{6} The Fight

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Charlotte's POV

I woke up the next morning disoriented and with an awful headache. I groaned. The last thing I remembered from the night before was paying the Uber driver. The second I returned to reality my heart dropped. Where was Will?

I felt like I was going to have a heart attack as I scanned my surroundings for my baby brother. Did he make it back? Did Lemon pick him up? 

At the thought of Lemon, some of yesterday's memories came flooding back to me. I had cried for the first time in months, but Lemon was there to comfort me. She didn't even judge. Lemon. Had she stayed the night?

The aroma of bacon suddenly wafted into my nose, making my mouth water. I slowly got out from under my covers and tiptoed to the kitchen. There were Lemon and Will. Will was standing next to the stove in complete awe as Lemon cooked bacon and eggs in a pan. Bacon? We hadn't had bacon in the house for years.  

Hearing my footsteps, Lemon turned to me and smiled.

"I figured I would go grocery shopping before you woke up," she explained.

"What time is it?" I said deliriously, rubbing my eyes.


Shit, I slept in. I quickly grabbed my keys from the counter and turned to leave.

"Where are you going?" Lemon asked, disappointment seeping into her voice.

"I have to get to Jackson's house by noon for tutoring," I answered. "I missed his session yesterday."

"I made you breakfast," she stated sadly.

"Thank you so much," I said with genuine gratefulness. "For everything. But you should probably leave now."

"Why?" Lemon pouted, smiling. "Who's going to take care of Will while you're gone?"

"A babysitter is coming in a few minutes," I said hastily as I did a quick once-over in the mirror. I looked terrible.

"Why pay for a babysitter when I can do it for free?" Lemon asked, laughing.

For a reason I couldn't quite place, Lemon was getting on my nerves. But why? She had wasted a whole day of her life helping me when she didn't have to. And now she was even giving Will his dream breakfast. So why was I so upset? 

Lemon must have interpreted my expression as worry, because she quickly made her way over to me.

"I was thinking about what you said about the surgery, and I have a solution," she declared with excitement in her eyes. "My parents can probably pitch in at least a thousand dollars, and if we need more we could make a foundation to help support you and your family."

Now I understood why I was so angry. She didn't think I could handle this myself, that I was too unstable or incapable of keeping my family safe. And now she was going to create a foundation to support me? What would everybody at our school think? What would they say? 

"That's not necessary," I said, resentment seeping into my voice. "I think I can handle this myself."

"But yesterday you seemed so helpless! You don't have to go through this alone," she said, her voice laden with sympathy.

If there was one thing I hated more than anything, it was pity. I had seen it in the doctor's face as he gave my mom's diagnosis, I had seen it in my uncle's eyes after he'd heard the news and come rushing home, and now I saw it in Lemon's eyes. I wanted to throw up.

"Are you okay Charlotte?" Lemon said, suddenly concerned as she placed her hand on my bad shoulder. I jerked away. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry Charlotte," she apologized as I stumbled backwards.

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