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For the rest of the day leading up to my date with Oscar, I cleaned up, chilled with Tito and finished all my homework. 

"So… Can I go to chill with Monse?" I asked.

"Monse? Yeah sure. Just dont be home too late" Tito replied.

"Okay. See you later" I said while grabbing my keys.

As soon as I left my house Oscar messaged me. 

Sp00ky : I'll meet you by Monse's 

I walked to her block and saw Oscars car. When I got inside, he kissed my cheek.

"You ready nena?” he asked

I nodded my head yes with a smile. 

“Where are we going?” I questioned.

“It’s a surprise” he replied with a smirk. 

Oscar started the car and drove off. It felt so weird being with him. I knew we had a sexual attraction to each other but today I was going to find out if we were compatible outside of that. 

“So nena, I gotta know something… when I was… away. Did you mess with any one else outside of Cesar?” he asked.

“Well I barely consider Cesar a person I messed around with. But there was one other guy who used to go to school with me. He moved to New York last year. Why do you ask?” I replied.

“I just wanted to know.” he said as he rested one of his hands on my thigh.

I wanted to ask him how many people he messed around with but I was afraid to find out. I knew that before Oscar got locked up, every girl wanted him. So I wouldn’t have been surprised if he slept with them all. 

“I know what you're thinking, Nati. Yeah I used to fuck around with a lot of girls in the past. But jail changes a person. I really just want one down ass mami. I’m over that fuck boy shit.” he said.

“Well that’s good to know.” I laughed. 

We had pulled up to a carnival that was over in the next town. My eyes widened at all the lights. It was beautiful and my first time visiting one. For as long as I could remember, I’ve always wanted to go to one. But Tito never took me when I was younger. And when I grew up I had totally forgotten that they existed.

“Wow. I’ve always wanted to go to a carnival” I said with a huge smile. 

“I know. I remembered you would ask Tito to take you to one. But he and I were too busy chasing girls and hanging out on the block.” Oscar responded. 

My heart melted. I couldn’t believe Oscar remembered those days. 

“You really remembered that? All those years I thought I annoyed you. You would always bugg me when I was around. I think you even made me cry once” I laughed. 

“Aww yeah. I remember that. You had just gotten your first pair of glasses and I called you Betty la fea.” he chuckled. 

“Exactly! I was so mad at you. I swore you hated me” I replied. 

“Na, I never hated you. I thought you were cute. I would just make fun of you so that no one knew that I liked you. I mean you were 10 and I was 14. How was it gonna look if I flirted with you.” He said. 

“Eww, now that you put it that way… you’re right. Lets just change the topic of conversation before I get creeped out at the age difference.” I replied. 

“How bout we go get a beer?” he said while grabbing my hand. 

I looked around and noticed that no one actually cared or noticed him. I finally felt at peace. It was nice to be able to be with Oscar and not worry about being judged. 

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