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The next couple of days were annoying as hell. I had missed Oscar so much but I still hadn't decided what I wanted. I also moved back in with Tito and soccer season started so I was so busy on top of everything else. 

One day after a game, I was walking home and some green car rolled up on me.

"Yo where's your man at?" A voice yelled from the window. 

I lowered my music and looked at them.

"My man? Who the fuck is my man? And who's asking? I don't know you…" I said without a care in the world. 

"Spooky. Ain't that your man?  I heard hes back. And don't worry bout who's asking" the guy said.

I gave him a good look and realized it was a Prophet. 

"I don't know who the hell Spooky is. I'm just tryna go home and do my essay. I don't got time for questions from a stranger about some guy I don't even know" I lied.

The guy looked me up and down and sucked his teeth. 

"I see. Alright. Well have a goodnight" he said.

I shook my head and decided to take a detour and walk to Jamals instead of going straight home.

I had noticed the car started following me until I made it closer to Jamals area which was the semi-neutral zone. 

Once they left, I began freaking the fuck out. I quickly went to knock on Jamals door. 

"Nati! What are you doing here?" Jamal asked while letting me in.

"A Prophet pulled up on me asking about Spooky. I couldn't go straight home" I anxiously replied. 

"Holy hell! I knew this was going to happen. We need to tell your brother." Jamal said.

"You're right." I replied. 

I quickly grabbed my phone and called Tito.

"Nati? You good?" He said.

"Uhm. I'm at Jamal's. A Prophet pulled up on me and asked about Oscar." I nervously replied. 

"Shit. What did you say Nati?" He quickly asked.

"That I didn't know anyone called Spooky. That's why I didn't go straight home. I was afraid they'd follow me." I answered. 

"Good. Im going to pick you up now and call Spooky on the way. I'll see you in a few." He said before hanging up. 

Jamal kept me calm until Tito arrived.

"I'm outside" he texted.

"Thank you so much Jamal. See you tomorrow." I said as I gave him a hug.

I immediately rushed out and to my surprise, Oscar was in the passenger's seat. I almost wanted to go back inside. 

After taking a deep breath, I opened the back door and got inside.

"You okay nena?" Tito asked.

"Yeah I'm fine." I replied. 

Tito drove off and I couldn't help but look at  Oscar. It had been almost a week since I saw him and I missed him a lot.

"So Nati, I'm going to drop you home and I want you to lock the doors and stay in your room. Spooky and I need to figure out who's looking for him." Tito said as he made it to our block.

"Wait what? You guys are going to look for the guy? That's too dangerous. Im going with you" I replied.

"Nati, no… We need you to be safe" Tito said. 

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