2. Brandon; suck my dick

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Me and Mason had been best mates for over a year and honestly there wasn't anything that I felt I couldn't tell him. We were open with each other and totally non judgemental but the way I'd began feeling I just couldn't get off my chest. His always been a hands on guy the both of us had been especially with each other because we bounce off each other but I began noticing I liked his touch more than I'd be able to admit and I had no idea why because the only reason would be something I'd never even say the words in my head let alone admit out loud.

His been coming to my house constantly for a while but never had I wanted him to fall to sleep in my bed watching crappy movies or never had I hoped he would text he was coming around after work more than I had started doing.

It was strange though because no matter how much I worried after doing something that he would freak out he didn't probably because he thinks I'm straight AF...

When my hand was on his leg it felt normal. I don't know what all the other feelings were but somehow they were normal for us too. It wasn't gay. We aren't gay we are just close. A bromance. He was like my brother... except bothers aren't like how we are. I didn't move my hand and he made no signs that he wanted me to.

The waitress came over with our drinks squeezing her way between me and Mason forcing me to move my arm away. When she took our food orders we asked for a beer with our meal and her being either flirty or just blind she agreed. She excused herself to get the rest of the drinks when she returned she was on the other side of me her hand on my shoulder staring into my eyes as she spoke to everyone our food would be with us shortly.

She disappeared just in time too because Mason was throwing his arm around my shoulders hand in the same place hers was mocking her voice. "Ohh your food will be with you shortly Brandon." He joked rolling his eyes. I wasn't able to say anything before someone else was.

"Mason is jealous she wants to fuck you." They laughed, Levi joining in.

"Jealous of what though the fact Brandon will be getting fucked by someone else or that she will be?" He chuckled me and Mason fake laughed his arm still around the back of me. It was a couple minutes later the conversation being changed when his arm slipped lower onto the back of the chair instead, the lack of his touch giving me anxiety. I was more myself with him by my side, he made life a little easier because I knew he would have my back so not having his hand on me quickly made me less confident my smile dropping.

The women was right, she was back soon with our meals piling them all onto the table everyone digging in instantly. I'd gone for a curry forgetting whenever me and Mason have curry at home we go all out, naan, chips, rice the entire lot so my plate looked pretty pathetic just chicken curry and an oversized naan. I looked over to Mason's plate knowing he had ordered a burger which was probably the size of his head. As if he read my mind he offered me some of his chips and well I couldn't say no could I. I took a handful from his plate dropping them into my curry smiling a thanks to him. He knew me as well as I knew him because as soon as I took my first bite he was watching me laughing.

"Hot?" He asked and I nodded gulping my beer down which didn't really help. His grin grew shaking his head. "You always ask for the hottest and then complain." He continued his eyes still on me.

"Yeah well you always order a burger supersized but never finish it all." I replied nodding to his plate as proof.

"Maybe I do that because I know you eat all my food." He laughed even more our little argument becoming louder obviously when someone called lovers tiff telling us to settle down. We dropped it going back to our plates to eat, Mason's attention sometimes coming back to me like mine did him. We probably didn't help the rumours and our mates belief in us being gay, not when Mason made quotes like he did indicating to more than a bromance. Like when I dunked my naan bread in my curry telling everyone to excuse my hands, Mason smirking whispering that's not what you said earlier. He always says his jokes quietly but someone always manages to hear.

This isn't what friends doOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara