Chapter 8

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Killian POV

That little shit.

If I see him again, I'll wring his neck.

He's adorable if he thinks he can actually touch my angel.

Levi Hill.

He's the president of the Demon's Blood's spoiled son. The fact that he knew my angel's name, and that she wasn't technically club, was just a way of him throwing it in our faces that his club had spied on her.

All members of the board are stressing over keeping Agnes out of harm's way. We dragged her into this life, and now it's our job to deal with the repercussions. It's no surprise that they've assigned me to keep an eye on her at all times possible. We're best friends, so it's one of the few things that will help normalize this for her.

I'm in the bar with the guys while Agnes and Lana sit on the front porch with Kansas. We're currently discussing how to go about dealing with the Demons. Blade feels responsible for the Demons finding out about Agnes. He's taking this harder than any of the other guys. There's one person nobody is taking it harder than though; me. I just had to take a sweet little angel, and drag her down to hell with me. I'll protect her with my life if I have to, but mark my words she'll be okay.

"I'm dead serious Rod, don't let anyone new get a membership until we've run a thorough background check!" Blade roars. He's always been loud when he's mad, but when it comes to Agnes being in danger, it's a whole new kind of anger. That goes for everyone around here.

Blade runs a hand through his messy dark hair. The bags under his eyes tell me he's having trouble sleeping.

"Alright, everybody get the fuck out. Nobody leaves by themselves, nobody new enters the clubhouse." 

The guys start to disperse, but me, Leo, Damian, Rusty, and Allistair remain rooted to our spots.

There's a tense silence as we avoid addressing the issue at hand. What is Agnes to us? I can't answer that. I know I love her. The guys love her. We'll protect her, that's for sure. But how do we explain her?

A good question really, one that we've called in an old friend for hep with. Breezy Stetson is a social worker. She's an older lady who worked out Leo and Lana's adoption. She was never anything but polite to everyone at the club. Now, with angel's permission, Blade wants to officially adopt her.

Now, we sit in this bar and we wait for her to arrive.

Blade eyes me up and down. "You know, just because she isn't legally mine doesn't mean I won't put you six feet under if she gets hurt on your watch."

"Yes sir." If anything happens to my angel, I'll probably lose it.

Blade looks as though he's about to threaten me further, but we hear Kansas barking out on the porch.

All heads snap in that direction. A car has pulled up outside, and out steps a woman that looks like she could play the old grandmother in any coming of age movie.

She walks into the bar with her shoulders back and her chin lifted. She's prim and proper. Completely in control of the situation.

"So, you called to inquire about adoption?" Straight to the point, she addresses Blade directly.

"Yes, there's just a few problems. Maybe we should discuss this where.....less ears are involved." He suggests with a pointed look at me, Leo, Damian, and Rusty.

"Alright, alright we're going. Jeez." Damian says, putting his hands up surrender.

We start to exit out the front when Leo suddenly turns and says, "You know what, you're gonna miss me peasants." 

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