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"You've been kicking ass for the pass three weeks now." Yolanda my gym trainer said. I smiled brightly.

"With all these aches and pains I better be getting some results." I joke but was serious. But she was great at what she did and I honestly seen myself toning up and fast. I didn't espect to see this much results so fast.

"I'm glad I could be of some assistance." She smiled. "That six pack is coming in though." She said touching my barely visible abs. I smiled.

"Thanks to you."

"You're very much welcome."

"I really wish you will let me pay you though. With results like this so quickly you deserve a check."

"I'm fine I promise. I do know a way you could pay me though besides money."

"What's that?" I asked. I was so stuck on trying to make my abs pop that I didn't catch the flirtaous look she was giving me until.

"You go out with me." I snap my head in her direction. So I was right. She was gay. My gaydar is on point.

"To be clear you mean like on a date right?" Laughing she saids.

"Yes a date."

"I ah..."

"Let me guess. You're not gay." Damn another lie I had to tell. I was tired of lying. If my mom was alive she'd kill me with all the lies I've told so far. She couldn't stand a lie and neither could I but here I was... for the pass month and a half I've been lying. Damn.

"Let's just say that I'm in a relationship."

"Oh. Lucky girl?" Smiling I said what the hell.

"Yes lucky girl."

"Damn just my luck." I laughed.

"I'm sorry. But if I was single I'd definitely would have said yes."

"Damn that makes me even more upset. To think I would have had a chance if I seen you first. How long have you two been dating?"

"Not long actually but I'm so in love it feels like years."

"Damn lucky her."

"Thanks. I do hope this doesn't mean we can't hang out still though. I can definitely use some friends. Being new here and not knowing anyone is driving me crazy."

"I assumed that you were from here. Where are you from?"

"Born and raised in Canada."

"Wow. Nice."

"But you're not from hear either huh?"

"How'd you know?"

"I hear an accent. Let me guess. London?"

"Damn you're good. Here I thought I got rid of my accent."

"I love the London accent." I said and she beems.

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