30. Brandon; what do you turn me into?

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I was thrown awake by Mason and then the sound of my Dads voice in my room walking in without knocking. “Brandon I’m heading to- Woah, Mason sorry I didn’t know you were here. Were you two?” He was looking between us on other sides of the bed faces bright red, cuddling yes we were.

“Dad.” I snapped making his eyes settle on me as I gave him the why didn’t you knock face.

“I am leaving. Nice to see you back.” He grinned before pulling the door shut  behind him as he walked backwards out the room.

“What time is it?” Mason asked sitting up and straightening out his back. That was the fastest and best sleep I’d had in weeks. I felt like I could do anything right now, run a marathon, go to a theme park, go boating, maybe even sleep some more if it would make me feel like this again. I dug into my jeans pocket finding my phone ignoring my missed texts I read aloud the time. Six fifty three, my Dad was leaving for work late his normally gone by the time I’m home from work at about six. He grumbled at my answer instantly swinging his legs over the side of the bed to get up. “I got to go. I have to sort out my work clothes and eat and I bet my Mom’s text and is waiting for me.” He complained again arching his back to wake himself up.

“Slept bad?” I took notice to all his grunts.

He turned his look at me smiling massively. “No best sleep ever. I just have a crick in my back.” He answered me.

“I’ll take you home on one condition, no two.” I joined him in sitting up still not caring Nora was probably worried not having a single text from me all day without an explanation.

He hummed thinking about it. “Try me...” He dragged on curious.

“Well one we get food on the way whatever you fancy drive through stuff. Secondly I’m allowed to stop at yours.” I asked knowing the chance I could was slim but you don’t get what you don’t ask for so it was worth a try.

“Food 100% yes and I’ll even let you stay at mine a while to eat it but then you’ll have to go.” He half smiled.

“Close enough. Ready?” I was asking him even though I hadn’t even moved from the bed yet or made any efforts at it. He was standing up and fixing his joggers though that had been pulled up on his waist while we were sleeping meaning he was tugging them down lower holding his jumper up to look at where he was putting them, flashing his toned stomach to me. I was almost dribbling over him completely eye groping him, him non the wiser even as he dropped his jumper and I snapped out of it jumping out of bed to avoid him noticing I’d been looking at him.

We got our shoes and coats back on not wanting to brave the cold but knowing there was no choice but to. I made sure this time to watch out for the spot I’d almost killed myself on when getting here earlier getting into the car I quickly turned the heat on. “What we eating?” I asked needing to know where I was driving to.

“Your going to want to kill me but I want chippy.” He gave me these puppy dog eyes because he knew both that chip shop meant getting out the car to go inside the shop and that I’d willingly volunteer myself to go inside. I put up the fuss too mumbling under my breath as I done my seatbelt up and began heading that way Mason loving it though.

I got to the chip shop already knowing what he wanted parking as close to the doors as I could which wasn’t hard because it was a Wednesday night and hardly anyone eats junk food in the week like this. I purposely left the car door open as I bailed out the car beeping in confusion, Mason too confused before I ran around the front of the car sticking my tongue out at him childishly regretting it when instant Karma made me slip on some ice grabbing the car to stop me falling flat on my face.
I felt his eyes on me the entire time I was inside enjoying it actually, being in an amazing mood. I turned around to look at him as I waited for our food gesturing with my fingers to my eyes then him that I knew he was watching me. His smile widening making me happier and my mood playful. I leant backwards onto the counter nobody else in the shop even the people working here off doing our food meaning nobody was watching me. I pretended to be rushing to get my jeans undone before I held my hands out and started thrusting the air biting my lips faking enjoying what I was doing. He was staring at me like it was the only thing he could do his smile still there as he copied me biting his lip too only I had the feeling it was really because he was enjoying himself too. “Sir.” I heard turning around blushing I took the bag of food thanking him before practically running out the shop embarrassed. Mason had leant over opening my door for me already so I could jump straight in and I slammed the door freezing.

Once I regained myself I took the bag of food handing it over to Mason who took it once it was near his lap, my eyes catching sight of the tent in his trousers but deciding to ignore it. Again I was back to trying to hide my feelings for him not needing this to turn too much again for us.

We ate our food on his sofa talking to his Mom mainly although his Dad was there about the holiday, they had been surprised to see me but not as surprised and glad as my Dad was seeing me with Mason again but maybe it hadn’t helped that he saw us wrapped around each other. Once everything was cleared away it was gone eight o’clock and me and Mason excused ourselves upstairs. “Nine o’clock guys.” His Dad shouted meaning that’s when I had to leave. The first thing Mason did was fall onto his bed face first as I stood staring at him holding onto the door looking like I wasn’t sure to close it or not.

“You got to leave it open still.” Je reminded me making me push it until it was almost closed literally a slither of lit coming through from the hallway into my dark room.

“That’s annoying you know?” I asked as walking towards the bed.

“Your gonna get us in trouble. They mean more than that.” he laughed knowing I knew that already. I shrugged like I didn’t care. If he didn’t care I didn’t either.

Mason lay back down on his back again groaning yawning with a big stretch it turning to a moan. “Back still playing you up?” I asked sincerely reaching out he laying a hand on his ribs. He mumbled a yes closing his eyes as I began crawling up the bed towards him squeezing his shoulder making him moan not caring if it made things weird clearly it feeling great. “Roll over.” I whispered and he obeyed turning onto his stomach dragging my hand from his shoulder to down his back the ball of my hand digging in making him moan louder. “Shhh.” I couldn't help but laugh reaching up for a pillow bringing it to stuff under his face making his moans muffled as I massaged his back roughly. “That good?” I asked my voice so intense making me wonder if he knew I was enjoying this as much as him.

“So good.” He breathed out staggered taking a quick breath in after. “You have magic hands.” He told me probably remembering how they felt on his dick too having a feeling that this may continue to more as I couldn't stop my thumbs from disappearing into his joggers and boxers to massage lower on his back almost his ass. “Brandon behave.” It sounded forced to say making me moan too.

“I’m trying trust me.” I laughed giving in dropping my body down onto the bed beside him keeping my hands to myself now our faces lined up together inches apart the breath from his sigh engulfing me. “What do you turn me into.” I whispered clashing my forehead harshly onto his.

“Door.” We heard from outside the room making me move my face away and roll onto my back just in time for the room to be flooded with light as it  was kicked open by my Dad as he passed by. I looked up seeing him standing in the open doorway looking at us before deciding we weren’t up to no good and walking away our punishment, now it was completely open.

The bathroom door clicked as it was locked shut indicating that’s where he was gone. I couldn't help speaking up on my resentment of the rules quite loudly too earning a massive smack from Mason. “Yeah well I hope you just seen my boner.”

“Your crazy! I swear you want me killed.” he couldn’t help but laugh at my new found forwardness.

“Never.” I whispered seriously. “Half hour of PlayStation. I bet I can whoop your ass.” He ignored the sexual tension going back to ordinary best friend mode.
“Deal! Game on.” I agreed hopping off the bed to get everything loaded up ready to wreck him.

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