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The next couple of weeks with Oscar were amazing. We were going out to dinner, taking long car rides to just talk, spending the night at each other's house and most importantly, helping each other out. It finally felt like an adult relationship. Something secure and solid.

I had thought about NYU and decided I was going. After multiple talks with Oscar, we both decided it was a good idea. We worked around some things, and it seemed pretty solid. Oscar was going to fly to NY with Cesar for Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years, I was coming to Cali for spring break, and all of the summer.

"Nati, are you ready? Kevin and Oscar are here." Tito yelled.

I took one last look in the mirror and grabbed my purse. Tonight was prom and Osar was allowing Kevin to be my prom date. As awkward as it was having them in the same room, I wasn't going to have this once in a lifetime experience without seeing Oscar before I left.

I stepped out of my room and Oscar and Kevins jaws dropped.

"Wow Nati. You look beautiful." Kevin stutterd.

Oscar walked up to me, reached for my hand and spun me around.

"You look gorgeous bebe." Oscar whispered.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Both of ya'll stop looking at my sister like that." Tito said as he walked up to me.

"Natalia, I wish pops was here to see this. He would be so proud of you." he said as he gave me a kiss on my forehead.

"Thank you so much hermano. I wouldn't have made it to this point without your support. I love you." I replied.

"I love you too hermana. Now let me take some pictures so that we can send you and Kevin on your way." Tito said.

I took a few pictures alone, with Kevin and with Oscar before heading off.

I was nervous about going to prom with Kevin but I knew that Oscar trusted me and that was enough to keep my mind on track.

Kevin and I were in the limo and he pulled out a flask.

"Want to take a shot?" he asked before taking a sip.

I nodded my head yes and he passed it to me. I took a big swig and passed it back.

When we pulled up to the country club where prom was being held, all I could think about was Oscar and how I wished it was him who was here with me.

Kevin reached for my hand and led me into the event.

He went to say hello to a group of friends, and then walked me over to our table. I rarely knew anyone in my senior class so I was nervous to be there but Kevin made sure he stayed by my side the whole night. We danced a bit and had a great time.

After prom was over Kevin invited me to an afterparty. As much as I wanted to go, I figured going home to spend the night with Oscar was more worth my while.

"Nah, I think I'll head home. I don't really talk to anyone anyway." I said.

"You have me" he said with a smile.

"That's sweet but honestly, I think it's better if you enjoy this party with your friends. If I go with you, you'd miss out on one of your last celebrations with your classmates. Plus, we're dorming in the same building, there will be plenty of other parties." I replied.

Kevin kissed my forehead and smiled.

"At least let me take you home." he said.

I nodded my head and he got in the limo with me and we headed straight home.

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