22. Brandon; dirty texts

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As we left the cinema room back out into the main area everyone was in a great mood laughing as we discussed the film, Mason was walking backwards facing us being the most dramatic after almost breaking my hand from squeezing it so much. “Well you know when that thing jumped out I actually almost wet myself. Defo the scariest part.” He was waving his arms around as he continued walking backwards.

“Nah I didn’t think it was that scary man your exaggerating.” Blair chuckled making me snap to Mason’s defence.

“How would you know every time I looked at you, you had your eyes closed.” I laughed. We were walking over into the main entrance slowly, I’d completely forgot who was here with us waiting.

“Your one to talk I saw the two of you holding hands.” Louie got involved but before I could say anything in our defence that voice that I’d forgotten about spoke up quickly trapping herself on my arm.

“Who was holding my baby’s hand?” She giggled to the guy’s and as I knew I should be just as over her as she was me, her arm linked with mine and her hand running down my chest as she looked up at me wanting a kiss, I was first concerned with Mason checking to see how badly she was effecting him.

“Hey. How was your film?” I quickly changed the subject giving her a quick peck again looking over to Mason afterwards my eyes full of apology.

“It was great actually. You would of loved it.” She cooed her hands all over my chest. We may of only known each other a few weeks but very quickly she had gone into full relationship mode. Probably because of the amount of sex we had last week and that I’d already let her stay at my house.

“I would of? More than a horror with the guys?” I joked looking back up to Mason who was stood by listening to us as he kicked his feet about awkwardly, Louie and Blair saying the occasional thing to each other that I paid no attention to.

“Well it was full of sex... and boobs.” She purred, little did she know I’d completely gone off that this past week. Her body pushed into mine wasn’t having the same effect anymore. Normally it only took a look from her and I’d of been hard but now it was a look from Mason that would get me in the mood, she’d have to try extra hard if we ever went there again, I’d probably find myself thinking of Mason for help. I fake moaned at her attempts at seducing me knowing it was the reaction she wanted. “I sent my friends home because I thought once your film was over me and you can head off to yours.” She dragged her pointed nail down my chest until it got to my jeans pulling on the waistband. I was surprised but turned on more because I heard Mason behind huff at her annoyed liking that he wasn’t trying to hide his feelings.

“I can’t remember my Dad said while his away you can’t.” I needed an excuse to not go anywhere with her wanting nothing more than to go home with Mason and let god knows what happen. I was distracted when Blair span Mason around his hands harshly on his shoulders pushing him away from us telling him he was going with him.

“Mason.” I called his name making him turn around even as Blair kept pushing him.

“His fine give us a minute.” Blair shouted back not stopping.

“Your Dad wouldn’t know.” She continued trying to convince me unfortunately not knowing my excuses were just that and I already had made my mind up that our night would end here, that I wasn’t going to have sex with her tonight.

“He calls me like every night. He'd know somehow.” I lied looking over at Louie in hopes he would help me out by changing the subject. Thankfully he understood sparking up conversation with us at last.

“You can’t go yet I thought we would stay here and go upstairs for a drink.” He sadly changed it to something else that I didn’t want. I wasn’t putting Mason through the trauma of spending anymore time with Nora and especially not when she was all over me.

“I don’t mind that. Will give me a chance to meet your friends.” She hopped up kissing my neck even as I arched it away from her beginning to become annoyed even at myself for thinking this was a good idea.

“Brandon I need to borrow you.” Blair was back with Mason who I couldn’t judge how he felt, Blair tugging my arm to take me away obviously he had caught on to something.

“No talk to him another time we are just going upstairs for a drink.” Louie interrupted not wanting to be left alone with Nora. Mason groaned in disagreement at the news saying he wouldn’t be staying as he was shattered and didn’t feel like drinking.

“Come on. Your Mason right Brandon’s best friend. I need you to stay to tell me all the gossip about this one.” She laughed pretending to already love my friends as she reached out to touch Mason who very quickly brushed her off him.

“There’s no gossip.” He mumbled stuffing his hands into his pockets looking away from her as again she moved to my side all over me.

“There must be some juicy secrets he has that you know about?” She pushed and I snapped to look at Mason who was smirking knowing my biggest dirtiest secret right now...

“Nah.” Mason almost laughed as he continued to lie for me.

“Come on one drink Mason.” Blair tried convincing him Louie pushing him too making him cave and say just one. Nora began jumping up and down happy snatching my hand as we made our way to the steps up to the bar above the cinema.

“This one’s good.” Blair picked our table as we all sank into the seats around it us all seeming to forget that other than Blair we were all under age. “Suppose it’s me ordering. What you having?” He asked the only one noticing as Nora faked not having her ID on her as if it mattered anyway she was still too young to drink here it’s not a pub and we wasn’t eating so ID made no difference.

Us guys all had a cider and Nora was over thankful to Blair asking for a mojito promising she’d give him the money, well duh we all are his just going to the bar. Nora and Louie made small talk across the table as we waited me and Mason staring at each other as he fiddled with his phone rolling it between his fingers. I moved Nora to the side who was still leaning on me, getting my phone I hoped his was on silent.

Im sorry.

I text him before laying my phone face down on my leg so Nora wouldn’t sneak a look if he text me back. It was seconds later he looked at his hands unlocking his phone a smile on his face as he typed something back.

You owe me big time

I read the message smiling at it then up to Mason who was smirking massively looking away as our eyes met to Blair who was putting all the drinks down then slumping onto the seat next to Mason.

Will a hj 2night make it up
to you?

I was playing with fire here knowing it would only take one look from Nora to blow all of this but I  was discovering that with Mason everything seemed to be worth it. He unlocked his phone making me nervous as he didn’t even try hiding it from Blair who was sat so closely to him. He sat up uncomfortably looking across the table to me in shock. I winked before hiding it kissing Nora’s shoulder who turned to kiss my cheek before looking back at Louie who thank god was doing his usual and talking non stop about himself  telling a ridiculous story nobody cared about.

I looked back up when Blair called my name a smile on his face as he shook his head. Fuck. He totally just saw that. He knew. He didn’t seem to bothered though leaning into Mason to whisper something then nod down to his phone as if he was telling him what to answer. I awaited the text impatiently a part of me wanting him to say that’s what he wanted.

Been there done that. Make it more worth my while ;)

Wow. He wanted more, like a blowjob maybe? I couldn’t believe Blair was helping him with this not caring we were pretty much sexting across the table about what we were going to do with each other once we got home. I don’t think I’d be ready to go full gay mode and start blowing him and definitely not more so I offered him more without promising to go further with him. It was hard typing a longer message so discreetly but Nora’s attention was lost on Louie who yes was still talking.

As soon as we get thro the
front door Ill start making
2nite up to u I promise.
Im sorry okay 4
more minutes make an
excuse to leave and go
mine. I wont be far behind u

I seen him read my message Blair too not long after deciding this time he wouldn’t say anything about it. “Nora. Do you work or what?” He instead interrupted Louie’s story.

“Yeah I work at a hairdressers in BlueBurn.” She cheered his way seeming relieved someone had freed her.

“I really got to go soon baby.” I whispered into her neck as I kissed it my arms around her waist acting like a ‘great boyfriend’.

She turned to me looking upset her bottom lip pouting. “Stay please. Where do you need to be more important than here?” She whispered quieter not wanting everyone to hear her beg me. I had no excuse where I needed to be so I was happy when she continued. “Why can’t I come with you?”

“Because if my Dad finds out he will hate me. My Dads all I have I’m not risking him.” I was honest at last with her.

“Well sneak into mine? Or we can go to the bathroom or your car?” She was even quieter now hardly audible as she slipped her hand up my leg to my lap, my lingering boner for Mason not helping as she felt it and thought it was for her making her moan.

“I want to. But that’s gross. I will see you soon enough.” I moved her hand away her touch feeling like I was betraying Mason, funny how I never thought that when he touched me. Speaking of, Mason had just downed his last bit of his drink probably needing to get out of here quickly thanks to Nora being all over me, and was announcing he was leaving.

Blair was quick to defend him when Louie asked him to stay saying we would be leaving soon too because he had work tomorrow something which was new to me but I suppose I didn’t really know him well. Mason waved bye to everyone even Nora saying hopefully he would see her soon, damn his such a nice guy if it was me I’d be storming out here without a word I’m sure of it. Once he left I forced myself to stay longer even after rushing the last part of my drink, my foot tapping impatiently causing Blair to notice.

It had been about eight minutes since Mason left and now Blair was standing apologising but saying he was going too. “Hold up Blair I’ll walk out with you.” I explained using him as my small excuse for leaving so soon. I stood up bending down after to kiss Nora not needing to be so held back because Mason wasn’t here to see but still even I felt like it was wrong. “Sorry baby I’ll see you soon.” I kissed her head before I walked around the table clapping Louie on the back telling him to look after my girl.

As soon as we were back downstairs into the cinema Blair was on my case. “Don’t even lie to me I know everything. What are you still doing with her?” He began quickly diving into it. I ran my hand over my head after asking myself that same question all night. I thought I liked her, I do still like her but not anywhere near how I felt with Mason.

“Mason is in so deep. If your playing with him-“ I didn’t let him finish his sentence hating that he could think that.

“Im not.” I jumped out groaning again. “He doesn’t want people to know so I thought we were going to wait. I didn’t see a problem in staying with her while I waited for him but now it looks like he wants me just not for everyone to know but I don’t want the secret relationship you know?” I tried explaining.

“Yeah but if you keep hurting him like that he won’t be so quick to forgive. His brushing it off tonight being flirty with you but I don’t know how long that will last.” He filled me in as we stood outside finishing our conversation so we could go separate ways.

“Yeah. Well if you’ll excuse me I have some making up to do so...” I trailed on forgetting he had read the messages and probably was grossed out at me hinting I was going home to get off his best friend.

“Have fun.” He saluted me with a laugh before turning to leave. I wasted no time in finding my car and heading home, the normal twenty minutes drive taking no more than fifteen as I desperately wanted to be back to him. As I pulled up outside my house his car was on my drive, it still warm as I passed it meaning he hadn’t long got here. I was lost in my thoughts as I walked up my front garden only as I pulled my keys out did I look up and see him stood on the doorstep waiting for me. I forgot he didn’t have keys.

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