. Agnes is scared of thunderstorms. Maybe I'll stop by later and see if she's okay? Would she want me there? Fuck this.

I ride on over to the clubhouse to get a drink. The music is blasting so loud I can hear it from outside. Upon entering, I spot Damian and Leo sitting at the bar where Lana is bar tending. 

"Hey Killian, what can I get you," Lana says warmly.

"Just get me a beer."

"Don't worry too much about the whole Agnes thing. She loves you, and you love her. I doubt you guys can survive very long without each other." Damian reassures me, patting my shoulder.

There's some major truth to that statement. I can't keep a level head to save my life. I can only ever think completely clearly when she's near and I know she's okay.

I hear a commotion to my right, and turn to see a large group of non-club guys laughing about something. They look like college students, but I recognize some as having just graduated from my high school.

"I know bro, she's fucking hot." Says douchebag one. This has my attention. Sure, we have some prostitutes in here, but if it's an old lady they target, they won't live to see tomorrow.

Lana returns to the bar top and hands me my beer. As she does this, the group of idiots get even louder, making stupid comments about her body.

More catcalling, and Lana looks angry, but also uncomfortable. I'm pissed. Lana and Leo were adopted by Bruiser and his old lady Alice when we were all three years old. Lana is in every way my little sister.

I'm up off my stool the same time Leo and Damian are.

"Clearly you aren't from around here. That's our little sister," Leo says with a deadly smile. "If you say one more thing to or about her, I can't promise we'll be forgiving."

The rest of the club has noticed the confrontation currently happening. To everyone but the guys who weren't raised in the club, Lana is their family. I see Rusty clenching his fists out of the corner of my eye. He wasn't raised in the club, but he got assigned to protect Lana as a prospect. He became fond of her, and I'm pretty sure he's in love with her. But again, she's everybody's family. Bruiser would probably beat his ass. Poor guy.

"I'm not scared of you. I'll say what I want," The very same guy says. He's walking on thin ice. "And I say, she has a really nice ass."

Rusty practically tackles the guy, and then all hell breaks loose. I've been on edge all day, so I go after one of the bigger guys, and start beating at him. Leo and Damian also join the fight, as do most of the club guys.

Th guy I'm fighting manages to land a few good gits to my face, but I pin him to the ground and dislocate his jaw.

When the dust finally settles I see the college guys running for it. I laugh with the other club guys as we cheer for our victory. 

As soon as they're out of sight, I asses the damage done to my hands. I bled through the wraps, and they hurt like hell.

I know I could go to the infirmary, but I can hear thunder, and I miss my angel. I head out to my bike and roll out.

I have one place to stop before I see Agnes. I check the waistband of my jeans for my gun. I shouldn't need it, but I don't trust her dad. He's an accident waiting to happen, and if he hurts her, I won't hesitate to end his miserable existence.


Hope you enjoyed :) Feel free to comment feedback

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