Chapter 14

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Whoever voted for my last chapter thank you. I was beginning to think my story sucked. Lol But please vote for my story. Let me know what you think.

For the pass two weeks I've been looking for a realtor job and finally found one. Myself. No I dont have a location but its just me and decided to work for myself. I called myself Brandy's realtor for now. Corny right? Well that was it. I had to be confadent in myself. Who was going to build me if I didnt build myself? I didn't tell anyone about it. Just me myself and I knew. I just made a website and put my info up and made the site look amazing and waited. But I knew I would have to get out there and work. It wasnt like working for another and having resources out there for you already. I had to do that all on my own right now. But I was up for the job. Hopefully my first sell would be a great one. I didnt think I was going to get any business anytime soon. But I did hope. I threw on some sports clothes and as I ran I placed flyers up of me and my new buisness. Hopefully someone took the bait and trusted me enough to find them a great home and hopefully sell. I knew it was going to empty my pockets thats why I saved up every check that I got from working for Racheal. I also remembered my car. It was time to do something about that. I called Allison as I walked.

"Brandy!" She said cheerfully.

"Hey girl." I said smiling from ear to ear. Leave it to Allison to be so cheerful. "I know I haven't been calling but it's been kinda crazy here."

"You good?"

"I'm fine girl just a lot going on."

"Maybe you should come for a vacation." I stopped and thought about it.

"Maybe I should. We should make plans. The first vacation I get from work we will do something."

"Deal. You can tell me what's been up. I miss you so much girl."

"I miss you to babe. How is Craig doing?"

"He good. Trying to get ya girl pregnant."

"I think you'll be a great mom Ally."

"Thank you and when I do become a mom I want you to be the God mom."


"Of course girl. You're my sister."

"Aw I would love to be the God mom Ally. Just know she or he will be getting spoiled."

"Girl I'm already planning on spoiling the baby and I'm not even pregnant yet. I wanted to wait until I got married but what the hell. I'll walk my ass down the alie with a plump stomach and all." We shared a laugh then it was down to business.

"I'm calling to see if you can do me a big ass favor and sell my car for me."

"Why do you want to sell it?"

"Money girl. I mean I'm not pressed but I could definitely use it."

"You sure you're okay?"

"I'm good don't worry about me."

"Well Craig was thinking of buying a car to get back and fourth to work. His car begin acting up and he rather just sell it then to be bothered."

"Tell him to use mine."

"No I'm trying to say that I will buy it off you."

"Wow really?"

"Yeah. I mean we do need it and you took real good care of the car. How much you asking?"

"I was gonna at least try to get three grand for it but twenty five is good. You my girl and all. I can't be charging so much for you."

"I can transfer it to your bank account."

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