Chapter 13

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I was so damn nervous. I lived with this woman but going on a date had my stomach doing summer salts. I was ready before she was and I paced back and fourth in the kitchen waiting. I had something planned for us. So that we can still enjoy each other and also not have to worry about being seen. This was our first date since being in Florida. Our first date ever and I was excited. I took a slow claming voice as I watched her come down the stairs. She smiled shyly at me. Was she just as nervous as me?

"So beautiful." I say as I go to her giving her a kiss. Was she blushing?

"You are so beautiful also. Where are we going?"

"Its a surprise. Don't worry." We made our way out and I drove since I knew where we were going. Once we arrived she smiled. It was a small restaurant in the city. We had less chance of her family or anyone she knew seeing us here. Once inside they led us to a small room. It was private. Like a v.i.p for restaurants. We took our seats and the waiter left use until we were ready to order. I looked over at Nancy to find her smiling as she looked at the menu.

"Why are you smiling so hard?"

"You thought this threw huh?" I nodded.

"I wanted to go on a date with my baby even if that meant putting a little extra thought to it." She couldn't stop smiling. Good. I'm glad she was happy. A few minutes later the waiter came back taking our orders. Once we were alone again I sparked up conversation with her.

"You ever been here before?"

"Never. How did you find out about this place?"

"Yolanda showed me some places." With the mention of Yolanda she frowned but smiled when she caught me watching her.

"She showed you around?" I nodded.

"Just the main places. Then we came across this place and I checked it out knowing this would a perfect spot for us." She forced a smile. Was she upset? "What's wrong?" She forced another smile.


"Are you sure?" She nodded. I knew that it was something. She was a terrible liar. She grew quite.

"Talk to me Nancy. What is it?" Sighing she said.

"We've already talked about it. And I dont want to bring it up again right now. I dont want to ruin this night with my insecurities." I just give a nod and begin to eat. She was going to tell me what was bothering her before the night was over. We laughed and talked about our passed and the crazy things we did as kids and thought it was cool at the time. She did not look like the type that was into gauth. The dark makeup and dark clothes. That would be funny to see right now.

"Oh I have a question?" I said.

"What's that?"

"First boyfriend. When?" She laughed.

"Gosh. I forced myself to date boys. To satisfy my parents. Mainly my mother. I didnt date much though. My first boyfriend was in middle school. I dated so my mother wouldnt start questioning me like she did Rachael I dated this guy. His name was Brody."

"Brody?" I said laughing. That's sound like a dog name."

"Stop laughing. He was a sweet kid. We only dated for a few months then I broke it off with him."

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