Chapter 9

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Agnes POV

The music is blaring in my ears. Everybody's drinking. If I was surrounded by drunk horny teens, I'd be terrified. But this is the club and they won't let anything happen to me.

But nothing has ever made me feel like more of a third wheel than sitting with Rusty and Lana.

Lana's wearing a yellow halter top with black denim shorts. Her makeup is minimal and her hair is in it's naturally curly form. She's tall and she has a slim, lithe build. She's gorgeous. 

Rusty stands at around six feet tall. He has a lean figure, gingery hair, and freckles that dot his face. He's got a baby face, but I've seen him in a fight. He can get mean.

Those two have been eyeing each other all night.

I turn around on my stool and survey the room. Damian and Leo are having a drink-off that I guarantee won't end well, a lot of the younger guys are with club whores.

I don't see who I'm looking for though. I lean my head around to see if I can spy his massive figure.

When I do spot him, my heart sinks. He's with Dahlia. She's one of the club whores. She's gorgeous. She has inky black hair, super tan skin, and a slender frame. People always describe whores as fake. Some here absolutely are, but Dahlia really won the genetic lottery. I often think she should be a model, not here. But apparently it's what she wants.

Killian is nursing a beer as she talks to him. She's wearing nothing but body jewelry up top, and I blush hard and avert my eyes from her chest. On the bottom half she's wearing a shimmery black skirt. She has gold glitter on her face, but no fake nails. Her heels are high, but not outrageous. They take her from 5"6" to about 5"9." 

I glance at my own outfit and consider leaving now. 

I glance back at Killian to see him saying something to Dahlia before she nods and leaves. I have no clue what just happened, and I want to know. But it's none of my business.

"Agnes did you hear anything I just said?" Lana yells from behind.

I turn to face her. "No! Sorry..." She shakes her head at me.

"I said, do you want anything to drink?"

My breath hitches a little at the question. There isn't much in this world that I hate. Drugs I hate. Alcohol took my dad away. I don't trust it, and I don't want any part of it.

"No thanks."

She eyes me for a minute. "Okay, let me know if you need some air okay?"

I nod my head. Lana turns back to Damian. She's always been good like that. Checks on me, but doesn't push.

Suddenly, I feel a presence behind me. Warm breath hits the crook of my neck. I turn quickly to see Killian. His eyes have a certain intensity to them that both scares and excites me. Finally remembering how to speak, I manage to breathe out, "Hi." My face is undoubtedly red. He smirks down at me, and I shoot my gaze to the floor to hide my blush. He lifts my chin with his index finger. 

"It's rude to not look someone in the eye when talking to them." His voice is low and gravelly. I make no move to look up. I don't want to die today. He lets out a growl and wraps his arm around my waist, pulling me out of the bar. I emit a squeak as he does so. He pulls me over to the game/media room off to the side of the bar. He leads me into the dark room and shuts the door. I lean back against it, and he places an arm on either side of me.

"Um, w-what are w-we doing?" I avoid his gaze like crazy. Maybe it'll help if I pretend he's Medusa.

He leans in further. "You seem upset angel, what's the matter?" I suck in a breath. I have no right to be sad about him talking to other girls. They were just talking! I'm being stupid and there's no way I'm telling him that.

"It's nothing Killian," He arches an eyebrow at this. "I'm just tired." He puts his lips to my ear. "Don't lie to me, angel baby." His breath tickles my ear, and a shiver runs down my spine. Gosh darn it he's good.

I finally look up and meet his gaze. He's so close to me. "I was just w-wondering what y-you and Dahlia were talking about." I move my eyes down his face, and watch as his perfect lips twist into a smirk. 

"You jealous angel baby?" He asks, running his thumb over my bottom lip. I quickly shake my head no, the room suddenly feeling too small.

"Don't worry angel. You've got nothing to worry about." He winks at me. What does that mean? I'm officially freaking out.

He lets out a chuckle and pulls me over to the couch and television area. I'm about to sit down, when he pulls me onto his lap. I let out a squeak and try to move, but he wraps an arm firmly around my waist. I try to wiggle away, but his grip is too tight. Finally, I just lean back against him, and watch as he turns on, "Remember the Titans." I smile internally. It's one of my favorite movies.

Killian's POV

I've known Dahlia since she got here a year ago. She doesn't like to talk about where she came from, but it's clear that something made her run. She's attractive, I'll admit. But she's not my angel. She offered me sex earlier. I told her no thank you, and she went on her way.  It's adorable to me that Agnes was jealous. Of course, being her, she wasn't mad, she felt bad for feeling jealous. I decided the best thing to do, was spend time with her and show her I care about her. Actions speak louder than words.

As the credits on the movie start rolling, I notice that Agnes fell asleep in my lap. Her face looks peaceful. I turn the TV off, and lay out on the couch, with her head on my chest. I run my hand through her hair. She stirs slightly, and then snuggles further into me. 

The door opens, and in walks Damian. He spots us after a moment and makes his way over. He takes a seat in the recliner next to me. His gaze drifts from me to Agnes. "She's my sister you know." I nod my head. "Fuck things up with her, and I'll ram a metal rod up your ass." I snort. "Creative."

His laughs with me. Then he looks me in the eye. "November 12th is coming up." My breath hitches. 

That day. I never really talk about my mom. She was always a little out there. I remember I used to be terrified of thunderstorms like Agnes. My mom took me by the hand, and I watched as she danced in the middle of a thunderstorm. She was wearing a pink sundress with my dad's jacket over top. She was barefoot, and her bright blonde hair was soaked. Her smile never wavered. She loved Agnes. I think Agnes loved my mom more than me. I wouldn't blame her either. 

She was got sick when we were eight. I didn't know until she lost her hair. I was so angry that when Agnes asked me what was wrong, I snapped at her. Man did mom beat my ass for that. Her personality never changed. She was always smiling. She danced in the rain. She didn't cry on her deathbed. She looked so tired. Her last words to my father and I were, "I'll save you some seats next to me in heaven." She died smiling on November 12th.

I nod my head. "You let me know if you need anything." I look Damian in the eye, nod my head but say nothing.

Eventually, he leaves the room. I begin to slowly drift off to sleep. As I do, I think of my mom. About what a beautiful person she was. Maybe that's why I love Agnes so much. Her personality is a lot like my mom's. Forgiving, sweet, happy, and beautiful. Inside and out.


Hope you enjoyed :)

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