59. Brandon; change of mind

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*smut warning*

Mason’s face was red and heated when he pulled away at the sound of the alarm. It was a good idea because just before it went off I was seconds away from pulling his jumper off over his head so I could run my hands over his body better and I’m sure he was about to do something similar how roughly he was holding onto me.

I reached for my phone which was under his legs somewhere as he sat back still breathing heavily. He sounded so hot but maybe it was just because I knew he was only this way because I’d made him be. I unlocked my phone looking at the timer then back to Mason who gave me a cheeky grin. “Four more minutes.” I decided quickly setting it as he was back on my mouth while I tried seeing the numbers. I gave in hoping it was about right dropping it somewhere my hands inside his jumper pulling it up out of the way.

He broke the kiss to let me pull it over his head and toss it somewhere. “I’m so uncomfortable.” I laughed Mason helping me stay relaxed and carefree not how I’d been with anyone else before. We were totally ourselves together not trying to act sexy or try be something we aren’t.

I hummed my pleasure as his hands blindly unbuttoned my jeans as he continued tonguing me giving me a little more room to breathe not feeling so confined now that everything was ten times bigger inside my boxers.

My hands slipped lower from his hips to his ass squeezing it roughly before I dragged him to straddle over me his boner pressing into mine when he lay down on me. Four minutes would probably be up soon... I let my hands find there way inside the back of his boxers my short nails just about able to scratch his ass as I tug my fingers into it making him moan into my mouth.

His hands were inside my t-shirt running over every line on my chest as if he was trying to memorize me for later... God I didn’t want him having to rub one out later because of this. I didn’t want to have to either especially not after how long and boring it was last time.

The alarm sounded and again he removed his mouth from mine sitting up right in my lap as I, frustrated found the source of the sound unlocking my phone. I shut it off locking and throwing it across the bed out of reach before I sat up slamming my lips on his again. “Changed your mind?” He mumbled against my mouth finding this funny.

“I want to make you cum.” The smile was wiped from his face a loud moan leaving his mouth instead at my words as he moved so he could grind against me making me moan at the feeling too.

“I want to make you cum.” He repeated my words which again made me moan just as loudly as it did him. “Off.” He pulled at the hem of my t-shirt making me sit up so he could throw it from my body to who knows where him not stopping as he moved from my waist pulling on my jeans. “Off.” He ordered again and I listened lifting my hips so he could tug them down as I helped them being off in seconds pushed to the floor.

We were now sat facing each other both in just our boxers, my eyes on his boner and his on mine.

Still urgently needing him I brought my mouth back onto his then in one movement tried pushing my tongue back into his mouth my hands running down his stomach to his boxers. He pulled away a little making me freeze as he stopped everything sitting still. “Slow down.” He whispered before much calmly coming back to me for more. The decrease in speed gave me time to think about what we were doing which was good because I was more sure than ever that he was what I wanted in this moment.

He was right too we didn’t need to hurry. We had this place to ourselves and would for some time longer. Nobody was going to stop us this time and we could do whatever we wanted as well because we were both single. He was mine.

Gently I pushed against his chest laying him back down our lips not leaving each others just as passionately as our first kiss tonight.  He moved with ease backwards until I connected our bodies together his thigh wrapping around my waist as I caressed down it holding him to me.

We both moaned in unison when he ground his hips up into mine our boners rubbing into each others again instinctively making me push myself back to him us both moving against each other finding the perfect rhythm.

Steadily I trailed my hand ever so lightly up his thigh over his hip creating goose bumps as I did continuing over his ribs up to cup his face. He was struggling to catch his breath as he hummed at the feelings he was receiving so I pulled back smiling when he took a deep breath as soon as my lips left his.

I moved my mouth across his cheek to his ear making him shiver as I bit down on his ear lobe then kept travelling my kisses down his neck before licking my way back up it. “Did Byson make you feel like this?” I asked not able to stop thinking about him doing this with another guy. Maybe that’s why he wanted me to slow down, because I knew he must of been rushed and desperate with him as he’d told me he was only at his place about an hour before calling a taxi. He wanted to remember everything about what we were doing right now as badly as I wanted to I think.

He was groaning at my words shaking his head no a smile instantly spreading my lips making my cheeks hurt a little. I bit down gently at first his body forcing it’s way harder into mine urging me on more. I tested my limit of how rough I could be carefully biting harder down his moan getting louder as I did until it turned into a slight gasp and he held still for a second until I lessened my hold on him making him relax again. Keeping the same amount of pressure on the skin between my teeth I sucked onto his soft skin wanting a nice deep purple mark to be left there. It was high up on his neck near his ear so I’m pretty sure he could get away with few people seeing it.

I was trying not to think about how good he was making me feel this entire time the way he was rubbing against me and his hands were exploring my back and ass his nails clenching into me as I caused him pain.

I pulled back to examine my handy work grinning when I saw the already darkening bruise on his neck. His hand cupped my cheek moving me back to his mouth nibbling on my lower lip I finally concentrated on my own pleasure realising how amazing our boners rubbing together felt, a throaty gasp leaving my mouth.

Mason pushed me backwards flipping us over so he was on top of me sloppily kissing me he drove me hornier as I roamed my hands all over his body quickly feeling every inch of him before I hooked my fingers into his boxers on both sides to pull them off.

He copied my previous action his mouth dipping down only he went for my throat wetly kissing over my Adams apple and then lower removing his body from mine stopping me from getting his underwear off as he licked kissed and grazed his teeth over my chest making me tip my head back at the feeling deep moans flowing freely from me. His slight stubble only added to the sensation this feeling better than any girl I’d ever been with and he hadn’t even touched me yet where I needed him most.

One of his hands were on my inner thigh so close to my erection that I was frantically grinding the air trying to encourage him to touch me but he either was blind to my attempts or he was purposely ignoring them.

Suddenly he was no longer touching me so I opened my eyes looking down to see what he was doing instantly falling back onto the bed with a moan of happiness when I saw he was now trying to get me naked tugging at my waistband. I didn’t need to help him as he had them off in seconds his mouth now kissing down my stomach getting closer to my throbbing member his hands brushing up my inner thigh again giving me so many sensations I didn’t notice when his mouth left my body quick enough before it was coming back onto me placing a kiss on my dick.

“Oh my god.” I moaned moving so I could watch him. He was looking up at me with these massive almost black eyes full of lust almost making me cum right there and then.

“Can I?” He asked my permission not even getting his words out his mouth fully before I was frantically nodding my head for him to continue needing to feel what he just did to me again. He smirked before fingering my dick taking a hold of me making me moan again it being cut of by another as his warm mouth wrapped around my head.
It felt incredible. His tongue was swirling around the top vibrating as he moaned at the taste of me. He began bopping up and down lowering me deeper into his mouth as he sucked on my length. I couldn’t think straight my vision was clouded and all I could hear was a mix of the blood pumping throughout my body and the combination of both our moaning.

If I thought his kisses were sloppy I’d of been mistake because the amount of saliva that he was producing on my dick was adding to the pleasure he was giving me every nerve in my body on fire. I couldn’t help but run my fingers through his hair tugging a little as I locked onto him wanting him to stay doing to me exactly what he was right at this minute. “That feels fucking great.” I somehow managed to mumble not wanting him to feel like he wasn’t doing it good enough especially after he said Bryson had stopped him last time.

He hummed on me answering by taking me into his throat deeper gagging on my size his throat tightening around me when he did making me want him to do it again. I was tempted to fuck his throat, to thrust up and take his mouth but we were going slow... I had to keep reminding myself especially as he again gagged on me.

His free hand that wasn’t wrapped around the bottom of my shaft was still exploring my body lightly. He pulled back dropping me from his mouth his hand taking over messily rubbing over my head. My orgasm was approaching but I was no where near ready to end all of this yet. “Kiss me.” I asked him grabbing his attention making him come back up to my mouth his tongue dipping straight inside still wet and tasting like me. As we kissed I slid my hand down over his tight abs forcing my way into his boxers once I got there wrapping around his manhood feeling it throbbing as I gripped it.

Teasingly I stroked it gently with small movements but I don’t think he found it teasing in fact he seemed to be enjoying it a lot how much he was panting into my kiss. He pulled my face closer to his wanting me to stay kissing him as he got to his knees pulling down his own boxers to give me better access to him.

“Brandon...” He breathed my name against my lips making me shudder at how much I loved hearing it from him like this. I waited for him to continue kissing him still our bodies tangled together. “You make me so happy.” He whispered once I gave him the chance. Hearing his words I couldn’t hold back anymore. I rolled us so he was laying down and I was hovering over him his hand now able to reach my boner again it still wet enough that he could messily rub me as I picked up my pace on his.

The smile on my face as I continued to get closer to him kissing him again until I had to break it to moan, was more than I’d smiled in a long while. I bumped our naked dicks together his hand moving from mine to be wrapped around both of them as he held them to each other rolling his hips as I did mine. It was like he was giving me a handjob at the same time as feeling like I was fucking something still wet feeling like a blowjob, it was like nothing I’d felt before and knew I’d only ever feel with him. “I want to-“ I stopped to catch my breath changing my mind on what I was going to say when I was able to think again. “Please cum.”

“I’m so close.” He groaned tipping his head back for less than a second before he clashed his mouth with mine again moaning into it. Supporting my weight on one arm I reached between us grabbing us the same as he was my hand holding around his too making his eyes roll and his body began to shake. After one pump of his orgasm the added wetness of his first shot of cum as well as the way he suddenly tightened his hold on us had me finishing too. We both moaned in unison my eyes struggling to stay open as we made a mess onto each others chest most of it dripping down onto his. As we started slowly coming to an end I passionately kissed him again not knowing when would be the next time I’d be able to after this.

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