44. Mason; Christmas eve

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Christmas eve was Tuesday and as my family began arriving me and Brandon pulled ourselves out of my bed where we had been watching Christmas films to go down and join them. Charlie gave me a huge grin as I walked into the living room Brandon following behind me. It was about eight and my grandparents were meant to be arriving soon so we could eat together and then play some typical family games. Sofia was curled up on the floor with a blanket around her as she leant on a pillow texting on her phone luckily leaving space for everyone on the sofas for now at least whilst my grandparents weren’t here.

I greeted Charlie and Leah who he was ushering to sit down as soon as they had walked in smiling at her warmly reminding me of how happy they were together. I only wished I could be that happy with someone one day... anyone but I hoped Brandon. Brandon waved them a hello wishing them a merry Christmas too as he sat where I pointed him to. We fell into small talk my Dad asking him about work as my Mom spoke to Leah about if my brother was taking care of them both. I was listening more to what Charlie was saying trying not to let the way Brandon’s finger that sat between us on the sofa distract me it brushing lightly against my leg.

The doorbell rang making me jump Brandon chuckle as he patted my knee refraining from touching any higher when my Dad could see. My Mom jumped to get it after all it was here parents at the door everyone standing as they entered taking off their coats arms full of bags of presents as they happily said hello to everyone putting the bags down by the door coming over to Charlie first giving him a hug and then Leah before turning to me smiling wider my grandma hugging me extra tight pulling back she looked to Brandon. “Excuse my memory but I always forget your name sweetie?” She asked him to which he quickly informed her of taken a back when she threw her arms around him too my granddad shaking my hand and then Brandon’s them both taking a seat on the sofa. I sat down too forgetting that there would only be room for one of us as it was a three seat sofa Brandon turning to glare that I’d pushed him out.

“Give the poor lad a seat.” My grandfather gestured to Brandon but he shook his head smiling.

“I will sit on the floor it’s fine.” He sounded genuine his glare to me fake as he plonked himself down by my feet his back leaning half on the arm rest and half on my legs at least this way we were touching.

“His fine he has young legs.” I told my Nan as she made a sad sound not happy with him being on the floor not caring that Sofia was who was only now coming over to hug them.

“Can I get you all a drink?” My mother asked always the perfect host but before anyone could say anything my brother told her to hang on catching everyone’s attention.

“Me and Leah have an early Christmas present.” He began looking over to Leah who looked nervous. His eyes met mine seeming to glow brighter us all looking at them confused waiting for him to continue. “We are pregnant.” He announced my Mom screaming with excitement running over throwing her arms around him making him tumble backwards into the sofa. Brandon looked up at me with a happy face before I looked over for everyone else’s reactions. My Dad seemed shocked my grandparents too even though they were both smiling. Sofia was laughing as she went over to Leah asking to touch her belly as my Mother now cooed with her.

“Congratulations.” I told him as I went over to him waiting for him to stand up so I could give him a real hug. “How far along?” I asked as everyone else was acting illogical my Nan now hugging Leah as my grandfather spoke something to my Dad.

“Sixteen weeks.” He told me not that I had any idea what that meant. He could tell by the look on my face laughing. “Almost four months.” He nodded before moving as he remembered something pulling it out of his back pocket. “Here. It’s our latest scan.” He held out a piece of paper to me and to my surprise a tiny looking fully formed baby was easy to make out. I turned my first reaction to share this with Brandon happy to see him already almost at my side.

“Congrats mate.” He smiled to Charlie looking down at the pictures with me.

“The baby is the size of an avocado now.” He held his hand outstretched to symbolize the size of it my Mother taking the paper from my hands to look at it. Finally my Dad moved towards us brushing by me and Brandon he put his hand on Charlie’s shoulder actually smiling at him.

“I’m happy for you.” He told him and I was shocked to hear them words coming from his mouth. He never says anything like that so I felt happy for Charlie that he said it now when it seemed most important. My brother was almost 22 he would be able to take care of a baby and his fiance I’m sure.
It was one of the best Christmas eve dinners we had had in a long while my Dad laughing around with everyone us all seeming relaxed for once making me and Brandon more at ease not worrying so much about what my Dad was thinking whenever we touched or looked at each other.

Once it was all cleaned away me and Brandon offering to help my Mom which she turned away we all crashed in the living room until she was done, bringing in some after eights we set up a game of shares our family playing slightly different in that we all had to write our names into a hat three times and whoever got pull out had to play otherwise nobody would ever guess what they were acting scared to have to play next.

Sofia was first it taking ages for anyone to figure it out but that was the whole point in the game, it was more fun this way. Leah was next everyone telling her to be careful babying her as she acted out something pretty simple, jaws. My Dad was next and well we were all in stitches as he tried acting out bambi hopping around the living room only stopping for a second to hold his back which was  hurting him Brandon forgetting he has one called out Brokeback mountain making me cringe scared for my Dad’s response. He shook his head silently laughing as he ignored it going straight back to skipping about happy then looking scared.

I nudged my knee into Brandon who looked at me laughing making me laugh my hand slipping to his knee rubbing it without thinking what anyone would think.

My Mom finally guessed pulling another name out the hat I groaned hearing my name. Brandon pushed me up we had both been squeezed onto the sofa together next to my Nan and Grandfather embarrassed already I walked to the pile of cards pulling the first one from the pile.

Again I groaned seeing I had meet the fockers. I thought about it for a minute before pointing to Brandon him saying his name as if he was the name of the film... idiot. I then pointed to my Mom and Dad making him frown confused as well as my parents. I could only imagine films that were going through his head hoping he wouldn’t say anything too incriminating. I held up three fingers then pointed to the first Charlie thinking out loud. “First word...” I shook my own hand and then waved trying to act out meeting someone.

“Hello?” Leah asked and I shook my head no again shaking my own hand.

“Meet?” My grandfather asked making me smile and nod who knows how he got that. I pointed to my third finger turning to look at my parents then back to Brandon sighing because all I wanted to do with hint it was like how my Dad acted around Brandon but that would look suspicious. No idea what else I could do I began thrusting pretending I was having sex everyone laughing as I was more than embarrassed doing this not only in front of my Dad but grandparents too even if they were finding it funny.

“Meet the fockers.” Charlie spoke up making me sigh that he got it.

“That was stupid.” I blushed as I went to take my seat beside Brandon again. We kept playing for a while before I excused myself to the bathroom. As I came out I was met with Brandon standing by my bedroom door fingering for me to go to him. He walked backwards me following him the door being pushed to behind us so people couldn’t see us very easily.

“What did I have to do with meet the fockers?” He asked smirking making me laugh he was still thinking about it. I explained it to him making him laugh too at how right I was. “I got one for you.” He grinned as so far he hadn’t had a go, lucky sod. He held up one finger making me tell him one word. Suddenly his hand was grabbing my dick through my jeans making me jump and gasp at the sudden forwardness. “Come on what is it?” He asked still cupping my junk. I couldn’t think straight no idea what it could be. Laughing he moved away asking if I gave in.

“Yes. Unless you have any better ways of acting it out.” I teased but he shook his head no.

“Hancock.” He told me with a massive grin making me groan in realisation.

Brandon finally left just after everyone else did at eleven kindly wishing everyone a Merry Christmas I followed him out to his car wanting to say a real goodbye to him without everyone watching us. He was playing with his keys the moment we stopped turning to face each other. “I had a great day. Thank you for letting me stay.” He was so polite even saying the same thing to my parents before he left the house making it easy to see why my Mom liked him enough to invite him over every year.

“Duh of course.” I bumped into him making him smile before we both stopped to stare at each other.

“Will I see you tomorrow or...” He trailed off his eyes leaving mine shyly for a second before locking onto mine again hopeful.

“I will try after dinner to come see you even if just for an hour.” I promised him hooking my pinky around one of his fingers that still were jingling his keys. He nodded his smile back taking a slow step back to his car I let go of his finger to let him leave.

“Have a great Christmas morning Mase.” He whispered opening his car door lingering for me to say something before he climbed in.

“Merry Christmas.” I told him stepping back so he could safely drive away from the house. He paused before nodding again getting into his car closing the door and belting himself in. I waved him off smiling to myself as I wondered back up my drive inside.

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