Chapter 24

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It's been three days since Brandy left and all I could do is cry. I couldn't see myself going on anymore. I had changed the lock on the house so that no one could just invite themselves in anymore and I sloughed on the couch letting the t.v watch me. What was the use of living anymore if I couldn't have the one person that loved me for who I was. Tears sprang to my eyes. How the fuck did I go on after this? I look at my phone to find Recheal had called. She was the only one I let in the house. It use to be me and Evalyn that was so close but it seemed since Brandy came in my life she brung me and Recheal together. Our relationship was a lot stronger now. Right after she text me there was a knock on the door. She came to check on me everyday. Forcing myself up I go and open the door not saying anything just going back to my spot on the couch. She follows me and stands there and looks at me as she shakes her head. Something different day. I looked to find Yolanda was with her. This was the first since that day.

"When are you going back to work?" Recheal asked me and I rolled my eyes.

"I don't want to talk about work. What do you want?"

"You need to get out the house. It's been three days."

"No what I need to do is stay in the house. I never seem to do that. Part of the reason why she left me was because I didn't spend enough time with her." Tears sprang back to my eyes.

"Sis I hate seeing you like this. Did you even eat anything today?"

"Did you speak to her? Did she return any of your calls?" I asked. She sighed.


"What about you?" I asked Yolanda.

"I haven't spoken to her. I'm sorry." I just nod and look at the tv. I didn't need her pity looks. "Its not good to lay down like this all day Nancy." Yolanda said.

"Who cares. I mine as well be dead." My bottom lip began to quiver.

"Don't talk like that. Sit up." Recheal pulls me up and sits next to me.

"You're falling into depression Nancy..."

"I'm already there."

"The pictures doesn't help you any? Maybe if you see them they would help you get threw this."

"What pictures?" Me and Recheal asked at the same time.

"She didn't show you?" I shook my head. "I helped her decorate your room for you." I watch as she goes to my closest and pull out some large canvases. "She was going to put them up for you that night but you didn't come home and I guess it slipped her mind." She carried them to me. Tears sprang to my eyes once again as I look at the first picture. These were taken when we went on our first date. The tears fell down my face. The first picture showed us dancing. The way she held me. I bit down on my bottom lip trying to keep the tears at bay but failed. I slid my fingers along the pictures.

"These are nice." Recheal said as she looked at the pictures also.

"She had them laminated like this. She said when you finally told your mother about you two they would be able to permanently stay on the wall."

"Why didn't you saying anything about this?" Recheal asked Yolanda.

"I assumed she knew." I placed the pictures down and lay back down on the couch.

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