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I might have to switch the story up a bit but please still enjoy.


I woke to the other side of the bed empty. Looking at the time I seen that it was eight fifteen in the morning. Maybe she was already at work. Standing I make my way towards the bathroom when noise from the kitchen have me going in that direction instead. I smile at the sight of Nancy standing over the stove. Such a beautiful sight. I clear my throat being sure not to scare her. She looks over her shoulder at me and smiles.

"Thought you went to work."

"Nope. The papers remember?"

"Right." I say and look at them on the table.

"Don't worry about them right now. Let's eat. Are you hungry?" Just when she ask that my stomach growls. "I guess your stomach answered for you." I sit down and she serves us both and sits across from me. She watches me a I can't help but laugh.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"You didn't kiss me this morning."

"Well I wasn't sure if we were here alone."

"Well we are." She saids and I stand and I make my way towards her. She moans as soon as our mouth connects. I slid my hand against her jaw deepening the kiss. God how I've missed this. Something so simple was the best thing in the world. "Come here." I pull her to me and she wraps her arms around my neck. Moans echoed from her mouth. Something tells me she missed this just as much as I did. Not wanting to take it too far just yet I slowly pull away. She holds onto the shirt I'm wearing not letting move any further and I smile.

"How could I have went so long without having you?" She whispers.

"That's the same thing I wonder. I mean look at me." I say and she rolled her eyes.

"Don't be conceited." I lean down kissing her again. The kiss was shorter but I loved it. Maybe this could workout.

After eating I take the papers and lead her to the livingroom. She sits down and I sit next to her. "Okay. The important thing is you must read every word on the paper. There can be hidden messages on the paper. Maybe even your lawyer doesn't even see it. I dont get why people don't like to read."

"You clowning me on the low?"

"Yes." I say laughing. "What's wrong with reading. Look. This paragraph clearly states that if and when he is ready to take your company from you he has the power to do so and there is nothing you can do about it."

"It saids that?"

"In not so many words but yes. Babe if your lawyer said he read this then he knew what this meant. Why didnt he warn you? If this Russell guy is such a family friend then why have you sigh this? Why not just loan you money or something? Before I get in too deep let me ask... are you trying to sell?"

"No not at all."

"Your lawyer handle your money also?" She nodded her head. I sighed as I shook my head. "My dear sweet beautiful girlfriend. You never once questioned that maybe. Just maybe it was your lawyer taking money from you?" She frowned at me.

"No way."

"You guys over looked him because you consider him family but to honest you have to look at everyone."

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