09 | Toot Toot

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Chapter Nine
Rhys Chandler

"You should've seen me in court man! I was like, 'therefore, Mrs. Winston was not at the scene of the crime as you so claim and there is, in fact, definite proof that the prosecution decided to omit,' and everyone in the courtroom was all shocked like 'oh my god what is this dude talking about?' And I whipped my shit out, not my dick, I whipped out the evidence. And the judge went speechless, Rhys my man I'm telling you. The Winston versus Prackston case will live on in history!"

Dimitri, my right-hand man, and co-worker rambled on excitedly about the case he recently finished. The twinkle in his blue and brown eyes makes me truly think that this twenty-four man is a child in disguise no matter which angle I look at it from.

The way he gets overly jovial about partaking in ice cream from Cold Stone, the smile that springs onto his face whenever he plays video games (for long periods might I add) and the way he rambles like a child telling his mommy about his first tinkle after the cases he's solved confirms that he is, in fact, a six-year-old child but that's what makes him Dimitri Bates.

I remember how much he got under my skin the first time he was introduced into the Lennox Law Firm. The way he was always in high spirits and optimistic about everything was annoying, there wasn't a moment that this man hadn't popped his head into my office with that perfectly white smile of his ready to spout nonsense that I didn't care about.

No matter how much I expressed my disdain he still attached to me like a puppy latching to his mother. Eventually, I became immune. No, I forced myself to become immune because if I didn't entertain him then he'd intervene with my work and I'd end up getting nothing done. He claims that I warmed up to him and love him deep down inside but I beg to differ only because that would him the satisfaction of knowing that I do care for him and that's something I refused to allow.

"Live on in the history of the easiest cases of 2020," I say in good humor with the taste of smirk teasing my lips just as I flip through the papers on my desk.

I got about six cream-colored folders filled to the brim with stacks of white paper slapped onto my desk this morning. Luna had the brightest smile on her face as she chatted animatedly with a similar childlike excitement that Dimitri exudes, as her frail arms held the heavy amounts of papers.

I acted like I was listening to her but it's not like she'd realize that I was listening to her because she went on and on and deluded herself into thinking that I was engaging with her by the occasional nodding of my head and the, 'mhm's I repeated now and then. Can you blame me for being so inattentive though?

Those stacks of papers meant that I'd have to choose another case to work on and this Law Firm never failed to give me the hardest cases. Despite how young I am, I'm truly a gold gem in this company. Those aren't my words, those are the CEO's words but I wouldn't dispute it because I am quite the genius.

Graduating at fifteen years old from high school with a GPA above the scale set out for the average student and moving forward to study at Yale with a full-paid scholarship is not usual for most people in the United States. Let's certainly not forget that multiple Ivy League colleges battled and threw their scholarships at me to get me to attend, companies were already on their way to scout me to work for their company, and being featured consistently in Top Youngest Sexy Bachelors in the highest-selling magazine in the entire country is no easy feat. I don't mean to toot my own horn, but toot-toot.

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