Chapter 18

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Killian POV

I can't concentrate on this damn test in front of me. I'm still thinking about what the Demon's Blood is planning on doing. Maybe nothing. But I doubt that.

The girl sitting in front of me has her legs tucked up underneath her in a way that makes me cringe. It looks like it hurts. The guy beside me has been tapping his pencil for the whole period. I hate this class. I hate this school. No, fuck that. I hate school in general. 

The bell finally rings, and people start getting up and turning in their tests. The girl in front of me stands, and I notice how short she is. Then she turns around to pick up her book bag. I realize it's that girl from the other day. Maybe I should say thank you. I tap her on the shoulder and she just about flies out of her skin. "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you." She just nods her head as she catches her breath. 

"I just wanted to say thank you for what you did for Agnes. Means a lot to a lot of people." I say honestly. She just nods, her face still a bit red. Well, I give up. That's enough socialization for one day. Time to go see one of the few people I don't mind.

I slide past her and walk out the door. I notice Damian is waiting outside. I nod my head in greeting, but his jaw is stiff. "What the fuck did you say to her?" He demands.

"Who?" I ask. I know perfectly well who, I just want to point out that he shouldn't be this nuts over a girl who's name he doesn't even know.

"Clara, asshole. She looks upset." He surprises me by using her name.

"Relax, I just said thank you to her for taking a hit for Agnes." I say as I remove his hand from my shoulder. "Are you that fucking whipped already?"

His eyes snap to mine and he's pissed. "I'm not whipped. She's just.......small. I don't want her getting hurt."

"So you're whipped?" I say playfully. He smacks me upside the head, and I laugh at him.

Agnes POV

I'm not looking forward to going to the mall with Lana and Mei. Don't get me wrong, I love them, but they always argue over what I should wear. Mei suggests blazers and button downs, and Lana suggests low cut tops and short shorts. Mei says heels below three inches, Lana says above five inches. Mei says hair out of my face, Lana says free and wild. I just want to be comfortable. I'm so lost in my thoughts that I smack into someone. I look up and see that it's Lucas. He and Clara are standing at a set of lockers with another boy who looks like them. "Oh, hello!" I say brightly.

Clara smiles a little. "Hey, Agnes right?" Lucas says. I nod my head. "Oh, well that back there is my brother Gavin, " He says, gesturing to the boy at the locker. "And this is my sister," I smile. "Clara." I finish for him.

He looks between the two of us. "We've met a few times. " Clara explains softly. Lucas nods his head.

Suddenly an idea comes to mind. "Hey Clara, I'm going to the mall after school with some friends. Would you want to come with me?"

Her face flushes and she looks ready to protest. "She'd love to." Lucas interjects. 

I turn to look at her and she nods her head. "Great!" I smile.

I shoot Lana and Mei a quick text to meet me out front. Clara and I begin to make our way out of the building. Upon arriving, I see Lana, Mei, and the guys. "Who's this?" Mei asks.

"Everyone this is Clara. Clara, this is Killian, Leo, Damian, Lana, Mei, and Rusty." I say as I point each one out.

"N-nice to m-meet you all." She says while giving a sweet smile. Everyone greets her, and I don;t miss how Damian can't seem to remember how to blink. Aw, they grow up so fast.

"Well anyway, I invited Clara to come to the mall with us." I inform Lana and Mei.

Mei gasps. "Yes! I have so many ideas for you." Lana groans. "No! You are not turning this small child into some tight ass CEO looking bitch." I see Clara flinch a bit at the language. Damian works his jaw.

"Whatever, we'll just see what happens when we get there." I say, attempting to diffuse the tension.

Everyone agrees and begins heading to their different vehicles. Killian pulls me aside. "Do you have to go?" He asks. I nod my head. "You're taking Leo with you right?" I nod again. "Good girl." He kisses my forehead. Not satisfied, I plant a kiss on his lips. He smiles and pulls me back in for a much longer. I wrap my arms securely around his neck. His lips are warm and soft, and his hand runs up my waist and the side of my breast. 

"Hey lovebirds, we leaving or not?" Leo calls teasingly.

I pull away and giggle as Killian throws Leo a glare. "I'll miss you." He says. "I'll miss you too. You'll see me again soon though. I promise." We kiss one last time before I skip over to the van. Lana is in the driver seat. Rusty stands outside the window and they share a seemingly intimate conversation. Leo is leaned against the van, just watching Mei who's yelling at him about something. Clara has her arms wrapped around herself as Damian says something to her. She's so small she has to crane her neck slightly to look up at him.

"Hey, you guys ready to go?" I ask to nobody in particular.

Mei turns around and nods. Lana shoves Rusty's chest. "Sure thing lady!"

Clara just nods. Before she walks over, Damian grabs her arm and gently pulls her towards him. He leans down (pretty far) and whispers something in her ear. Her face turns bright red and she just hurries over towards the rest of us. Damian smirks and gets on his bike. Ugh. Boys. The drive mainly consists of Lana and Mei arguing over whether Halsey can actually sing, and Clara quietly singing along to The Black Keys song that's on the radio. When we arrive, I start to get a bad feeling, but I shove it down. This will be fun.


Any predictions for what's coming next?

Hope you enjoyed <3

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