34 | I Like Jayce Mirella

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Chapter Thirty-Four
Rhys Chandler

"You should've seen how excited she was, man. She was all like, 'I love you so much!' after the judge granted her three visitation days a week to see Violet. She's been spending time with her and doing all the things she hasn't been able to for years. Get this — " Dimitri turns in his seat to look at me, hitting my arm as he did so. " — Blue invited me to spend time with her and Violet and I took them to an amusement park! Bro, Violet was holding my hand and she even let me pick her up. She was so damn cute. I'm telling you, that little girl looked happier being with Blue and I than she did being home with that dick Leon and his girlfriend. Blue was so happy that she cried and I swooped in like Superman— " Dimitri flexes his muscles, pressing a kiss onto his bicep. " — And comforted her! I really like her, man. Child and all, I like Blue and Violet and I don't mean the colors."

I laughed at him, shaking my head as I take a swig of my Louis XIII Magnum Remy Martin enjoying the feeling of the smooth burn down my throat. Dimitri and I sat at my bar in my condo, Dimitri had a glass filled with beer because he was a man of simple taste whereas I am  — again — classier I suppose. The funny thing is that he hasn't touched his drink as of yet, instead he's going on and on about how amazing Blue Marisol is like he was experiencing his first love; then again, he could be experiencing his first love since I've never heard him talk about a girl from the entire time I've known him.

Dimitri is the type to talk with profound excitement whenever and wherever about whatever so I'm assuming that Blue may truly be the only girl Dimitri has ever truly liked. I knew Dimitri's past enough to know that he's been with girls before but he never spoke about them like they were the next best thing since sliced bread. Blue, however, was a completely different story. He continued to ramble on and on about Blue like she was a rare gem that he just discovered.

I couldn't fault him for it as Jayce Mirella comes to mind and I immediately understand where his bubbling excitement is coming from. I find myself smiling as I twist my drink in my glass cup, my left hand laying on the bar table. The deep brown liquid swirls around the small glass cup without spilling and I focus my eyes on it like I'm undergoing hypnosis, my thoughts filled with nothing but Jayce.

I begin to imagine her white smile and the way her eyes crinkle at the side whenever she laughed, I think about her button nose, her beautiful brown eyes, the way her sense of style changes every day as she goes from rocking one hair color to another every time I see her while her makeup is always something eye-catching though she looked just as stunning without any makeup on, I loved how she didn't care what anyone else thought of her as she lived her life for herself and no one else, I couldn't get enough of how short she was and the continuous thoughts of wanting to pick her up and put her in my pocket even when she annoys and teases me though these days I'm the one who's teasing her, I liked everything about Jayce Mirella.

I never thought that I'd ever think that or ever feel this way about her but somehow I ended up falling for her without noticing it myself. Dimitri's rambling about how great Blue is begins to fade, the image of Jayce appears in my head. Suddenly, I began to wish that she was here even though I had spent all of yesterday with her.

Our time together is running out, the trial is tomorrow at five-thirty pm in the afternoon which will determine Jayce's freedom. I didn't know what I would do if I was unable to get her the not guilty verdict. I've never felt this amount of pressure nor this vehement desire to win a case before but this was for Jayce. It was up to me to clear her name and win her, her freedom. Within close to three months, I had fallen for Jayce Mirella and I wanted to do everything I could for her. She brought me happiness I hadn't experienced in a long time, it made me think, 'maybe there is a God.' Only he'd be responsible for disguising a blessing in the form of Jayce Mirella who I thought was a curse at first.

"Blue is everything Rhys I'm telling you, there is no other girl like her. I know that I sound like a lovesick puppy but she's just...amazing. She does this thing with her nose when she's confused about something, it's a little wiggle and it's so damn adorable man. I think about her 24/7, all the time. I was trying to pay attention to Ms. Nazzel who's my next client for my next case but I just couldn't. Blue is — "

"I like Jayce Mirella." I blurt out.

Dimitri is taken aback but like he anticipated that this would happen, he begins patting me roughly on the back while he hoots and hollers in excitement.

"I mean Luna and I knew it all along but we didn't expect that you'd come to terms with it as fast as you did," Dimitri says.

"Come to terms with it?" I look at him.

"Well, you so adamantly hated her in the beginning that we thought you'd delude yourself into thinking that you still hated her even when you began to show signs that you liked her." Dimitri drinks his beer.

I narrow my eyes at him. "I did not show signs that I liked her. Even when I began to like her, I kept a poker face."

Dimitri laughs boisterously as he places his glass cup onto the table and looks at me. "Dude, Luna, and I knew you liked her even before you knew that you liked her."

"You're lying." I deny, downing the rest of my drink.

"The way you looked at her gave you away, Rhys." Dimitri shakes his head as he takes a sip of his beer.

I look at him. "How did I look at her?"

Dimitri licks his lips as he wears a smirk. "Like she was your everything."

I'm silent, unable to deny the claim. I couldn't see how I looked at her but I wouldn't be surprised if I did look at her like she was my everything because in the short time I knew Jayce Mirella, it became hard to imagine a life without seeing her, experiencing her comebacks, and hearing her laughter. Against all reason, I wanted her by my side.

"When are you going to tell her?" Dimitri asks.

I finger the rim of my empty glass cup with a tentative look on my face. "I won't tell her until after the trial ends."

If I can get Jayce Mirella that not guilty verdict then I'll let her know how I feel, if not I believe that it's best to keep my feelings to myself. If she returns my feelings but is forced to remain in prison knowing that we can't officially be together, I couldn't bear to live with myself knowing that she'd be suffering in prison with the knowledge that we both like each other but can't be together. Meanwhile, if she doesn't reciprocate my feelings but is found not guilty at least she can move on with her life even if it tears me apart inside.

So I will wait to see what happens tomorrow.

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