29. Mason; crazy, beautiful, sexy

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*author's note- sorry for such a long chapter!*

I’d been sat in the airport waiting for our flight home which was almost two hours delayed scrolling through my Facebook which I hadn’t gotten the chance to look at since we came away. There was a post from Brandon which I found odd because he doesn’t normally put anything on his page. He shares pictures and funny videos and tags people but very rarely ever wrote a post. It said something about his bed feeling empty and I wondered if maybe him and Nora had broken up, it would make sense as to why he was calling me last night. I clinked to go to his page thinking there might he another clue as to what was going on only I was surprised to see a whole bunch of similar sounding posts and that’s when it dawned on me they were about me. He had been so scared to text me before thinking I wouldn’t text him back, he was scared of loosing me thinking he already had. He missed me most obvious he was jealous of Blair. He knew I never seen him in that way and Blair had a girlfriend! Yet he was still so possessive even now and it showed.

I sent him a text message not thinking about time differences or anything else I just wanted to speak to him and properly not in a joking skirting around the bush kind of talking anymore. He clearly didn’t though when he simply replied to have a safe flight.

Those hours waiting for the plane was the worst and even once boarding I just wanted it to be over with so I could be home and by myself. I’d sent a song link to Brandon because I had been listening to music and the words seemed to fit so perfectly with how I felt as if I’d wrote it myself for him... Of course he didnt reply.
It hadn’t been a good idea to drink so much this holiday or at least it didn’t feel like it now I was squeezed onto a cramped plane with a booming hangover. My entire body ached. I felt worse than if I’d of been ran over by a bus but at least I’d gotten some sleep the alcohol helping now I wasn’t drunk however I was wide awake. Blair had been snoring for the majority of the flight making me envy him to no end but he had his perfect girlfriend to go back home to this morning and then his perfect job in security to start again tomorrow where as all I had was a cold dirty bed and a crappy coffee shop job. My life had began falling apart around me and all I needed now was for me to loose my job or to fall out with my family and I’m sure it was push me over the edge. It was Christmas in literally two weeks but even that I wasn’t looking forward to. It was as if I’d lost my light, that nothing enjoyed me unless I was drunk. “Dude we are landing.” I nudged Blair awake so he could put his seat belt on after my film I’d been watching was interrupted with the seatbelt sign.

“Home sweet home.” He groaned as he stretched buckling his belt and looking over at what I was watching. “Really Brokeback mountain? You have to be that gay now?” He asked and I shushed him looking around not needing everyone to hear luckily they hadn’t. Blair was laughing telling me to chill out, all week he’d gone hard with the gay jokes and I didn’t care because nobody knew me. They weren’t able to judge me and nobody back home would find out, one of his jokes even landed me a make out session with some hunky bloke in a bar not that I was that into it. “Alright chill out okay?” He sighed slumping back into his own seat brightening the window so he could see out to watch as we landed.

Less than ten minutes later our plane was hitting the floor shakily making everyone gasp and hold on tighter before we straightened back up and came to a stop. It was no surprise when everyone rushed to get off the plane me and Blair included dragging our carry on luggage with us which for me consisted of just a backpack which now had all my stuff in like sweets, headphones, eye mask which I hadn’t used but Blair had and my other stuff I needed to keep safe like my passport and wallet. We made it through security with ease only needing to show my passport before I was out in the baggage collection area waiting for my small case to roll around. Blair’s came first then my own and we were on our way out into the just as cold as new New York winter air.

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