03 | Never In Our Favor

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Chapter Three
Jayce Mirella

My life had spiraled out of control after that, and in 2015 I had met Blue in that 7-Eleven blocks away from my apartment. I was clutching my black backpack in my hands with a vice like grip as I licked my lips, and glanced at the checkout counter every now and then to see the cashier bagging customers stuff with a blank expression on his face.

He definitely hated his job but I would too. Most of the people who had come into that 7-Eleven were either drunk or high. Sometimes there were teenagers—such as myself—who came in with the intention of theft. Like me. I had a variety of snacks in my bag that ranged from Welch's Fruit Snacks to about five Twix bars.

I didn't even have actual books in my bag because I ditched school nearly everyday. On the occasions that I had went to school, I ended up spending hours in the bathroom with other miscreants to smoke despite how disgusting it was. I never got used to the taste of nicotine on my tongue.

I remember walking down an aisle on my way to grab a drink.

Maybe I'd take an Arizona or maybe a Fanta since they had just come out with a new flavor that I had been seeing everywhere that year was what I had been contemplating at the time. Rodney Brown Junior was drinking it at lunch yesterday and it looked good, when I had asked him for some he spit into it and shoved it at me which resulted in some of its contents spilling onto my pants as I had sat beside him. He prompted me to take a sip if I wanted it, 'so fucking bad,' but I declined because he was nasty, and he always did shit like that.

With that stupid ass triumphant look on that caramel toned face of his, he had began to eagerly drink his Fanta again. Because I was petty at the time and still am, I smacked the drink out of his hands and watched with a smirk on my smug face as it rolled down the lunch table. The contents of the Fanta spilled on its journey over to some random kid's lunch tray but I didn't care, I didn't have much time to care because Rodney Brown Junior had stood up and shoved me hard enough to make me fall out of my seat.

In the end, I had walked away from that encounter with a few cuts on my face because we fought but Rodney Brown Junior walked away with a bite mark on his cheek, a busted lip and an inability to reproduce because I sure as hell kicked his dick hard enough to reverse his shit.

The incident still made me laugh.

By the freezer section of the 7-Eleven, I had unzipped the black bag in my hand and pulled the freezer door open, preparing to pull out the red drink and bag it when a body had suddenly slammed into me and knocked me off my feet. The pain that had surged through my head as it slammed onto the floor makes my ears ring even now, and I had watched as the snacks inside my bag spilled out onto the floor.

The pain had subsided into a distant throbbing and I chuckle as I remember how wide my eyes got as well as the way I rushed to shove the stolen snacks back into my bag but it had been too late. When I looked up, I realized that the girl who rammed into me did so because the cashier was chasing her, and she was trying to escape. The girl had looked down at me as I pathetically tried to bag what was obviously being stolen, I recall the way she was trying so damn hard not to laugh at me and it pissing me off like nothing else.

I glared at her as I hooked my foot around her ankle, and spitefully yanked her foot with my own until she tumbled onto the floor right beside me, it was easy too because the bitch had been distracted when she should've been running not like I could have said a thing as I was in the same predicament at the time. Things hadn't ended up well for us as the cashier made his way over to the clear glass front doors, and locked us both inside with his phone up to his ear as he had undoubtedly been speaking with the police.

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