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"Who came up with this?" Louis asked as she looked at the papers I presented her. It was evadence that Brain was stealing from us. I had no proof that Russell was working with him but it was clear as day that the reason we were losing money was because of the man we all trusted. I can't believe that Brandy was right. I considered that man the uncle I never had. I was hurt and the pain was beginning to show. I forced back my emotions before answering.

"Brandy came up with it. Meaning she was the one to figure out out."

"How did she do that?"

"She read the paperwork and put two and two together. I never questioned Brian mom. None of us did because we considered him family. But she doesn't know Brian at all. Never meet him and she figured it out in minutes."

"So shes a ginues huh?" To me she is yes. I thought but instead said.

"No ginues mom she just happened to look at the things we didn't. I'm sure we would have figures it out also if we would have looked at Brian also."

"I see." I felt a grilling coming on. I couldn't prepare myself for them. She still managed to urk me regardless if I prepared myself or not. "So how much longer will this woman be staying with you?"

"Does it matter?" She raises her brows at me in a way to say watch my tone. Sighing I said. "I don't know. Why?"

"She doesn't seem to be doing anything with herself. Other than butting in our buisness." I sighed again.

"I'll tell her to butt out then. I mean she only figured out where the buisness was losing money. She only helped us not lose the company. Because she told me not to sign those papers because if I had Russell would now own our company. Did you know that?" My mother hated when any of her kids talked back but she always got tight lips when we got smart but knew we were right on the subject we were discussing.

"How did she figure Russell had anything to do with this?"

"She put two and two together again. That's all."

"Wheres your proof in that?"

"All I have is the paperwork with Russell. It's mainly my fault. I should have read the papers. I didnt because I consider them family."

"We all do. I'll look futher into Russlle.  Evalyn and Allic wrip those papers up. For now on everything gets read ten times over before signing it. Big and small letters. No more buisness deals before we figure any of this out."

"Were are we going to get money to keep the company open?" Allic asked.

"I dont know. We need more time figuring this out. Someone needs to get Danny to sell his property to us."

"That man is difficult mom. And were will we get the money to buy if he did decide to sell to us?"

"We'll figure it out right? We always do."

"We've never been this far gone with money before."

"Me and your father have. You kids never had to go threw this because me and your father made sure of it. Now that yall are adults and this has happened the real work comes. Sometimes you have to cut even family off to get what you want and where you want to be. We're going to handle Brian. Until then..." she said as she made her way to the door. "Get Brandy to come to our cookout this weekend. I want to personally thank her."

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