11 | Truly Irreplaceable

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Chapter Eleven
Rhys Chandler

I walk past Luna's office, with the count of five, she's walking out of her office with a smile on her pale face. She let her dark brown hair down, allowing it to fall in loose curls above her waist as it lightly grazes her back. Her almond brown eyes are squinted one consequence of the wide smile she wears that exposes her pearly white teeth. Her lips are coated with a tint of red, her nose aligned perfectly with symmetry of her face and the tiny beauty mark she has that is inches away from the right side of her nose. Her attire is simple but classy. She wears a toffee-colored loose blouse with black slacks that loosen into a flare at the ankle, hiding the shoes that she wears.

She may look put together but she's everything but put together.

"Any appointments outside of work that I don't know about?" She asks me as she follows me, keeping up with my pace as we enter the elevator. She presses the button for the main lobby.

"Wasn't an official appointment until now." I begrudgingly admit but brush off my ill feelings for the meantime.

"Where are we headed?" She looks up at me from her four foot eleven inches frame, her high pitch voice that I'm used to drifting into my ears.

I look down at her as I raise my eyebrows, ready to question her on the 'we' part but I decide against it and instead say, "Police department."

She smiles as she clasps her hands together in delight, facing her body towards me. "Are you taking the Jayce Mirella case?"

The look of surprise on my face is apparent, the smile on her face never falls.

"How did you know?" I ask her.

"Ian was talking about the Jayce Mirella case with a few attorneys downstairs before he came upstairs and I overheard him a bit." She bounces on her feet. "I can't believe that you're actually taking a murder case."

I shake my head and look away from her just as the silver steel elevator doors slide open to reveal the open concept main lobby. Walking with fast strides, I take my right hand out of my pocket to check the time on the black Tag Heuer Connected watch around my wrist. Five forty-six p.m.

"I'm not taking the case, or at least, it's not set in stone yet if at all," I remark and turn around to see her directly beside me.

Luna is the only one I know that can keep up with me, potentially why she is the one I chose to be my assistant out of the thousands of people that applied for the same position. At first, I didn't want an assistant because my pace is something that not everyone can match up to, I didn't want to be unnecessarily held back when I function quite splendidly on my own however Ian forced it upon me to hold interviews, no surprise there.

I didn't agree but there was nearly nothing I could do when, one by one, people were coming up to my office for this alleged interview that I was holding, all planned by Ian Lennox himself in actuality. Feeling bad that they had traveled all this way for an interview, I took the time to ask them questions that pertained to what I'd need in an assistant if I had wanted one. No one made the cut. As I was walking out of the elevator much like now but on my way home because I was done for the day, a younger Luna rushed into me.

She had backed away, knew who I was straight away, and pleaded for me to interview her. I had declined because I didn't want to waste any more of my time as I had already deemed any and everyone unfit to assist me. Walking away with haste, I was pleasantly surprised to see that she kept up with me and walked directly beside me, and I don't walk briskly.

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