{29} Reminiscing

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Lemon's POV (1 year ago)

Jackson, Cathy, and I sat around the table, watching in apprehension as the Times Square Ball prepared to drop. 

"5...4...3...2...1!" we all chanted in unison. As the ball fell, signalling the start of a new year, I saw Jackson and Cathy take part in the most dramatic make out session ever. 

"You know it's still 9pm, right? New York is 3 hours ahead," I said, my tone slightly irritated. I admit, I was a little bit jealous with my girlfriend living across the country over 2,000 miles away.

"Cheer up, Lemon," Cathy replied happily. "You'll have a pair of lady lips to smooch by next year."

"Ew Cathy, why do you have to be so gross?" I complained.

"I wasn't being gross!" she protested, turning to Jackson who pretended not to notice in the hopes of not getting involved.

"I'm bored, let's go somewhere!" Jackson suggested suddenly, his eyes flashing with excitement. "There's a nice park right by my house where we can watch the fireworks."

Cathy and I both agreed to go, our argument from before completely forgotten. As we put on our coats and shoes, my mind wandered back to Charlotte. Holidays always sucked when you were single, and I think I qualified as single at this point.

Cathy noticed my expression, pulling me into a warm hug. "I'm sorry Lemon. You're such an amazing person and deserve the world."

"Thanks," I replied, attempting a smile. I was going to have fun today. I was officially done with feeling bad for myself.

According to Jackson, "right by my house" meant an excruciating 30 minute walk to the park.

"Why are all the rich neighborhoods hilly as hell?" Cathy groaned as she spoke.

"You're a freakin' lacrosse player," Jackson shot back, jogging ahead and turning back to stick his tongue out at us. This type of banter was very frequent among these two. "Besides, Lemon doesn't seem to be having any trouble."

"She's literally dying," Cathy observed as she looked at me. "No offense Lemon."

"None taken," I panted as we reached the top of the third hill. "How far is this place? I'm totally fine watching from here."

"Me too!" Cathy agreed, sitting down on the grass with her arms crossed.

We both giggled as Jackson rolled his eyes. "Fine, but we'll probably be arrested for trespassing on private property."

"I don't mind," I said, smiling contentedly and joining Cathy on the grass.

As the three of us sat there together waiting for the fireworks to begin, I felt surprisingly happy. I figured Cathy and Jackson were enjoying themselves as well. They really loved their PDA.

Gazing up at the stars, I decided it was finally time to move on. Cathy was right, there were other girls out there. But none like her, I thought to myself. There was nobody as special as her. Despite my constant efforts to forget Charlotte, I couldn't help but wonder what the girl of my dreams was doing so many miles away.

Charlotte's POV ( 1 year ago)

I stared out the window as my father drove home, awaiting the inevitable.

"You've got to be kidding me," my dad muttered in disbelief. "A DUI on New Year's Eve? The hell is wrong with you?"

"A lot of things," I mumbled. This was truly an inconvenience. I would probably have my license suspended for a very long time for both underage drinking and driving drunk, but I felt strangely calm at the moment.

"How are you not more guilty?" my father demanded. "This is so unlike you!"

"You wouldn't know," I said quietly.

"What?" my dad exclaimed, growing angrier and angrier.

"I said, you wouldn't know," I repeated myself. "Given that you weren't a part of my life for so many years."

"But I am your father!" he asserted. "And you need to listen to me because you're grounded!"

"Great," I replied, laughing bitterly. "Maybe you can put me in time out too."

"I just don't get it," he continued. "You're on track to getting a major scholarship for softball. For so many other people, this is a dream come true! Why mess it all up now?"

"I don't know," I said finally. And it was true, I had no idea why I was acting this way. My mother had now been dead for 2 months. There was no explanation to why I was behaving like this all of a sudden.

My father's expression softened. "Look, I'm sorry you're hurting Charlotte. We all are. But we both need to be strong, for your future and for Will."

I nodded silently. I would do anything for Will.

"Look, we'll probably be fined and your license will be revoked, but you can recover from this. I know you can," he insisted.

I sighed quietly to myself. I really wanted to believe him.

Laying on my bed and staring up at the ceiling of our too fancy home, I longed to talk to Lemon Hatfield. But my phone remained untouched beside me. We needed to move on. It was the best thing for both of us.

My phone suddenly buzzed and I picked it up excitedly, thinking for some reason that it was Lemon. Instead, it was an unknown number.

"Hello?" I said after answering.

"Hello Charlotte, this is Sally Woods, the head coach of Columbia's softball team."

Who calls on New Year's Eve? And how did she get my number?

"I saw some of your stats online, and I have to admit I'm very impressed. Are you by any chance interested in attending Columbia University?"

"I-I'm not sure," I stuttered. I was completely aware of what a great school Columbia was, but I never imagined they would want to recruit me.

"That is fine, you have a lot of time to make a decision," she assured me. "We can keep in touch, and I'm excited to see how you do next season."

"Thanks," was all I could get out. I could feel my heart beat loudly in my chest.

"Also, sorry about calling you on New Year's Eve. I'm very determined when it comes to athletes as talented as yourself."

She hung up, leaving me in complete shock. For the first time in weeks, I felt myself smile. Maybe there was hope for a better future. I vowed from then on to never diverge my focus from sports and academics. I had a chance, and there was no way in hell I was going to mess it up.

Lemon's POV (Present Day)

Charlotte and I sat together on her couch, watching the TV excitedly as we ate a box of Birthday Cake Oreos.

"You were right," she said, smiling. "This is so much better than watching the Ball Drop live."

I grinned back at her. I was so glad that I'd gotten back to New York before New Year's Eve. There was nobody else I'd rather want to celebrate it with.

"5...4...3...2...1," we counted down together. As the ball dropped, Charlotte pulled me in for a kiss. I felt her smile against my lips, making me smile too. 

"I'm so glad you're mine," she whispered. "I love you, Lemon."

"I love you more," I said softly.

"I love you the most," Charlotte stated finally, causing me to roll my eyes as she giggled.

As we continued to eat our Oreos together, I realized Cathy was right. I did find a girl before New Year's Eve. It had always been Charlotte and would always be her. We were destined for each other. It was written in the stars.

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