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It was finally homecoming and I was bittersweet about the whole thing. It was my last homecoming dance so I planned to go all out.

Jamal was supposed to be my date, but I decided on going with this guy name Jorge from my English class.

He wasn't really my type but it was nice to be asked for once so I took the offer.

Tito wasn't happy either. He knew nothing about this guy and made sure that if I was going anywhere with Jorge, my brother needed to meet him.

"Nati, you almost ready? Your friends are here." Tito yelled.

I came out of my room and my brother smiled.

"Shit, my lil sister is all grown up. It ain't even prom and I'm already getting emotional." He said.

"Well none of this would be possible without you so you have every right to be." I replied while giving him a hug.

"So wheres this lil asshole Jorge?" Tito asked as he opened the door.

"He should have been here by now. But its cool... I'll leave without his ass. I don't even like him" I said.

"That's what I'm talkin bout. You don't need no man to have a good time." My brother laughed.

Monse, Jamal an Ruby came inside as we waited for Cesar. Apparently my brother wanted to drive us.

We heard a knock on the door and Tito opened it. It was Cesar... Then Oscar.

"Compa! I'm surprised you dropped by." Tito said.

"Yeah, lil bro wanted a ride. Figured I'd drop by and say whats up" Oscar replied.

He looked over at me and his eyes widened. He then smirked at me.

I felt my face getting warm so I went to get some water.

"Forget the water. Its your last homecoming Nati, lets all take a shot." Tito said while grabbing the bottle of tequila.

He poured 6 shots and passed them around.

We all clinked glasses and took our shots.

"So Nati, where is Jorge?" Monse asked.

Oscar looked at me with an unpleasant face.

"I have no idea. And honestly, I don't care. I just want to have a fun night out. Fuck that" I replied.

"That lil travieso stood you up?" Oscar asked.

"Yeah. Don't care though. I got my friends and that's all I need. So let's go" I replied.

We all got in Tito's car and Oscar stood behind.

When we pulled up to the school, we said our goodbyes to Tito and headed inside.

The party was lit. Jamal got me a cup of fruit punch and we scoped the gym to see who was there.

"Is that Jorge?" Jamal asked.

"Hmm, yes that is. Part of me wants to talk to him but the other part of me doesn't care enough" I answered.

"Well, looks like you don't have much of a choice. He's on his way over right now" Jamal replied.

"Hey Nati. Look I'm sorry for ditching you. I just didn't have the guts to pull up to Santo territory. Plus I heard around campus that Spooky is your man." He said.

Jamal whipped his head in my direction and widened his eyes.

"I understand. My brother can intimidate people. But where did you hear about Spooky from? Hes not my man" i replied.

"Well a few people saw him call you and you got in his car. You know how rumors spread. Anyway I just hope you're not mad at me" he nervously said.

"You're good Jorge." I said.

"So you're not gonna put a green light on me?" He stuttered.

"No you idiot. I may be related to a Santo but that doesn't make me one. You're good." I said.

Jorge scurried away and I turned to Jamal.

His mouth was wide open.

"Spooky!?" He asked.

"Look. Its not like that. Just keep your mouth shut. He and I are cool because of my brother. Nothing more nothing less. Okay?" I said.

"But Spooky? Really?... OOOOOOO. Was that where you were at during the party? People were looking for both you and him... Please dont tell me you guys..." Jamal said.

"No Jamal. We did not do anything. We just smoked. Now shut up and keep this to yourself." I replied.

"NOO. You know I can't keep a secret" he yelled.

I rolled my eyes at him and sighed. He was right. He couldn't keep shit to himself. It was just a matter of time before Ruby and Monse found out.

"Can you just try please? Lets go enjoy the party. Maybe that will distract you" I said dragging him on to the dance floor.

For the rest of the night I forgot about everything stressing me and just let loose with my friends. 

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