19 | A Breath Of Fresh Air

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Chapter Nineteen
Jayce Mirella

I am officially beginning to feel like a young child that has just begun to explore the infinite world we are inclined to call life. My head is darting every which way taking in the sights before me, I tried my hardest to regain my sense of nonchalance, but it proved to be nearly impossible as my footsteps continue to lead me deeper, and deeper inside the building that I am in.

It's toasty inside here in comparison to the frigid temperatures of outside; the fact that I did not have a jacket had exposed me to the harsh conditions that were normal for mid-January in Manhattan. My body felt comforted by the electric warmth that trickled all over my body and wrapped in a hug I never wanted to be released from.

Aside from the comforts that the temperature brings forth, the glimmer that descends onto me cast from the brightly illuminated chandeliers that hang high from the tall ceiling lights up the entire room. Squinting up at the light fixtures, I start to conclude that it is made out of real diamonds simply from its structure, the way the crystals twinkle gently at certain angles, and the overall design. It would not be hard for me to believe that it was a diamond-encrusted chandelier given the grand exterior of this building. Standing enormously tall with what seemed to be stain glass windows covering its entirety including the front doors, this building is truly a sight to see among the other buildings nearby.

I never expected a law firm to be as grand as this, maybe I was just making something out of nothing. I have never experienced the 'finer things,' in life so this could be the standard of normal for a company, and I was the odd one out. It wouldn't be the first time that I was the odd one out, even now, I'm the odd one. Walking inside Lennox Law Firm, acclaimed 'best law firm within the entire east coast,' I feel separated from the others that walk around me.

It could be because handcuffs are around my wrists, that is thankfully positioned in front of me rather than behind me. Maybe it's the color of my skin. Now, I don't mean to be that person of color that insists on making everything about color, but considering the harsh reality that the majority of people inside here are white with their stupid expensive luxury suits, fancy hair cuts, and shoes that cost more than my whole outfit together as they gaze at me while whispering to whomever they are beside, it is not foolish for me to assume that it may be a defining factor that makes me feel even more out of place. It could also be my clothing attire; I was in clothes that officers had me change into as there were trace amounts of blood on my clothes, and it didn't take a rocket scientist to tell that they stink, and are due for a wash...or burn — they seriously reek, even I'm getting sick of the stench so that must speak volumes for those around me.

I don't feel bad for the policemen though, it almost warms my heart to know that they are suffering as they escort me through the lobby. Well, the policemen, and this girl who introduced herself to me as Luna back at the police station with the intent to deliver me — like I'm some kind of Amazon package — to Rhys Chandler, my lawyer.

I'm still wrapping my head around the prospect that someone like Rhys Chandler; stuck up, prim and most certainly proper, probably rich as hell, and has never gone through a single struggle in his life would decide to represent someone like me, Jayce Mirella; poor, eats anything out of the garbage, steals to make ends meet with bad morals, and an explosive temperament, in court.

I was never good at math but it doesn't take a lot for me to calculate this equation. Rhys Chandler plus Jayce Mirella does not work, and will not work in any way. I don't like him — correction, I hate the guy, and I'm sure that the feeling is mutual so I'm sure that it would have been much more satisfactory for him to watch me get a shitty public defender to take on my case with my inevitable guilty verdict and observe with a shit-eating grin on his face as the girl who heavily assaulted him with verbal punches goes to prison for life. Instead, he pulls an Uno reverse card out on me, and I'm being told by the girl next to me, who will not shut up, that I am going to be represented by Rhys Chandler with a bright smile on her face. I have tried to conjure up reasons as to why he would take my case.

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