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The next day I woke up bright and early and grabbed my phone. Oscar still hadn't replied. 

My stomach knotted up again and I started to feel sick. This wasn't like Oscar at all.

I didn't want to be late to school, so I showered, got dressed and decided to walk to Oscar's to meet Cesar. 

As I approached the house, I noticed Oscar's car wasn't there. This was definitely not a good sign. 

Cesar came out looking concerned.

"Hey Nati, have you heard from my brother?" He asked.

"No. I was hoping you did." I nervously answered. 

"Fuck. What did you say to him?" Cesar aggressively asked.

I took a step back and looked at him in confusion. Cesar never spoke like that. He was beginning to sound like Oscar. 

"I didn't say shit to him Cesar. Chill out" I snapped back.

"Im sorry. Im sorry. Its just… Im worried. He just got back. I don't want to lose him now." Cesar replied. 

"We need to tell Tito" I said.

Cesar nodded his head and we walked back to my home. 

"Tito!" I yelled as I opened the door. 

"Yo what the fuck? Aren't you supposed to be on your way to school." He asked as he was leaving his room.

"Oscar is missing. He hasn't been home since yesterday and hes not answering anyone" I said.

"What you mean missing? What did you do?" Tito asked.

"Are you kidding me? I didn't do or say anything to him. The last thing I said was…" I started off.

As those words left my mouth, it occurred to me where he might be.

"You said what Nati?" Tito yelled, disrupting my thoughts. 

"Fuck. I think I know what happened. Our last talk was about how I got accepted to NYU and how I didn't wanna go." I replied.

"Yeah, that isn't gonna help us" Tito said.

"No, it does. I remembered telling him before hand, that I wanted him out of the gang and to come with me to New York. He mentioned taking out his boss. But I told him not to. After that he told me not to worry…" I replied. 

"Fucking idiot." Tito yelled.

"What?! Why? I didn't think he'd do anything about it." I snapped.

"No not you. Oscar. I knew hed do something stupid because of you. I just didn't think it would be this stupid. I gotta go. Just go to school and worry about your day" Tito replied as he walked past Cesar and I, and right out of the door.

I looked at Cesar and he looked away.

"Im sorry. I didn't expect this to happen. I would have never said anything to him if I knew this is how hed react." I softly said.

"Its whatever. Not your fault. Lets just go. Monse, Jamal and Ruby are probably waiting for us" he mumbled.

I let out a sigh and followed him out of the door. 

The whole walk to school was awkwardly silent. Once we finally got there we we straight to class and didn't speak to each other for the rest of the day.

Knowing that both Tito and Oscar were out there, made it difficult to concentrate. The whole day dragged.

As soon as class was over, I didn't bother to wait for anyone. I went straight home, hoping Tito would be back. 

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