24. Brandon; I'm not gay

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I always find it strange how as soon as we finish our highly intimate moments everything goes back to being just how it always has been. After we both cleaned up we played PlayStation until almost one in the morning finally crashing halfway through a game. When I woke up the following day it was to the sound of someone in the house for a second my heart was in my throat pounding terrified as I quickly found myself clinging to Mason who was still asleep until I recognised the whistling they were doing, my Dad. I let out a long breath I’d been holding in wiping my hand over my face before I dragged my body out from partly under Mason making him groan and roll over as I pulled on a t-shirt and headed downstairs to welcome him home.

“Lookie here it awakens.” He laughed seeing me rubbing the back of my neck as I staggered into the living room quickly being  knocked backwards as he flung his arms around me. “Where’s Mason?” He asked without giving me no chance to say anything.

“His asleep. How was your trip?” I asked when he pulled back giving me breathing room. I listened to him go on about the weather and some of the things he did while away as I poured myself some coffee sitting at the island table with him.

“Hey but listen I was wondering if we should do something for Mason’s birthday. It’s his eighteenth after all and you know when it’s yours you can have anything you want, and well Mason is like my son too.” He rambled making me again lean back and scratch my head.

“Thanks Dad but I don’t know. Don’t you think that’s too much? We would both appreciate it but you don’t have to and he wouldn’t expect anything.” I know exactly how Mason would feel knowing my Dad spent a lot of money on him knowing he could never return the favour.

“Okay well we have what two months until his birthday? Just think about it.” He shrugged and I told him I would.

“Think about what? Nice to have you home Mr Jones.” Mason strolled into the kitchen hugging my Dad from behind only to pull away and smile brightly at me making my Dad look at us suspiciously. Nothing new there though he always looks at us like we have something to tell him.

“Oh nothing. How were you two anyway? Did my house survive without me?” He sat up straighter pretending to act serious all I could think however was that FaceTime when I was covered in flour.

“Yeah of course Dad doesn’t it always.” I smiled back keeping an eye on Mason as he dove into the fridge still only wearing boxers and a t-shirt making me hide my smile at how at home he feels here.

“And that girl of yours didn’t make any appearances did she?” He asked and again as my eye was on Mason I seen how he suddenly stiffened up before quickly emerging from the fridge his face no longer showing his dimple as he chewed the inside of his mouth.

“I was here all week Sir she definitely didn’t.” He helped me out but he was annoyed just at the mention of her.

With my Dad being back home there was officially no reason for Mason to sleep over in the week anymore so after a day of our usual lazy PlayStation and binge eating he left at about seven and I knew it might be a day or two before I seen him again.

What’s worse I couldn’t give the fact that my Dad wasn’t home as an excuse to not see Nora so when she begged me to come over that night I struggled to find an excuse knowing though that it was important I found one because there was no way she could see me with these love bites on my neck. I know Mason had good intentions giving them to me and in the heat of the moment I loved them and didn’t care how many or where he done them but now every time I saw them it bothered me. They were a reminder of my unfaithfulness and everything that me and Mason had become. They screamed gay to me what’s more my boss would kill me if he sees them. So the next day at work was the first time I wore a high collared shirt even buttoning the top buttons so I felt strangled all day.

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