36 | The Trial -- Part 2

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Chapter Thirty-Six
Jayce Mirella

Once the Rhys Chandler effect — that's what I wanted to call his ability to silence everyone and leave them shell shocked — wore off, Judge Trenton Owens shakes his head as his straight face returned.

"Prosecution would you like re-cross examine the witness?" The judge asks.

Kyo stands, sighing as he shakes his head. "No, your honor."

"Do you have any other witnesses that you would like to call upon?" Came the Judge's next question for Kyo.

"No, your honor." Kyo bites out then takes his seat.

Judge Trenton Owens looks at Rhys. "Defense, do you have any evidence or witnesses that you would like to call upon that would likely prove a shadow of a doubt that your client did not commit the crime?"

"Yes, your honor," Rhys says as he stands up.

He pulls out a plastic bag with the flash drive inside, papers of the documents on the flash drive proving embezzlement, a silver CD with the video on the memory card found in Vincent's car that was downloaded onto it, and a white CD with the video I took of the emails I found on Ian's computer downloaded on it out of his briefcase. Rhys walks over to the judge's bench.

Because all of the evidence we have except for the flash drive was illegally obtained, Rhys has to ask for permission to show the rest of the evidence. I cross my fingers as I pray that the evidence, primarily the memory card from Vincent's dash camera, would be permissible as that one is the most fundamental.

Everyone waited quietly as Rhys spoke to Judge Trenton Owens. After around a minute or two passed, Rhys walks back over to the defense table unable to meet my eyes. That told me all that I needed to know. The judge deemed the evidence we found to be admissible in court so Rhys couldn't show it. Rhys picks up the plastic bag with the flash drive inside as well as the paper with the documents that can be found on the flash drive.

He strolls over to the judge's bench and gives him the documents, turning around to face the jury with the plastic bag raised in his hand. He walks around, his eyes moving from the jury to the people's bench to Kyo.

"What can be found on the flash drive in my hand are documents that show money leaving Lennox Law Firm and moving to a private bank account; to put it in simple terms, there was money being embezzled but it appeared that someone wanted to hide their crimes. What does this have to do with the case you may be wondering." Rhys stops walking as he stands in front of the jury box. "On the back of this flash drive is the blood of Keagan Quince — " people begin to whisper. " — as it was seen at the crime scene but the true perpetrator must have had enough connections to obtain the flash drive but small wit as they discarded it inside the trash can inside the break room on the tenth floor of Lennox Law Firm. What is the connection here?"

Rhys chuckles as he shakes his head, gazing into the public benches at someone. Turning around, I see that he's looking at Ian and Vincent who sit together. Ian looks completely unbothered while Vincent tries to keep his poker face from unraveling. I look back at Rhys who narrows his eyes, but the disbelief can be seen in his eyes. I can only imagine how it'd feel knowing that your boss, someone you've worked so closely with, was behind something to vile and inhumane.

"Keagan Quince knew that a certain powerful person at Lennox Law Firm was embezzling money and was going to reveal it thus the true criminal wanted to bury his crime by any means necessary so he had someone else do his dirty work for him and kill Keagan Quince. Realizing that Keagan wasn't home alone, the real criminal was forced to kill Delilah who had seen her husband murdered right before her eyes. The real perpetrator then fled the scene of the crime and allowed the mastermind behind the elaborate thing to cover everything up." Rhys spat out as he glares in Ian and Vincent's direction for a long time after his claim that had everyone whispering. Rhys rips his eyes away from them as he heads over to witness stand and leans against it, exhaling. "I call Lillian Florez to the witness stand."

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