39. Brandon; I'm done here

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We all had an actual Christmas dinner and to be fair it was really good making me look forward to my real dinner on Christmas day. Halfway through the meal when the waiters come to ask how it is they brought round a bunch of Christmas crackers laying them on the table. We decided to leave them until after dinner, which was now. “What’s the difference between Red and Green?” I asked Louie as they were closest to him. He looked down at them picking up a red one he tossed it to me smirking.

“Red is for you and Mason.” He told me. I looked down seeing it had hearts on it rolling my eyes of course that would happen.

“No reds for me and Nora, Blair and Abbey and Tony and Becky.” I told him throwing the one he tossed me to Blair who caught it.

“Good thinking batman but he must know something we don’t because there’s four red. Please pull one with Mason or else he will feel left out.” He threw me another red one.

“Go for it Brandon who cares.” Mason held his hand out to me to help me pull it. I looked to Nora who was smiling clearly not scared that Louie’s joked were more serious than just playing around so I put it in his hand us both pulling it until it cracked Mason being the winner.

“Yay!” He cheered holding the intact end of the cracker waving it around.

“What you got?” I asked intrigued what made these for couples and not just ordinary crackers.

He dug inside coming back out with a purple thing in a packet. He looked it over before telling me it was for me tossing it over to me. I unwrapped the packet surprised to see it was a vibrating cock ring. “Hey!” I shouted joking. “Why is this for me?” I asked knowing he probably meant because he doesn’t have a girlfriend to use it with.

“Because your top.” Levi laughed making me blush shaking my head embarrassed everyone cheering and laughing Louie high fiving him for his joke.

“Dreaming of a white Christmas?” Mason asked as he looked down at a small white piece of paper, must be the joke as he looked up smirking at me cheekily.

“Most definitely. It’s what I want most.” I played along smiling back at him everyone’s attention on us.

“Show him how much. Get down on your knees.” Louie laughed looking at the answer already over Mason’s shoulder, spoil sport he only ruined it for himself.

“Do I have to?” I asked looking at Mason he winked at me and I could tell he was biting the inside of his mouth.

“Jingle my balls for me baby.” He groaned almost, too intensely everyone ‘ohhhing' and clapping as again I blushed. “I swear that’s what it said!” He looked embarrassed now holding up the paper for whoever didn’t believe him.

“Our go baby.” Blair took the attention from us holding his down by his dick under table. “Please help me out.” He asked her with a wink. Hearing his words I made sure nobody was looking taking Mason’s hand that was on his beer swirling the rim around I dragged it down under the table making him grab my dick like I had his. It was hard from the stupid joke and he looked down at it then to me his mouth open a little in surprise. I leant towards him laughing grazing my lips over his ear letting out a hot breath to wind him up to. “How about you help me out?” I whispered as quietly as I could. He rubbed his hand down my length squeezing it rubbing his thumb over my head through my jeans. Everyone started laughing again and I looked away from Mason trying to laugh with everyone so we didn’t look like we were up to something. Nora looked at me and I forced her a smile, her hand moved to my thigh dangerously close to Mason who hadn’t let it faze him.

“Our turn.” She giggled and I sat up straighter in my seat needing Mason to take the hint and stop for a minute. I reached for the last red cracker other than Tony’s and his girlfriends holding it out to Nora glad Mason moved his hand away back onto the top of the table sipping on his drink.

Me and Nora pulled the cracker her winning it and I faked being interested complaining that I never win. She had won this stupid plastic back massager it was just a plastic ball melted onto a stick her joke being what does three hoes equal, the answer a happy Santa. We all laughed but I think Levi took the fact I hadn’t won yet seriously holding out a cracker over the table telling me to pull it with him. To reach it I had to stand up, I tried staying close to the table edge to hide my massive boner but of course Louie of all people would see and comment on it. “Brandon you horny shit. Getting a boner from stupid Christmas jokes. Or is it the toys?” He loudly announced it to everyone. I tried playing it cool joking it off with him even though I was totally flushing bright red.

“At least I will be taken care of later. I see your imaginary girlfriend didn’t turn up or did she?” I grinned happy with my answer pulling the cracker with Levi winning this time us all clapping for me.

“Can I ask why you were even looking?” Mason sounded not impressed calling Louie out.

“Sorry. I’m sorry. I wasn’t coming onto your boyfriend I swear.” He again was holding his hands up but I knew Mason had had enough of all his digs tonight, them being constant and I couldn’t blame him either. This time I didn’t try to stop him as he stood up to face him towering over him.

“Louie I fucking mean it. Stop.” He began pointing at him. Louie wasn’t giving in easy continuing to wind him up.

“Ohh Mason swears shocker.” He waved his hands he still was holding up.

“Louie your annoying me too come on.” I started, having enough of his everyone look at me act.

“Since when have you both cared so much about the gay jokes?” He laughed pushing his chair out further from the table.

“Louie your annoying everyone.” Levi laughed too nobody expecting today would turn into full blown arguments between us all.

“Levi really though have you heard and seen these two? Your trying to tell me you don’t think they were fucking?” He turned to Levi sitting forward in his chair.
Levi was looking between me and Mason before back to Louie. “Well his dating Nora so clearly not. They are just messing around chill out. Anyway why does it matter to you?” He stuck up for us. Mason went to take a seat feeling stupid being the only one standing, just as he was taking a seat though he pissed me off again making him stand up right again slamming his hands on the table in front of him.

“Yeah messing around behind her back.” He’d said making Mason stop him from speaking anymore the noise he made making everyone stare.

“Don’t bring Nora into this she isn’t your business.” I spoke up  not really too worried about Nora just Mason who looked like he was about ready to kick his ass.

“Guys everyone’s looking at us. It’s Christmas either settle down or take it outside.” Blair always the reasonable one spoke up. I looked from him back to Louie as if asking what he was going to do.

“No hang on she may not be my business but I’m pretty sure it’s hers who your with instead of her.” He continued and like that Mason was grabbing his jumper and telling him to go outside with him Louie not needing telling twice quickly following him out.

“Mason just leave it.” I told him not needing him to stand up for us. “Me and Nora are fine his trying to cause shit.” I continued pleading him to not go out with him.

“Brandon I’ve had enough of his shit though. I’m just talking to him.” He reassured me he wasn’t going to do anything stupid so I let him go. It was only after about five minutes of everyone around the table talking about them and how Louie was being a jerk and so on that I decided I couldn’t just keep sitting here no idea what was going on outside.

“Hang on I’ll be back.” I told Nora kissing her forehead before dipping out the booth and heading outside. I was instantly met by the sound of shouting only feet away from me Louie yelling something at Mason that was. As I looked in the direction it was coming from I seen as Mason rolling his eyes pushing on his shoulder.

“I’m done here.” He mumbled as he turned his back. “Homophobic piece of crap.” He muttered making me smile he wasn’t taking him to heart leaving the matter because he definitely wasn’t worth it. But then with those words still lingering in my ears I saw Louie grab Mason by the shoulder spinning him around to face him punching him square in the face.

“Fucking cunt!” I’d never used words like it as I dove from where I was over towards them pushing Louie in the chest making him loose his balance ending up on the floor in a clump. “I have no idea your problem Louie but do us all a favour and fuck off.” I boomed over him before turning my attention to Mason who was stood stopping the blood from gushing down his chin from his lip. “Let me see.” I asked my voice back to it’s low smooth self as I gently pulled his hand away seeing the split on his lower lip. “Okay time to go.” I told him ushering towards his car.

It stood out like a sore thumb in the car park my eye drawn to it making it easy to guide him over to. “I’m fine to go back inside.” He told me but I shook my head no patting his pocket I found his keys pulling them out and forcing them into his fingers.

“No. Go home put some ice on it chill out. I’ll see you soon.” I ordered. He nodded reluctantly  but sighing in agreement unlocking his car. I watched him climb inside stepping away from the car giving him room to pull out the car park. He honked as he went and I sent him a small wave with a forced smile feeling guilty for making him leave alone.
I went back into the pub glad to see Louie wasn’t there, everyone looking at me like asking what happened. “Nora we got to go.” I told her not in the mood anymore to hang out with everyone. I didn’t even pay them any notice as I continued talking checking my pockets making sure I still had my phone keys and wallet. “Louie punched Mason in the face and I just want to go.” I told her as well as everyone else bluntly. She sounded surprised stuttering an okay she stood up to go.

“Is that Mason’s jacket?” Blair asked pointing to the black denim coat on the back of the chair.

“Yeah thanks I’ll take it I’ll see him in the week or something.” I picked it up throwing it over my arm. We said goodbye to everyone, I forced myself to wish them all a happy Christmas telling them all hopefully we can arrange something else as today didn’t  go to plan. I drove Nora home the both of us in silence the entire time. We said a brief goodbye even though this is the last time I’d see her before she left until next year not even caring right now, it not even coming to my mind. I didn’t get out of the car instead just leant over and pecked her lips telling her I’d see her soon. I watched her walk inside her front door aware she was in a mood with me when she didn’t turn around to wave me off or blow a kiss like she  normally would.

I was meant to be driving home but I quickly found myself taking the right turn to Masons.

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