Chapter 21

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Agnes POV

I'll never understand how some people can drink coffee. Especially straight black. It's bitter, nasty, and always seems to be too hot. But Mei has an unhealthy addiction to the stuff. Even though she gets a solid eight hours of sleep every night, she can't live without coffee. "How do you drink that stuff?" I finally ask.

She raises her eyebrows at me over her mug. "What do you mean?"

"It's bitter and nasty." I state bluntly.

She rolls her eyes. "It's not about the taste. It has caffeine. Something I could use quite a bit of."

I stare at her incredulously. "I see two things wrong with what you just said. One, you get eight hours of sleep every night! You don't need caffeine. Two, coffee is not the only thing with caffeine! Soda has caffeine."

She groans. "Yes, but it also has an extremely high sugar content. Completely unnecessary."

Lana takes a seat next to me. "What's unnecessary?"

"Her addiction to coffee." I state.

Lana shrugs her shoulders. "Eh. Better coffee than heroin." My eyes widen as I silently wonder why those are the only options.

"You don't have to drink coffee just straight black either. There are all sorts of sweetening options," Mei reminds me. "So quit hating on the love of my life." I huff, knowing a losing battle when I see one. 

Eventually the boys come downstairs, and we all head out to our various vehicles to head to school. I climb in the van with Killian, Leo, Lana, and Mei. The ride is mostly silent, until we're almost at school. "Hey, Agnes. I'm worried about Clara." Lana tells me from the backseat.

I turn around and nod my head. "Yeah, we all are. The poor thing's being forced to get married to some jerk."

Lana shakes her head, and Leo quickly jumps in to help. "No, you don't get it."

I cock my head. "What do you mean?"

"You know how she said she had a big lunch yesterday?" Lana begins.

I nod my head. "Well, Leo and I have the same lunch period as her. She didn't eat anything." I lean back in my seat as I sort through all the reasons she would lie to me about that. I didn't really like the sound of any of them.

"I'll talk to her." I say finally.

The moment we get to school, I give Killian a quick kiss on the cheek before racing off to find Clara. I hear Killian yelling behind me, but I don't stop. Things are starting to make sense. I find Clara with her brother at a set of lockers. They appear to be arguing.

"If you can get out, we're going to make damn sure you do!" Lucas insists.

"I'm not leaving you guys!" She says pleadingly.

"And we're not letting you get married to that fucking creep." Gavin interjects. I stop just behind a corner so I can wait until they're done. I hear sniffling, before a soft broken voice speaks. "I can't lose you guys." There's the sound of shuffling, and I lose track of time while I wait. Finally, I hear footsteps coming my way. Clara rounds the corner and bumps straight into me. I'm slightly jostled, but she weighs basically nothing, so the impact is weak.

"I'm sorry!" She cries out. She looks up and meets my gaze.

"Hey." I say.

"Hey?" She responds slowly, lifting her brow. 

I look around. Too many people. I grab her arm and tug her behind me until we reach a smaller side hallway. Nobody here. I turn to face her, and she's pale. "Clara have you been eating?"

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