16 | This And That

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Chapter Sixteen
Rhys Chandler

I inhale the brisk temperature of this cool early Friday afternoon. The sound of a man screaming for the pedestrians that strolled on by to, 'get some hot dogs,' infiltrates my ears followed by the smokey smell of the burning barbecue. As per usual, only a handful of people would stop by the white truck that encompassed the logo, 'Sal's Hot Dogs,' to get themselves a hot dog that was most definitely an impulse purchase as most purchases are when people happen to stumble across a food truck.

In truth, noon still felt quite too early to munch on a hot dog but it was obvious that most disagreed considering how these groups of people strolled pass me with the treat in their hands, some dressed with a fine line of red ketchup others with a swirl of yellow mustard.

I didn't favor hot dogs of any kind so the temptation to drop by the truck was little to none. The only reason why I stood outside of this police station with my hands buried deep into my black Calvin Klein coat, my eyes squinting as I look up at the sign that reads, 'New York City Police Department,' is because I dreaded going inside.

If it were any other day or any other case, I'd stride in with the typical confidence that I innately exude, however, today is not like most days. I allowed Dimitri to talk me into seeing Jayce Mirella two days ago despite how much I disfavor her and think of this as a waste of my time. I could be in my office working on a case that piqued my interest, helping someone who was not in the least difficult to work with. I could be spending my time with a sound conscious that I was helping someone in need, but instead, I'm here to see some girl out who could potentially be the murderer of two innocents, one being a former co-worker of mine. The urge to turn back around and climb right back into my vehicle that was parallel parked perfectly in front of the Police Station was strong but my integrity and promise to Dimitri were stronger as the memory of his pleading voice drifts into head and nags at me to move forward.

Begrudgingly exhaling in annoyance, I allow my feet to drag me closer to the entrance of the police station. I slip my right hand out of my pocket and firmly grasp the handle of the door in preparation to open it but it's flung open before I can comprehend what just happened and I wound up stumbling backward as I clutch my forehead, groaning.

I curse under my breath, my left hand-bound into a fist as I clench my teeth together to suppress the enormous amount of pain that engulfs my aching forehead. The gasp I hear brings me to look up. With narrowed eyes, I cannot help but glare at the flamboyant man that I had met before.


"I am so sorry!" He exclaims as he takes steps closer to me.

I shake my head and immediately take my left hand out of my pocket as I extend it out as a sign for him to stop moving closer to me. I don't want him anymore closer to me than he already is and he got the hint as he stops his movement but the sheepish look on his face remains. My head is throbbing, but I cannot allow that to hinder me from doing what I intended to do.

"What can I do?!" He questions loudly, sincere worry in his voice.

I grimace as the decibels of his tone of voice makes my head pound relentlessly. It feels like someone is repeatedly smashing glass against my head and the oncoming bump I feel against my fingertips tells me that my forehead must look nothing short of Rudolph's nose but unicorn style.

He opens his mouth to say more but I shake my head quickly and place my first finger against my lips to stop him. Fortunately, he listens and refrains from saying more.

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