14. Brandon; day dreaming

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I could tell he wasn't going to be ready to tell people he was into guys. I wasn't particularly ready either to explain to people I wasn't gay for anyone but my best friend. I'm sure nobody would believe that. I also wasn't ready to give up on Nora.

He was pissed I was staying with her I saw that but he calmed down when I think he realised why. We stayed up on the cliff until the sky started darkening knowing we had to get going before we couldn't find our way back through the trees. We had spoke about a lot and everything seemed much clearer. If anything I felt closer to him knowing there was nothing he was hiding from me anymore and I wasn't pretending anymore that I didn't feel anything for him. I didn't have to hide the way I looked at him hoping he wouldn't notice and freak out. As we made our way though back to the main road and again he tripped this time I didn't hesitate grabbing his hand to steady him like I had stopped myself doing before. He took it so tightly and didnt bother letting go either until we got to the clearing and we heard voices on the road. A little too quickly he pushed it away from his stuffing them into his pockets and began staring at his feet awkwardly. I didn't say anything about it instead bringing up something I did at work today involving a horrible old women and her fake bank cards.

We joked as if nothing had happened between us which was great. I'd really missed us. Once we got back to his work I stopped at my car that I'd parked on the road not sure if I'd of been ticketed if I parked in the car park after hours. He was but he worked there. He stopped too and we both stood silent until he broke out smiling that toothy flashy grin going around to the front of my car to look at my front bumper which yes had took some damage. "There had to be some collateral." I smirked rubbing where the small dent was.

"Did your Dad see it?" He asked his smile never faltering.

"Yes and he wasn't happy. He thought we were drink driving and gave me a massive lecture on it." I remembered back to the Sunday morning the least of my concerns when I'd been awake all night over everything in my head.

"I took one for the team because it was better than admitting the truth." I laughed knowing if I'd of told my Dad what really happened it would of embarrassed him to no end, not as much as it would of myself though I bet.

"No Dad in fact I was completely sober. You see the problem came when I couldn't get into Mason's lap fast enough and I leant on the handbrake." He joked in my voice turning my cheeks an illuminated red hearing the words of what happened come from him.

"You make it sound like it was all me!" I snapped still finding it amusing even if I was flushing and embarrassed.

"Was it not? I forget?" he teased a mischievous smirk on his face. It was a good job we were on opposite sides of the car because I was sure he would of been crawling onto me.

"No. You- you were-" I couldn't think of the right words. He could though calling himself desperate with a wink. Damn. Another reason I was glad the car was between us, I now had a boner. I shook him off unlocking my car and climbing inside doing my belt up and winding down the passenger side window to talk to him still. "By the way." I began as I got the car into gear. "My Dad is still away for work for a week. We on still?" I wasn't sure if we would be that back to normal yet but if I didn't ask I'd never find out.

"Mr. Jones. Are you inviting me over to your empty house?" I could sense he was joking but still he wasn't exactly helping my erection with his more powerful innuendos now I knew there was some truth behind them. I laughed shyly looking down to hide my yet again growing blush. "As long as she won't be there. Or of been there then yes." He caught my attention with his serious tone his eyes deliberately telling me how genuine he was being.

"No Nora. Okay." I nodded in total understanding. "I will see you tomorrow after work then." I finished and he smiled stepping back from the car.

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