{7} Obsessed

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Lemon's POV

For a while we waited in silence, wanting that perfect moment to last forever. As I stood there next to Charlotte, still breathless from our kiss, I fought the urge to do a little victory dance. I had kissed Charlotte Black.

Of course the moment didn't last for long. A bell interrupted our brief period of bliss as a middle-aged man with a dark beard entered the McDonald's, making both of us jump back in surprise.

"Oh, hi," Charlotte said breathlessly, trying to maintain her composure. "Welcome to McDonald's. I'm sorry to break it to you sir, but we're closed for the night."

I held in a giggle as the man looked in disbelief from me to Charlotte, then to me again. He clearly didn't believe her.

"Stupid teenagers," he muttered under his breath as he stormed out of the empty restaurant. The second he closed the door, we burst out laughing.

"That guy really wanted his cheeseburger," I said through laughter.

"For sure," Charlotte giggled. "But I'm not lying, we are actually closed though."

"I thought all McDonald's were 24/7," I inquired.

"Not this one, apparently. That's why I'm the only one here. I'm closing tonight," she stated proudly before giving me a mischievous grin. "But I do allow for a few rare exceptions."

We sat at a booth table together, sharing a strawberry milkshake. It brought me back to the days when my parents and I would go to McDonald's together in celebration of my infrequent accomplishments. I recalled when I'd won a big writing contest in the 5th grade. All I could remember was how good those fries had tasted afterwards.

"This is literally the best thing I've ever had," I blurted through a mouthful of whipped cream.

"I know," Charlotte agreed. "You should come to McDonald's more often. Maybe I can surprise you with another salad."

"Stop!" I protested, kicking her under the table. "I don't even know what I was thinking. I wanted to get a Big Mac."

"I know exactly what you were thinking," Charlotte replied teasingly. "You thought you could impress me with your super healthy eating habits. But little did you know, I like a girl with a big appetite," she said winking. I felt the color rising in my cheeks again.

"I must have looked so stupid," I groaned, putting my face in my hands.

"I thought you were cute," she insisted, grinning. "Still do."

"Ugh stop."

"Stop what?" Charlotte asked innocently.

"Stop being so nice to me. It's just... I really don't deserve it," I said finally, looking down at the table.

"Why's that?" Charlotte asked, a look of surprise crossing her face.

"I'm not cool at all," I replied. "I'm not the type of person that should end up with a girl like you. You just seem too good to be true. Like what am I compared to Jackson Matthews?"

Charlotte reached across the table to take my hand. "You're everything," she said seriously, looking directly into my eyes. Then she laughed suddenly. "At least you know the difference between their and they're."

I smiled at her. "I guess I do."


Since that eventful night at the McDonald's, I couldn't stop smiling. Despite being grounded, I felt like I was on top of the world. Of course I wouldn't be able to stay out past 3:00 pm, but in the hindsight of things, I really didn't care. 

Out of My LeagueOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora